Презентация 6. Java basic I/O 2. Files онлайн

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
. Basic I O . Files
Содержание слайда: 6. Basic I/O 2. Files

№2 слайд
Write to a Text File Example
Содержание слайда: Write to a Text File Example import java.io.*; public void Write(String fileId){ PrintStream outF = null; try{ outF = new PrintStream(fileId); outF.println(”This is a test record”); } catch(IOException e){…processing code } finally{ if (outF != null) outF.close(); } }

№3 слайд
Home Exercise Create Deposit
Содержание слайда: Home Exercise: Create Deposit Report Modify 512SortDepo project to get deposit report in a text file.

№4 слайд
Read from a Text File Example
Содержание слайда: Read from a Text File Example public void Read(String fileId){ BufferedReader inF = null; try{ inF = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileId)); while (txt = inF.readLine() != null){ // code for processing txt } } catch(IOException e) { … processing code } finally{ if (inF != null) inF.close(); } }

№5 слайд
Random Access Files Random
Содержание слайда: Random Access Files Random access files permit nonsequential, or random, access to a file's contents To access a file randomly, you: open the file seek a particular location read from or write to that file

№6 слайд
Random Access File Example
Содержание слайда: Random Access File Example File f = new File("test.txt"); FileChannel fc = (FileChannel.open(f, READ, WRITE)); fc.position(10); ByteBuffer copy = ByteBuffer.allocate(12); do { nread = fc.read(copy); // processing copy } while (nread != -1 && copy.hasRemaining()); fc.close();

№7 слайд
What Is a Path? Java A file
Содержание слайда: What Is a Path? Java 7 A file is identified by its path through the file system, beginning from the root node The Path class is a programmatic representation of a path in the file system A Path object contains the file name and directory list used to construct the path

№8 слайд
Relative and Absolute Path A
Содержание слайда: Relative and Absolute Path A path is either relative or absolute. The latter contains the root element. A relative path needs to be combined with another path in order to access a file. The character used to separate the directory names (also called the delimiter) is specific to the file system It is used to examine, locate, and manipulate files

№9 слайд
Creating a Path A Path
Содержание слайда: Creating a Path A Path instance contains the information used to specify the location of a file or directory A root element or a file name might be included, but neither are required Path p1 = Paths.get("/tmp/foo"); Path p2 = Paths.get(args[0]); Path p3 = Paths.get(URI.create("file:///Users/joe/FileTest.java"));

№10 слайд
Path Operations Retrieving
Содержание слайда: Path Operations Retrieving Information About a Path Converting a Path Joining Two Paths Creating a Path Between Two Paths Comparing Two Paths

№11 слайд
The File Class The Files
Содержание слайда: The File Class The Files class is the other primary entrypoint of the java.nio.file package You can get some functionality of Path class from the File class in pre-JDK7.

№12 слайд
Some File Operations
Содержание слайда: Some File Operations Verifying the Existence of a File or Directory (exists, notExists) Checking File Accessibility (isReadable, isWritable, isExecutable) Copying / Moving a File or Directory (copy, move) Creating and Reading Directories (createDirectory, newDirectoryStream)

№13 слайд
Manuals http docs.oracle.com
Содержание слайда: Manuals http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/io/index.html

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