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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
International Economic
Содержание слайда: International Economic Integration. Free Trade Agreements, WTO, Growth of MNE’s. The Free Trade Debate Mikkeli 2005 Compiled by Rulzion Rattray

№2 слайд
Economic Integration
Содержание слайда: Economic Integration Globalisation about growing economic interdependence of countries as well as the rapid diffusion of technology & information. Economic Integration about removing barriers to trade, & national government intervention in trade. There has been a range of moves towards enhancing economic integration since the end of the II World War. Supported by economic theory!

№3 слайд
The case FOR government
Содержание слайда: The case FOR government intervention Political arguments: “protecting jobs and industries” “protecting industries vital for national security” as part of a “get tough” policy to open foreign markets “strategic” trade policy: protecting infant industries, aiding first-mover advantage, overcoming barriers to entry Economic integration likely to generate gains for participating nations, however these are not necessarily equally distributed. There will be some losers, both individual & organisational.

№4 слайд
Barriers to Trade Tariff
Содержание слайда: Barriers to Trade Tariff Barriers Official constraints on the import of certain goods. Non Tariff Barriers: Indirect measures, that are more difficult to measure than official tariffs. Subsidies Import quotas and “voluntary” export restraints Local content requirements, technical standards. Administrative trade policies (bureaucratic hurdles) US barring Mexican trucks from entering US on safety grounds Access to local Channel and supply chain network

№5 слайд
Manifestations of Economic
Содержание слайда: Manifestations of Economic Integration Free Trade Areas: Members remove trade barriers between themselves, but maintain independence to negotiate with 3rd party state’s re trade. Eg NAFTA Customs Unions: Similar to FTA but members must maintain common external commercial arrangements such as common tariff policies. E.g CACM Common Markets: Allows free trade & free mobility of production factors; capital, labour & technology. E.g MERCOSUR

№6 слайд
Instruments of Global
Содержание слайда: Instruments of Global Integration GATT: 8 rounds 1947 to 1994. Early stages concerned with removal of tariff barriers, later rounds with non tariff barriers WTO (146 members on 4 April 2003. 95% of world trade) Forum for trade agreements Administering trade agreements Settling trade disputes Reviewing national trade policies Combating trade barriers, & anti competitive behaviour such as dumping.

№7 слайд
IMF amp The World Bank
Содержание слайда: IMF & The World Bank Established at Bretton Woods New Hampshire in 1944 IMF Objectives: Promote international monetary cooperation Expansion of world trade Ensure equilibrium between members balance of trade

№8 слайд
Key Issues The WTO, The IMF
Содержание слайда: Key Issues The WTO, The IMF and The World Bank: The key organisations concerned with global trade. Main Objectives: The WTO: primary focus is to increase world trade by reducing trade barriers and eliminating discrimination. IMF: Maintain monetary (currency) stability World Bank: Fiscal or financial funding systems.

№9 слайд
Multinational Enterprises MNE
Содержание слайда: Multinational Enterprises (MNE) MNE Vs International Firm: An MNE any firm that with (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment over which it maintains full control as apposed to a firm engaged in international trade but with no FDI. History of MNE’s: Appeared in Assyria in 2000BC and flourished in the Roman period. Today the worlds largest MNE’s account for 80% of global industrial output. Largest MNE’s are based in EU, US or Japan

№10 слайд
Are MNE s Trans-national? MNE
Содержание слайда: Are MNE’s Trans-national? MNE’s no longer have allegiance to a single country? Increasingly difficult to pinpoint country of origin. Shares held and traded globally. However there is also clear evidence that in many cases the MNE maintain a clear national base and culture that determines their governance. Competitive Base: MNE’s have many advantages mostly of scale and experience over local companies.

№11 слайд
The Free Trade Debate For
Содержание слайда: The Free Trade Debate For: Generally trade theories show the benefit of free trade particularly absolute and comparative advantage. Against: Loss of sovereignty Environmental, trade will shift to countries that do not protect the environment. Short term problems for countries in transition. Many of the perceived problems stem from unfair competitive practices that have become associated with the power of the advanced economies

№12 слайд
References Griffiths, A., and
Содержание слайда: References Griffiths, A., and Wall, S., (Eds), (1999), “Applied Economics”, Prentice Hall. Hoekman, B., & Kostechi, M., (1995), “The Political Economy of the World Trading Systems: From Gatt and the WTO,” World Trade Organisation. Jackson, J.H., (1997), The World Trading System, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Phelps, N.A., (1998)Multinationals & European Integration: Trade, Investment& Regional Development. London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Shenkar, O. and Luo, Y.(2004), “International Business”, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

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