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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
PUPPET configuration
Содержание слайда: PUPPET – configuration management tool

№2 слайд
Содержание слайда: CONTENT

№3 слайд
Содержание слайда: PART I GETTING STARTED

№4 слайд
Typical Sysadmin Job
Содержание слайда: Typical Sysadmin Job

№5 слайд
Содержание слайда: WHO HELPS US

№6 слайд
What is PUPPET ?
Содержание слайда: What is PUPPET ? configuration management tool open source Ruby-based system relying upon client-server model used to manage throughout lifecycle IT systems:

№7 слайд
Содержание слайда: PUPPET’S BENEFITS Large developer base Optimized and easier configuration language Better documentation Abstracted from underlying OS (more platform support) Easily scalable and customizable Large installed base (Google, Siemens, Red Hat, Cisco)

№8 слайд
Содержание слайда: PART II PUPPET INSIDE

№9 слайд
Puppet MODEL
Содержание слайда: Puppet MODEL

№10 слайд
Содержание слайда: PUPPET DEPLOYMENT MODEL Master - store & compile configs Agent - pull configuration from master

№11 слайд
Содержание слайда: PUPPET DEPLOYMENT MODEL (comparison) + better security + advanced management + authorization + centralized execution - huge load on server - single point of failure

№12 слайд
Architecture of Puppet
Содержание слайда: Architecture of Puppet compile on server

№13 слайд
Main components of Puppet
Содержание слайда: Main components of Puppet system Server daemon: puppet master ( uses WEBrick web server) run as puppet user can force client to pull new configs – puppet kick Client daemon: puppet agent run as root (pulling server every 30min defaults or from cron) Both have configuration file => puppet.conf

№14 слайд
Main components of Puppet
Содержание слайда: Main components of Puppet system (continued) Puppet’s Certificate Authority: puppet ca, cert SSL certificates Provider apply packages management on hosts Facter gathers basic information about node’s hardware and operation system

№15 слайд
Elements of Puppet system
Содержание слайда: Elements of Puppet system Manifests (code on puppet/ruby language) on server => *.pp use some programming methods: variables, conditional statements, functions Resources (types) is a particular element that Puppet knows how to configure Classes and defines basic named collection of resources Providers specific implementation of a given resource type Templates apply code and variable substitution Modules collection of manifests, files, plugins, classes, templates and so on Nodes – machines being configured, identified generally by its hostname Files, facters, libs, functions and so on

№16 слайд
Elements of Puppet system
Содержание слайда: Elements of Puppet system

№17 слайд
Puppet Infrastructure
Содержание слайда: Puppet Infrastructure

№18 слайд

№19 слайд
Procedure of deployment Setup
Содержание слайда: Procedure of deployment Setup (master and clients) Set up configuration files Deploy certificates Write and deploy manifest and describe nodes

№20 слайд
Installation of Puppet Most
Содержание слайда: Installation of Puppet Most platforms will use the default package manager to install Puppet or from source Prerequisites: ruby, ruby-libs, facter

№21 слайд
Sample Puppet config file Can
Содержание слайда: Sample Puppet config file Can be configured via CLI or configuration file [main] vardir = /var/lib/puppet logdir = /var/log/puppet ssldir = $vardir/ssl moduledir = /var/lib/modules [agent] server = <ip or dns name> localconfig = $vardir/localconfig report = true [master] reports = http autosign = /etc/puppet/autosign.conf

№22 слайд
Setup Certificate Multiple
Содержание слайда: Setup Certificate Multiple ways to resolve this Setup puppetmaster to automatically sign certificates Setup puppetmaster to pre-sign certificates Perform manual certificate signing each time

№23 слайд
Auto Certificate signing
Содержание слайда: Auto Certificate signing Setup automatic certificate signing you must specify so in the /etc/puppet/autosign.conf file: *.sample.domain.com server1.sample.domain.com + will automatically sign certs – security risk, not good to automate the certificate signing mechanism

№24 слайд
Pre-signing certificates
Содержание слайда: Pre-signing certificates Generate a pre-signed certificate for clients: puppet cert --generate client1.example.com Transfer the private key, the client certificate, the CA certificate to the new client: /etc/puppet/ssl/private_keys/client.pem /etc/puppet/ssl/certs/client.pem /etc/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem + better controlled security – have to provide transferring

№25 слайд
Manual certificate signing
Содержание слайда: Manual certificate signing Doesn’t require the autosign.conf file List of the waiting requests on the puppetmaster by using: # puppet cert --list server1.sample.domain.com server2.sample.domain.com to sign a specific request run the following: # puppet cert --sign server1.sample.domain.com + most secure way to sign certificates – can get cumbersome when scaling your puppet installation

№26 слайд
Create manifest and Describe
Содержание слайда: Create manifest and Describe Node Create main manifest in /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp Node definitions can be defined: configuration block matching a client in manifest outside of puppet - LDAP, external script node default { include <module>….} node “www.domain.com” { …} node /^www\.\w+\.com/ { … } # can use regular expression

№27 слайд
Create manifest and Describe
Содержание слайда: Create manifest and Describe Node (continue) node default { user {"testpup": ensure => present, shell => "/sbin/nologin", home => "/nonexistent", password => "test", } }

№28 слайд

№29 слайд
Содержание слайда: WORKSHOP (LIVE EXAMPLE) TASK WHAT WE HAVE WHAT FEATURES WE USE => modules, classes, class-definitions, templates RESULT ??????

№30 слайд
How to organize manifests
Содержание слайда: How to organize manifests

№31 слайд
Root manifest - SITE.PP
Содержание слайда: Root manifest - SITE.PP Global master manifest is site.pp which typically defines the node types puppet can configure node ‘server1’ { include pkg-mgmt # use module include apache } node ‘server2' { include apache include mysql }

№32 слайд
Building module Storing
Содержание слайда: Building module Storing modules separately in /…/…/modules/module_name assists in management We can store module specific files within the module instead of all together Inside each module, we have several directories: manifests, files, templates, plugins The manifest is where the module’s definition lives and starts - “init.pp”

№33 слайд
Module structure module files
Содержание слайда: Module structure {module}/ files/ # serve files from modules lib/ # executable Ruby code manifests/ # can hold any number of other classes and even folders of classes init.pp {class}.pp {defined type}.pp {namespace}/ {class}.pp {class}.pp templates/ # templates written in the ERB language

№34 слайд
Module start file - init.pp
Содержание слайда: Module start file - init.pp class apache { # main class require apache::params # class dependencies case $operatingsystem { # variable FreeBSD: { include apache::install } Centos: { include apache::instyum } } include apache::service } Can use variables, conditional statements; Call new subclasses Convenient way – organize special class(subclass) for variables

№35 слайд
Subclass for Install class
Содержание слайда: Subclass for Install class apache::install { file { $apache::params::install_option: # resource - type of file ensure => directory, recurse => true, recurselimit => 1, owner => "root", group => "wheel", mode => 0644, source => "puppet:///modules/apache/install", } package { $apache::params::apache_pkg_name: # resource - type of package provider => portupgrade, ensure => installed, require => File[$apache::params::install_option], } } Each resource has its own parameters & properties More about resources: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/type.html

№36 слайд
Subclass for SERVICE class
Содержание слайда: Subclass for SERVICE class apache::service { service { $apache::params::apache_ser_name: ensure => running, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, enable => true, require => [Class["apache::install"], File["$apache::params::apache_main_conf"]] } file { $apache::params::apache_main_conf: ensure => present, owner => 'root', group => 'wheel', mode => '644', source => "puppet:///modules/apache/config/httpd.conf_free", require => Class["apache::install"], notify => Service["$apache::params::apache_ser_name"], } }

№37 слайд
Module Dependency Handy when
Содержание слайда: Module Dependency Handy when an application needs to have certain files in place before installing the rest The more complex your Puppet environment becomes the greater the need for inter-module dependencies are. inter-, intra-module dependencies require, before - guarantees that the specified object is applied later or before than the specifying object notify, subscribe - causes the dependent object to be refreshed when this object is changed Class[x] -> Class[y] – another form of dependencies Stages - creates a dependency on or from the named milestone

№38 слайд
Definitions Definitions are
Содержание слайда: Definitions Definitions are similar to classes, but they can be instantiated multiple times with different arguments on the same node (looks like functions for resources) define apache::vhost ( $port, $docroot, $template='apache/vhosts.erb’) { file { "/etc/apache2/sites-available/$name": content => template($template), owner => 'root', group => 'wheel', mode => “644’, } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Example of usage node ‘www’ { include apache apache::vhost { ‘www-second': port => 80, docroot => '/var/www/www-second', template => ‘apache/www_vhosts’, } }

№39 слайд
Templates Templates are flat
Содержание слайда: Templates Templates are flat files containing Embedded Ruby (ERB) variables Allows you to create template configuration files NameVirtualHost *:<%= port %> <VirtualHost *:<%= port %>> ServerName <%= name %> DocumentRoot <%= docroot %> <Directory <%= docroot %>> AllowOverride None </Directory> ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/<%= name %>_error.log CustomLog /var/log/apache2/<%= name %>_access.log combined </VirtualHost> <%= … %> - variable field

№40 слайд
Custom facter System
Содержание слайда: Custom facter System inventory tool on client Can be used as variables in manifests You can add custom facts as needed Steps to create custom facts: - create file in module directory ../module_name/lib/facter/<name>.rb - write code on Ruby - enable on client and server – “pluginsync=true”

№41 слайд
Reports, monitoring Puppet
Содержание слайда: Reports, monitoring Puppet has a few reporting options: YAML files RRD files EMAIL with changes HTTP - web interface (Dashboard, Foreman)

№42 слайд
Содержание слайда: CONCLUSIONS What is the profit ? Quick and flexible deployment of our complicated system in production Quick re-deployment of existing system in case of failure (previously generating data backups) Easy deployment of huge numbers of servers Easy generation and modification of configuration files

№43 слайд
Additional resources for
Содержание слайда: Additional resources for PUPPET http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/ http://rubular.com/ http://github.com/puppetlabs/ http://forge.puppetlabs.com/ Book “Pro Puppet” by James Turnbull, Jeffrey McCune Book “Puppet 2.7 Cookbook” by John Arundel

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