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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Birthdays celebrations around
Содержание слайда: Birthdays celebrations around the world! Find out how people in different countries celebrate birthdays

№2 слайд
United Kingdom We live in the
Содержание слайда: United Kingdom We live in the United Kingdom. In our country, people often celebrate birthdays with a birthday cake, presents and a party.

№3 слайд
Mexico Mexico is a country in
Содержание слайда: Mexico Mexico is a country in South America. At birthday parties in Mexico there is usually a pinata, filled with sweets, coins and candles. Children are blindfolded and try to hit the pinata to get the goodies out!

№4 слайд
Denmark Denmark is a country
Содержание слайда: Denmark Denmark is a country in Europe. When it is someone’s birthday in Denmark, a flag is flown from a window of the house. Presents are put around a child’s bed while they are asleep.

№5 слайд
Israel Israel is a country in
Содержание слайда: Israel Israel is a country in Asia When it is a child’s birthday, they wear a crown made of leaves or flowers. Guests dance and sing around the chair and the parents lift the chair up.

№6 слайд
India India is a country in
Содержание слайда: India India is a country in Asia On a child’s birthday, they get up early and wear brand new clothes. At school, the birthday child wears bright colours and shares chocolates with the whole class.

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