Презентация Fiber. Iron. Calcium онлайн

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Fiber. Iron.Calcium.
Содержание слайда: Fiber. Iron.Calcium.

№2 слайд
Fiber -fiber is a resistant
Содержание слайда: Fiber: -fiber is a resistant to enzymes of the human digestive system vegetable fibers. The basic physical properties of fiber is its elasticity and strength. The benefits of eating fiber: Fiber normalizes the blood sugar level Normalizes digestion Fight with cholesterol Struggling with cancer Removes the "extra weight" Fights many diseases

№3 слайд
Foods with a high fiber
Содержание слайда: Foods with a high fiber content: Fruit Vegetables Nuts Dried fruits Cereals etc.

№4 слайд
Iron -one of the main
Содержание слайда: Iron: -one of the main chemicals that is responsible for the normal functioning of the body. This trace mineral is part of hemoglobin, which enters into the tissues of the oxygen and removes them from the carbon.Iron is essential for making thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism. Functions of iron: supports the immune system; strengthens bone tissue; supports the work of the pancreas; normalizes blood circulation; increases physical activity;

№5 слайд
Foods with a high iron
Содержание слайда: Foods with a high iron content: Seafood Meat Briar Mushrooms Apples Nuts etc.

№6 слайд
Calcium -important mineral
Содержание слайда: Calcium: -important mineral that is part of the diet in large quantities. However, he must be present in correct proportions. Benefits of calcium for the human body? Calcium is a mineral needed to build and maintain strong bones and teeth, which also helps a number of other processes in the body, such as Blood clotting; The contraction of the muscles; Enzyme output; Secretion of hormones; The correct functioning of the nervous system and so on.

№7 слайд
Foods with a high calcium
Содержание слайда: Foods with a high calcium content: Meat Fish Eggs Cereal Fruit Vegetables Berries Greens etc

№8 слайд
Thank you for your attention
Содержание слайда: Thank you for your attention:

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