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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Kazakh National Agrarian
Содержание слайда: Kazakh National Agrarian University Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Economic and finance department Theme : Circuit and the circulation of Capital. Costs and revenue of the company. Performed: Yessimbek Aiym Group: VM – 209P Checked: Yessengaziyeva Saule Almaty 2015

№2 слайд
Plan The General Formula
Содержание слайда: Plan: The General Formula Contradictions Expanding the General Formula Circuit of Money Capital Circuit of Production Capital Circuit of Commodity Capital Circuit of the Reproduction of Labor Power

№3 слайд
The General Formula M - C - M
Содержание слайда: The General Formula M - C - M’ (vs C - M - C ) Quantitative expansion (M’ > M) Money as alpha & omega (vs money as mediator) capitalism as money making, greed Commodities are mere means to an en Metamorphosis of Capital (of value)

№4 слайд
Contradictions Problem
Содержание слайда: Contradictions Problem: Explain source of “prime” in M’ Marx assumes equal exchange So M’-M cannot originate in exchange Unequal exchange, e.g., cheating, would merely redistribute value Ques: If not in circulation, then where? Ans: In production!

№5 слайд
Circuit of Money Capital - M
Содержание слайда: Circuit of Money Capital -1 M - C - M’ becomes: M - C(LP, MP) . . . P . . . C’ - M’, where M - C = factor market exchanges LP = labor power MP = means of production ...P... = production process C’ = produced commodity with expanded value C’ - M’ = sale of commodity

№6 слайд
Circuit of Money Capital LP
Содержание слайда: Circuit of Money Capital –2 LP & M - C(LP) are discussed in Chap 6 ...P... is discussed in Chap 7 NB: Money, as one moment of circuit, is reproduced in the circuit M as money to be invested is reproduced as M’ as profit BUT: M - C - M’ is endlessly repeated as M - C - M’.M’ - C” - M’’.M’’ - C” - M”’ etc

№7 слайд
Circuit of Money Capital -
Содержание слайда: Circuit of Money Capital - 3

№8 слайд
Circuit of Production Capital
Содержание слайда: Circuit of Production Capital Circuit of Money Capital M - C(LP,MP) ...P... C’ - M’.M - C (LP,MP) ...P... Circuit of Productive Capital Reproduction of relations of production, LP & MP, within the overall circuit Closest to “socio-political” point of view, focus on work

№9 слайд
An Absence? Circuit of Money
Содержание слайда: An Absence? Circuit of Money Capital Circuit of Productive Capital M - C(LP,MP) ...P... C’ - M’.M’ - C (LP,MP)...P...C” Circuit of Commodity Capital

№10 слайд
Circuit of Money Capital
Содержание слайда: Circuit of Money Capital Circuit of Productive Capital Circuit of Money Capital Circuit of Productive Capital M - C(LP,MP) ...P... C’ - M’.M’ - C (LP,MP)...P...C” Circuit of Commodity Capital What is left out? Question: The reproduction of which aspect of the circuit is left unaccounted for? Answer: LP - Labor Power

№11 слайд
Circuit of Reproduction of
Содержание слайда: Circuit of Reproduction of Labor Power-1 Where is labor power reproduced? To some degree within the circuit, workers maintain their skills and abilities by using them. To a greater degree outside the circuit, in “consumption,” daily life, the family. The wage buys the means of “reproduction”

№12 слайд
Circuit of Reproduction of
Содержание слайда: Circuit of Reproduction of Labor Power-2 Marx: LP - M - C(MS) LP = labor power M = wage C(MS) = means of subsistence/reproduction This makes Consumption/life goal of circuit --appropriate from worker’s point of view --INappropriate from capital’s point of view

№13 слайд
Circuit of Reproduction of
Содержание слайда: Circuit of Reproduction of Labor Power-3 Capital needs C(MS) to reproduce worker C(MS) must “produce” (...P...) new LP So: LP - M - C(MS) . . . P . . . LP* Where LP* = reproduced labor power LP* might be greater (kids, more skill) LP* might be smaller (less wage required)

№14 слайд
Circuit of Reproduction of
Содержание слайда: Circuit of Reproduction of Labor Power-4 LP - M - C(MS) ...P... LP*. LP - M - C(MS) M - LP M - LP . . . P . . . C’ - M’. . . . P . . . M - MP M - MP Capitalist Circuit: Life reduced to reproduction of labor power for capital, ready for labor market

№15 слайд
Reproduction of Labor Power?
Содержание слайда: Reproduction of Labor Power? This takes us to Chapter 6 which discusses both the labor market and the value of labor power. We need to investigate: LP - M M - C(MS) . . . P . . . LP* (why an asterik instead of a prime?)

№16 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№17 слайд
References Marx K. Kapital,
Содержание слайда: References Marx K. Kapital, vol. 2. In K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 24. V. M. RULEV  From Manuscript II. — F.E.  Beginning of Manuscript VII, started July 1878.  End of Manuscript VII. Beginning of Manuscript VI. — F.E.  End of Manuscript VI. Beginning of Manuscript V. — F.E.  This is true no matter how we separate capital-value and surplus-value. 10,000 lbs. . Chuprov, Railroading, Moscow, 1875, pp. 69 and 70.

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