Презентация ASP. NET MVC 5. Part 1. Overview. Controllers. Views онлайн

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№2 слайд
Agenda ASP.NET Architecture
Содержание слайда: Agenda ASP.NET Architecture ASP.NET MVC 3, 4, 5 Controllers Views

№3 слайд
MVC Pattern
Содержание слайда: MVC Pattern

№4 слайд
ASP.NET Architecture
Содержание слайда: ASP.NET Architecture

№5 слайд
Lifecycle of an ASP.NET MVC
Содержание слайда: Lifecycle of an ASP.NET MVC 5 Application

№6 слайд
Benefits of ASP.NET MVC
Содержание слайда: Benefits of ASP.NET MVC Higher quality requirements Test Driven Development Cross platforms support Windows, PDA, IPhone, … HTML code control Clear ULR navigation http://musica.ua/groups/metallica Maintainable code and command work

№7 слайд
What s new in ASP.NET MVC
Содержание слайда: What’s new in ASP.NET MVC 3 Extensible Scaffolding with MvcScaffold integration HTML 5 enabled project templates The Razor View Engine Support for Multiple View Engines Controller Improvements JavaScript and Ajax Model Validation Improvements Dependency Injection Improvements

№8 слайд
What s new in ASP.NET MVC
Содержание слайда: What’s new in ASP.NET MVC 4 ASP.NET Web API Enhancements to Default Project Templates Mobile Project Template and Empty Project Template jQuery Mobile, the View Switcher, and Browser Overriding Task Support for Asynchronous Controllers Azure SDK Database Migrations Add Controller to any project folder Bundling and Minification Enabling Logins from Facebook and Other Sites Using OAuth and OpenID

№9 слайд
What s new in ASP.NET MVC One
Содержание слайда: What’s new in ASP.NET MVC 5 One ASP.NET project template ASP.NET Identity Bootstrap Authentication filters Filter overrides Attribute routing

№10 слайд
What s new in ASP.NET MVC .
Содержание слайда: What’s new in ASP.NET MVC 5.1 & 5.2 New Features in ASP.NET MVC 5.1 Attribute routing improvements Bootstrap support for editor templates Enum support in views Unobtrusive validation for MinLength/MaxLength Attributes Supporting the ‘this’ context in Unobtrusive Ajax New Features in ASP.NET MVC 5.2 Attribute routing improvements

№11 слайд
Create ASP.NET MVC Application
Содержание слайда: Create ASP.NET MVC 5 Application

№12 слайд
Adding a Controller
Содержание слайда: Adding a Controller

№13 слайд
Our New HelloWorldController
Содержание слайда: Our New HelloWorldController

№14 слайд
The App Start RouteConfig.cs
Содержание слайда: The App_Start/RouteConfig.cs File

№15 слайд
Welcome Method with Parameters
Содержание слайда: Welcome Method with Parameters

№16 слайд
Matching the Route Parameter
Содержание слайда: Matching the Route Parameter

№17 слайд
Passing Parameters As Route
Содержание слайда: Passing Parameters As Route Data In ASP.NET MVC applications, it's more typical to pass in parameters as route data than passing them as query strings

№18 слайд
URL Route Mapping Features
Содержание слайда: URL Route Mapping Features You can include "-", ".", ";" or any other characters you want as part of your route rules This would pass appropriate "language", "locale", and "category" parameters to a ProductsController: {language}-{locale}/products/browse/{category} /en-us/products/browse/food language=en, locale=us, category=food You can use the "." file extension type at the end of a URL to determine whether to render back the result in either a XML or HTML format products/browse/{category}.{format} /products/browse/food.xml category=food, format=xml /products/browse/food.html category=food, format=html

№19 слайд
Adding a View
Содержание слайда: Adding a View

№20 слайд
The View
Содержание слайда: The View

№21 слайд
Layout Page
Содержание слайда: Layout Page

№22 слайд
Layout Page The layout has
Содержание слайда: Layout Page The layout has access to the same properties the Razor view has, including: AjaxHelper (through the Ajax property) HtmlHelper (through the Html property) ViewData and model UrlHelper (through the Url property) TempData and ViewContext To specify a layout inside a view, we can specify the layout to use with the Layout property:

№23 слайд
Razor View Engine an
Содержание слайда: Razor View Engine an alternative to the Web Forms view engine is responsible for rendering views in the Razor format (either .cshtml files or .vbhtml files) The Web Form view engine is used to support the older-format Web Form views (.aspx and .ascx files)

№24 слайд
The Fundamentals of the Razor
Содержание слайда: The Fundamentals of the Razor Syntax ‘@’ is the magic character that precedes code instructions in the following contexts ‘@’ For a single code line/values ‘@{ … }’ For code blocks with multiple lines ‘@:’ For single plain text to be rendered in the page

№25 слайд
The Fundamentals of the Razor
Содержание слайда: The Fundamentals of the Razor Syntax HTML markup lines can be included at any part of the code: Razor uses code syntax to infer indent:

№26 слайд
Passing Data to the View
Содержание слайда: Passing Data to the View There are three different ways to pass data to a view: by using the ViewDataDictionary, by using the ViewBag, by using strongly typed views.

№27 слайд
ViewDataDictionary It isn t
Содержание слайда: ViewDataDictionary It isn’t recommended to use ViewDataDictionary You have to perform type casts whenever you want to retrieve something from the dictionary.

№28 слайд
ViewBag It isn t recommended
Содержание слайда: ViewBag It isn’t recommended to use ViewBag The ViewBag provides a way to pass data from the controller to the view It makes use of the dynamic language features of C# 4 Set properties on the dynamic ViewBag property within your controller: A ViewBag property is also available in the view:

№29 слайд
Strongly Typed Views Views
Содержание слайда: Strongly Typed Views Views can inherit from two types by default: System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage or System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage<T> Class WebViewPage<T> provides a strongly typed wrapper over ViewData.Model through the Model property and provides access to strongly typed versions of the associated view helper objects - AjaxHelper and HtmlHelper

№30 слайд
Adding a Model
Содержание слайда: Adding a Model

№31 слайд
Passing Model to the View By
Содержание слайда: Passing Model to the View By specifying the model type using the @model keyword, view will inherit from WebViewPage<T> instead of WebViewPage, and we will have a strongly typed view

№32 слайд
Partials are intended to
Содержание слайда: Partials are intended to render snippets of content If you find yourself copying and pasting one snippet of HTML from one view to the next, that snippet is a great candidate for a partial To render a partial we can use the RenderPartial method or the Partial method in a parent view

№33 слайд
Partial Views The partial
Содержание слайда: Partial Views The partial name is used to locate the partial markup in the locations: <Area>\<Controller>\<PartialName>.cshtml <Area>\Shared\<PartialName>.cshtml \<Controller>\<PartialName>.cshtml \Shared\<PartialName>.cshtml In order to prevent accidentally using a partial view from an action, we prefix the view name with an underscore Html.RenderPartial(...) renders the partial immediately to the response stream Html.Partial(...) returns a string In Razor, Html.RenderPartial must be in a code block

№34 слайд
Questions ?
Содержание слайда: Questions ?

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