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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
SQL Chapter Two
Содержание слайда: SQL Chapter Two  

№2 слайд
Overview Basic Structure
Содержание слайда: Overview Basic Structure Verifying Statements   Specifying Columns Specifying Rows 

№3 слайд
Introduction SQL is a modular
Содержание слайда: Introduction   SQL  is a modular language that uses statements and clauses. 

№4 слайд
Basic structure of PROC SQL
Содержание слайда: Basic structure of PROC SQL: PROC SQL;            statement (select)            clauses (from, where, group by, having, order by); QUIT;        Note:  place semicolon at the end of the last clause only.  

№5 слайд
Statements select - specifies
Содержание слайда: Statements select - specifies the columns to be selected   Select statement has the following features: -selects data that meets certain conditions -groups data -specifies an order for the data -formats data -calculates new variables

№6 слайд
Clauses from - specifies the
Содержание слайда: Clauses from - specifies the tables to be queried where - subsets the data based on a condition - optional group by - classifies the data into groups - optional having - subsets groups of data based on a group condition order by - sorts row by the values of specific columns   Note:  the order of the clauses are significant.

№7 слайд
Overview Basic Structure
Содержание слайда: Overview Basic Structure Verifying Statements   Specifying Columns Specifying Rows 

№8 слайд
Verifying Statements Two
Содержание слайда: Verifying Statements Two functions that can be used to verify if your statement syntax are:   validate - used to check the select statement syntax   noexec - checks for invalid syntax in all types of SQL statements

№9 слайд
Validate proc sql validate
Содержание слайда:  Validate proc sql; validate select timemile, restpulse, maxpulse from project.fitness where timemile gt 7;   NOTE: PROC SQL statement has valid syntax.

№10 слайд
NoExect proc sql noexec
Содержание слайда: NoExect proc sql noexec; select  timemile, restpulse, maxpulse from  project.fitness where  timemile gt 7;   NOTE: Statement not executed due to NOEXEC option.

№11 слайд
Contrasting Features of
Содержание слайда: Contrasting  Features of validate: -tests syntax of query without executing the query -checks the validity of column name -prints error messages for invalid queries -is only used for select statements  

№12 слайд
Overview Basic Structure
Содержание слайда: Overview Basic Structure Verifying Statements   Specifying Columns Specifying Rows 

№13 слайд
Specifying Columns Objectives
Содержание слайда: Specifying Columns Objectives -Displaying columns directly from a table   -Displaying columns calculated from other columns   -Calculating columns using a CASE expression

№14 слайд
Displaying data from a table
Содержание слайда: Displaying data from a table  To print all of a table  columns in the order that they were stored, use an asterisk in the SELECT statement:     PROC SQL; SELECT *   FROM VITALS;   QUIT;

№15 слайд
Printing Specify Columns If
Содержание слайда: Printing Specify Columns If you do not want to print out all columns in a table in the order that they were stored, you can specify the columns to be printed in the order that you want them in the SELECT statement or CASE EXPRESSION in the select statement . PROC SQL; CREATE TABLE TESTMED AS SELECT PATIENT, CASE ((PATIENT/2 = INT(PATIENT/2)) + (PATIENT = .)) WHEN 1 THEN 'Med A' WHEN 0 THEN 'Med B' ELSE 'Error'  END AS DOSEGRP LENGTH=5 FROM VITALS ORDER BY PATIENT; QUIT;

№16 слайд
Calculating Columns We can
Содержание слайда: Calculating Columns We can calculate a new column by using data in an existing column and then naming the new column using the as function. Calculate the proportion of Units form each country     CODE:

№17 слайд
Calculated columns using SAS
Содержание слайда: Calculated columns using SAS Dates     Recall from previous chapters in our SAS book that dates are stored in a different format when run through SAS.    We will then use these dates to calculate new columns.

№18 слайд
Example Calculate the range
Содержание слайда: Example: Calculate the range of dates in a Dailyprices dataset.  CODE:

№19 слайд
Creating new columns The use
Содержание слайда: Creating new columns The use of CASE expression can be used to create a new column CODE:

№20 слайд
Creating a table To create
Содержание слайда: Creating a table  To create and populate a table with the rows from an SQL query, use create table.     proc sql; create table states as select state_code, state_name from d2data.state; quit;

№21 слайд
Overview Basic Structure
Содержание слайда: Overview Basic Structure Verifying Statements   Specifying Columns Specifying Rows 

№22 слайд
Specifying Rows in a table
Содержание слайда: Specifying Rows in a table Objectives   -Selecting a subset of rows   -Removing duplicate rows   -Subsetting using where clauses, escape clauses, and calculated values

№23 слайд
Selecting a subset of rows
Содержание слайда: Selecting a subset of rows   proc sql; title 'large orders';    select Product_ID, total_retail_price from d2data.order_item   where total_retail_price > 1000;   quit;

№24 слайд
Where clause Use a where to
Содержание слайда: Where clause Use a where to specify a condition that data must fulfill before being selected. CODE: OUTPUT:   Where clauses uses common comparisons (lt, gt, eq, etc) and logical operators (OR, Not, And, In, Is Null, ...). 

№25 слайд
Removing duplications Use
Содержание слайда: Removing duplications Use distinct keyword to eliminate duplications.   CODE (without DISTINCT):                CODE (with DISTINCT): OUTPUT:  

№26 слайд
Escape Clause The escape
Содержание слайда: Escape Clause The escape clause allows you to designate a single character that will indicate how proc sql will interpret LIKE wildcards when SAS is searching within a character string.   CODE:

№27 слайд
Subsetting calculated values
Содержание слайда: Subsetting calculated values Since the where clause is evaluated before the select, it's possible for an error to show up since the columns used in the where clause must exist in the table or be derived from an existing column.    There are two fixes for this, the first would be repeating the calculation in the where clause.  The alternative method would be using CALCULATED keyword to refer to an already calculated column in the select.

№28 слайд
Subsetting calculated values
Содержание слайда: Subsetting calculated values proc sql; title 'Lack of profit';    select Product_ID,           ((total_retail_price/quantity) - costprice_per_Unit) as profit       from d2data.order_item    where calculated profit < 3; quit; title;

№29 слайд
Summary Basic Structure PROC
Содержание слайда: Summary Basic Structure  PROC SQL;               statement (select)               clauses (from, where, group by, having, order by);     QUIT;  Verifying Statements validate - used to check the select statement syntax noexec - checks for invalid syntax in all types of SQL statements Specifying Columns Displaying columns directly from a table  Displaying columns calculated from other columns  Calculating columns using a CASE expression Specifying Rows  Selecting a subset of rows Removing duplicate rows Subsetting using where clauses, escape clauses, and calculated values

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