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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Презентацию подготовила
Содержание слайда: Презентацию подготовила учитель информатики и английского языка Османова Марина Экрамовна МКОУ Черчетская СОШ

№2 слайд
Australia is situated south
Содержание слайда: Australia is situated south of Asia, between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. Australia is a continent, a country and an island at the same time. Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. Australia is situated south of Asia, between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. Australia is a continent, a country and an island at the same time. Australia is located in the southern hemisphere.

№3 слайд
Australian Culture Australia
Содержание слайда: Australian Culture Australia is very much a multi-cultural nation, having enjoyed waves of immigration starting with the Australian Aboriginals 40,000 years ago, followed by the English 200 years ago.

№4 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№5 слайд
The framework of Australia s
Содержание слайда: The framework of Australia's laws Within the framework of Australia's laws, all Australians have the right to express their culture and beliefs and to participate freely in Australia's national life. Everyone is expected to uphold the principles and shared values that support Australia's way of life. These include: respect for equal worth, dignity and freedom of the individual freedom of speech and association freedom of religion and a secular government support for parliamentary democracy and the rule of law equality under the law equality of men and women equality of opportunity peacefulness a spirit of egalitarianism that embraces tolerance, mutual respect, and compassion for those in need.

№6 слайд
Language All people in
Содержание слайда: Language  All people in Australia are encouraged to learn English, which is the national language and an important unifying element of Australian society. However, languages other than English are also valued. 

№7 слайд
Sydney Opera House is a
Содержание слайда: Sydney Opera House  is a visiting-card of Australia

№8 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№9 слайд
Содержание слайда: FLINDERS RANGES NATIONAL PARK Forming part of a mountain chain which extends for 430 km,   the Flinders Ranges consists of spectacular peaks and valleys,  providing a unique contrast between the dry,  stony land and the richly lined rock-faces of native gums and wattles.   The best known feature of the Flinders Ranges is the Wilpena Pound,  an immense,  elevated basin covering about 50 square km and encircled by sheer cliffs.

№10 слайд
A sporting culture In
Содержание слайда: A sporting culture In Australia the most popular types of sport are tennis(about300 thousand persons), track-and-field(about 200  thousand persons), surfing and  football. Not so a long ago the winters ports, a lion's share of that is on a  mountain-skiing began actively  to develop. The Sydney 2000 Summer Olympic Games or the Millennium Games/Games of the New Millennium-It was the second time that the Summer Olympics were held in the Southern Hemisphere

№11 слайд
The education system
Содержание слайда: The education system

№12 слайд
Primary School Primary
Содержание слайда: Primary School Primary education of Australia is seven years of preliminary courses, where children commence their education at the age of 5 years (Year-1) and will be completing at the age of 12 (Year-7). This level of education provides general education for the students and gets them ready for a role in society and for the next level of education. Primary School Primary education of Australia is seven years of preliminary courses, where children commence their education at the age of 5 years (Year-1) and will be completing at the age of 12 (Year-7). This level of education provides general education for the students and gets them ready for a role in society and for the next level of education. Secondary School Students move to secondary school (Year-8) at the age of 12 and it is mandatory to complete their two years of ‘junior high school’ till the Year-10, after which they have the option to discontinue their education or can pursue their further course of study. Students have to accomplish another 2 years of ‘high school diploma’ (Year-12). Students leaving their school after ‘junior high school’ can also go for vocational education course or for apprenticeship training to enter the work force. Tertiary School After completing final year (Year-12) of secondary school, students head for their higher (Tertiary) education that awards degree for Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral studies. Mostly students from overseas come for education at this level. Tertiary education in Australia is within the purview of the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF), which aspires to integrate both vocational and higher education into a solitary classification of tertiary education.

№13 слайд
Содержание слайда: M A R K S

№14 слайд
The university
Содержание слайда: The university

№15 слайд
The below diagram shows the
Содержание слайда: The below diagram shows the different study options that students have after completing different levels of education

№16 слайд
The resources of internet
Содержание слайда: The resources of internet:

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