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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Task Parallel Library Data
Содержание слайда: Task Parallel Library Data Parallelism Patterns

№2 слайд
Introduction to Parallel
Содержание слайда: Introduction to Parallel Programming Introduction to Parallel Programming Parallel Loops Parallel Aggregation

№3 слайд
Introduction to Parallel
Содержание слайда: Introduction to Parallel Programming Introduction to Parallel Programming Parallel Loops Parallel Aggregation

№4 слайд
Hardware trends predict more
Содержание слайда: Hardware trends predict more cores instead of faster clock speeds Multicore system features

№5 слайд
Some parallel applications
Содержание слайда: Some parallel applications can be written for specific hardware Potential parallelism

№6 слайд
Decomposition Parallel
Содержание слайда: Decomposition Parallel programming patterns aspects

№7 слайд
Tasks are sequential
Содержание слайда: Tasks are sequential operations that work together to perform a larger operation Decomposition

№8 слайд
Tasks that are independent of
Содержание слайда: Tasks that are independent of one another can run in parallel Coordination

№9 слайд
Tasks often need to share
Содержание слайда: Tasks often need to share data Scalable sharing of data

№10 слайд
Understand your problem or
Содержание слайда: Understand your problem or application and look for potential parallelism across the entire application as a whole Parallel programming design approaches

№11 слайд
Concurrency is a concept
Содержание слайда: Concurrency is a concept related to multitasking and asynchronous input-output (I/O) Concurrency & parallelism

№12 слайд
With parallelism, concurrent
Содержание слайда: With parallelism, concurrent threads execute at the same time on multiple cores Concurrency & parallelism

№13 слайд
Amdahl s law says that no
Содержание слайда: Amdahl’s law says that no matter how many cores you have, the maximum speedup you can ever achieve is (1 / percent of time spent in sequential processing) The limits of parallelism

№14 слайд
Whenever possible, stay at
Содержание слайда: Whenever possible, stay at the highest possible level of abstraction and use constructs or a library that does the parallel work for you Parallel programming tips

№15 слайд
Use patterns Parallel
Содержание слайда: Use patterns Parallel programming tips

№16 слайд
Based on the .NET Framework
Содержание слайда: Based on the .NET Framework 4 Code examples of this presentation

№17 слайд
Introduction to Parallel
Содержание слайда: Introduction to Parallel Programming Introduction to Parallel Programming Parallel Loops Parallel Aggregation

№18 слайд
Parallel programming patterns
Содержание слайда: Parallel programming patterns

№19 слайд
Use the Parallel Loop pattern
Содержание слайда: Use the Parallel Loop pattern when you need to perform the same independent operation for each element of a collection or for a fixed number of iterations Parallel Loops

№20 слайд
Содержание слайда: Parallel.For

№21 слайд
Содержание слайда: Parallel.ForEach

№22 слайд
Almost all LINQ-to-Objects
Содержание слайда: Almost all LINQ-to-Objects expressions can easily be converted to their parallel counterpart by adding a call to the AsParallel extension method Parallel LINQ (PLINQ)

№23 слайд
Use PLINQ s ForAll extension
Содержание слайда: Use PLINQ’s ForAll extension method in cases where you want to iterate over the input values but you don’t want to select output values to return PLINQ ForAll

№24 слайд
The .NET implementation of
Содержание слайда: The .NET implementation of the Parallel Loop pattern ensures that exceptions that are thrown during the execution of a loop body are not lost Exceptions

№25 слайд
Parallel loops Parallel loops
Содержание слайда: Parallel loops Parallel loops variations

№26 слайд
Writing to shared variables
Содержание слайда: Writing to shared variables Dependencies between loop iterations

№27 слайд
Referencing data types that
Содержание слайда: Referencing data types that are not thread safe Dependencies between loop iterations

№28 слайд
Sequential iteration Breaking
Содержание слайда: Sequential iteration Breaking out of loops early

№29 слайд
Use Break to exit a loop
Содержание слайда: Use Break to exit a loop early while ensuring that lower-indexed steps complete Parallel Break

№30 слайд
Calling Break doesn t stop
Содержание слайда: Calling Break doesn’t stop other steps that might have already started running Parallel Break

№31 слайд
Содержание слайда: ParallelLoopResult

№32 слайд
Use Stop to exit a loop early
Содержание слайда: Use Stop to exit a loop early when you don’t need all lower-indexed iterations to run before terminating the loop Parallel Stop

№33 слайд
External Loop Cancellation
Содержание слайда: External Loop Cancellation

№34 слайд
Special handling of small
Содержание слайда: Special handling of small loop bodies

№35 слайд
The number of ranges that
Содержание слайда: The number of ranges that will be created by a Partitioner object depends on the number of cores in your computer Special handling of small loop bodies

№36 слайд
You usually let the system
Содержание слайда: You usually let the system manage how iterations of a parallel loop are mapped to your computer’s cores, in some cases, you may want additional control Controlling the degree of parallelism

№37 слайд
The PLINQ query in the code
Содержание слайда: The PLINQ query in the code example will run with a maximum of eight tasks at any one time Controlling the degree of parallelism

№38 слайд
Sometimes you need to
Содержание слайда: Sometimes you need to maintain thread-local state during the execution of a parallel loop Task-local state in a loop body

№39 слайд
Random initialization of the
Содержание слайда: Random initialization of the large array

№40 слайд
Calling the default Random
Содержание слайда: Calling the default Random constructor twice in short succession may use the same random seed Random class in parallel

№41 слайд
You can substitute custom
Содержание слайда: You can substitute custom task scheduling logic for the default task scheduler that uses ThreadPool worker threads Using a custom task scheduler

№42 слайд
Step size other than one
Содержание слайда: Step size other than one Anti-Patterns

№43 слайд
Adaptive partitioning
Содержание слайда: Adaptive partitioning Parallel loops design notes

№44 слайд
Introduction to Parallel
Содержание слайда: Introduction to Parallel Programming Introduction to Parallel Programming Parallel Loops Parallel Aggregation

№45 слайд
Parallel programming patterns
Содержание слайда: Parallel programming patterns

№46 слайд
The pattern is more general
Содержание слайда: The pattern is more general than calculating a sum The Parallel Aggregation pattern

№47 слайд
Sequential version
Содержание слайда: Sequential version Calculating a sum

№48 слайд
PLINQ Calculating a sum
Содержание слайда: PLINQ Calculating a sum

№49 слайд
PLINQ is usually the
Содержание слайда: PLINQ is usually the recommended approach Parallel aggregation pattern in .NET

№50 слайд
The PLINQ Aggregate extension
Содержание слайда: The PLINQ Aggregate extension method includes an overloaded version that allows a very general application of the parallel aggregation pattern Using PLINQ aggregation with range selection

№51 слайд
Aggregation using Parallel
Содержание слайда: Aggregation using Parallel For and ForEach Design notes

№52 слайд
Aggregation in PLINQ does not
Содержание слайда: Aggregation in PLINQ does not require the developer to use locks Design notes

№53 слайд
Task Parallel Library Data
Содержание слайда: Task Parallel Library Data Parallelism Patterns

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