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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
St. Patrick s Day History and
Содержание слайда: St. Patrick’s Day History and Traditions

№2 слайд
Who was St. Patrick? St.
Содержание слайда: Who was St. Patrick? St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. He converted many Irish to Christianity in the fifth century. St. Patrick incorporated traditional Celtic symbols, like the bonfire and the sun, into his Christian teachings. St. Patrick died on March 17, circa 462. St. Patrick’s Day is the saint’s feast day and has evolved from a religious holiday to a worldwide celebration.

№3 слайд
St. Patrick s Day Traditions
Содержание слайда: St. Patrick’s Day Traditions Christians attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon, although pubs in Ireland were closed on March 17 by law until 1995. The rules of Lent are waived and revelers traditionally eat Irish bacon and cabbage. The first St. Patty’s Day parade occurred when Irish soldiers in the British army marched through New York City on March 17, 1762. The Chicago River has been dyed green every year since 1962.

№4 слайд
St. Patrick s Day Symbols
Содержание слайда: St. Patrick’s Day Symbols

№5 слайд
St. Patrick s Day Symbols
Содержание слайда: St. Patrick’s Day Symbols

№6 слайд
Irish Names There are million
Содержание слайда: Irish Names There are 34 million U.S. residents who claim Irish ancestry, second only to German. Some Irish names: Corey – Gaelic for “ravine” Douglas – from the Gaelic name Dubhghlas (“dark river or blood river”) Brent – derived from an English place name which meant “hill” in Celtic Bryan – possibly related to the Old Celtic element bre meaning “hill; high, noble” Kevin – from Old Irish coem (“kind, gentle, handsome”) and gein (“birth”)

№7 слайд
Instructions Print out the
Содержание слайда: Instructions Print out the slides and cut out on the dotted lines. Also cut out the title on each slide. Arrange the facts however you would like on your bulletin board. Include background information about various Irish names of residents on your floor. Historical information from www.historychannel.com; Name information from www.behindthename.com Images collected from various sources.

№8 слайд
Bulletin Board submitted by
Содержание слайда: Bulletin Board submitted by: Mike Hillman, Resident Assistant Elizabethtown College

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