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Презентации » Экономика и Финансы » The economics of innovation. Lecture 1: Introduction to the economics of innovation

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Lecture Introduction to the
Содержание слайда: Lecture 1: Introduction to the Economics of Innovation Module Convenor: Dr. Marc Idelson (marc.idelson@nottingham.edu.cn)

№2 слайд
Содержание слайда: TEACHING STAFF Module Convenor: Dr Marc Idelson Location: AB345 Email Address: marc.idelson@nottingham.edu.cn Telephone No.: 88180072 Office hours: teaching Wednesdays 2:45-4:15 p.m., by appointment

№3 слайд
Содержание слайда: LEARNING OBJECTIVE “To help students understand the economic analysis of innovation, and why innovation is so important to companies and to the economy. Economics of Innovation develops some theoretical building blocks for the analysis of innovation AND looks at empirical questions about innovation.” There is no main text for the course. Optional readings will be introduced gradually.

№4 слайд
Содержание слайда: ASSESSMENT: 75% EXAMINATION 25% Group Coursework Essay each group will comprise exactly 2 to 3 students

№5 слайд
Examination hour examination
Содержание слайда: Examination 1½ hour examination in December 2015. The exam paper will have two sections (A and B) each containing three questions. You are required to answer: TWO questions - one from section A and one from section B. Section A will include three questions which relate mainly to lecture topics 1-5. Section B will include three questions which relate mainly to lecture topics 6-10.

№6 слайд
Coursework words Sign up for
Содержание слайда: Coursework 2500 words Sign up for a group of your choice on Moodle by the Friday, 16 October 2015. Deadline to submit is 2pm on Friday, 27 November 2015. Read the Project Brief for details (attached to module outline)

№7 слайд
Lecture Introduction to the
Содержание слайда: Lecture 1 Introduction to the Economics of Innovation Lecture Outline Why should we study the economics of innovation? The merit of the history of economic thought Defining innovation

№8 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№9 слайд
What is innovation?
Содержание слайда: What is innovation?

№10 слайд
Innovations transform and
Содержание слайда: Innovations transform (and hopefully improve) ‘things’ and ‘ways of doing things’… CHEAPER AND/OR BETTER

№11 слайд
Innovation is key to growth,
Содержание слайда: Innovation is key to growth, development and competitiveness “Much of the rise in living standards is due to innovation —this has been the case since the Industrial Revolution. Today, innovative performance is a crucial factor in determining competitiveness and national progress. Moreover, innovation is important to help address global challenges, such as climate change and sustainable development. “ OECD, 2007. Available at: http://www.oecd.org/science/inno/39374789.pdf

№12 слайд
Why care about innovation?
Содержание слайда: Why care about innovation? Knowledge and innovation are the source for Economic Growth and Competitiveness Innovation is often directly connected to Living Standards

№13 слайд
Adam Smith Adam Smith John
Содержание слайда: Adam Smith Adam Smith John Stuart Mill Karl Marx Alfred Marshall Thorstein Veblen Joseph Schumpeter Robert Solow

№14 слайд
Adam Smith Adam Smith John
Содержание слайда: Adam Smith Adam Smith John Stuart Mill Karl Marx Alfred Marshall Thorstein Veblen Joseph Schumpeter Robert Solow

№15 слайд
Adam Smith Adam Smith John
Содержание слайда: Adam Smith Adam Smith John Stuart Mill Karl Marx Alfred Marshall Thorstein Veblen Joseph Schumpeter Robert Solow

№16 слайд
Adam Smith Adam Smith John
Содержание слайда: Adam Smith Adam Smith John Stuart Mill Karl Marx Alfred Marshall Thorstein Veblen Joseph Schumpeter Robert Solow

№17 слайд
Adam Smith Adam Smith John
Содержание слайда: Adam Smith Adam Smith John Stuart Mill Karl Marx Alfred Marshall Thorstein Veblen Joseph Schumpeter Robert Solow

№18 слайд
Adam Smith Adam Smith John
Содержание слайда: Adam Smith Adam Smith John Stuart Mill Karl Marx Alfred Marshall Thorstein Veblen Joseph Schumpeter Robert Solow

№19 слайд
Adam Smith Adam Smith John
Содержание слайда: Adam Smith Adam Smith John Stuart Mill Karl Marx Alfred Marshall Thorstein Veblen Joseph Schumpeter Robert Solow

№20 слайд
Adam Smith Adam Smith John
Содержание слайда: Adam Smith Adam Smith John Stuart Mill Karl Marx Alfred Marshall Thorstein Veblen Joseph Schumpeter Robert Solow Paul David Richard Nelson

№21 слайд
Adam Smith Adam Smith John
Содержание слайда: Adam Smith Adam Smith John Stuart Mill Karl Marx Alfred Marshall Thorstein Veblen Joseph Schumpeter Robert Solow Paul David Richard Nelson

№22 слайд
Adam Smith Adam Smith John
Содержание слайда: Adam Smith Adam Smith John Stuart Mill Karl Marx Alfred Marshall Thorstein Veblen Joseph Schumpeter Robert Solow Paul David Richard Nelson

№23 слайд
themes that dominated the
Содержание слайда: 5 themes that dominated the innovation studies Innovation and Wealth Creation Innovation and Competitiveness Innovation and Sustainability Innovation, unexpected side effects and paradoxical non-effects Who is the innovator?

№24 слайд
Defining innovation more
Содержание слайда: Defining innovation (more formally) The Linear Model of Innovation (I) Innovation as the ‘successful’ exploitation of new ideas’’ (II)

№25 слайд
The Linear Model of
Содержание слайда: The Linear Model of Innovation Linear means: A line of interconnections from Research/Creativity to Invention to Design/Development to Innovation Simplified model; No feedback loops

№26 слайд
The Linear Model of Innovation
Содержание слайда: The Linear Model of Innovation

№27 слайд
Innovation is no longer seen
Содержание слайда: Innovation is no longer seen as a linear process

№28 слайд
Innovation as the successful
Содержание слайда: Innovation as the ‘successful’ exploitation of new ideas

№29 слайд
Innovation successful
Содержание слайда: Innovation=‘successful exploitation’ of new ideas Innovation doesn’t necessarily entail creating something new. It’s not the same as invention. “Too often the obsession is with inventing something totally unique rather than extracting value from the creative … ” (William Buxton, 2005) Innovation usually involves a fresh perspective on something that already exists. ‘I invented nothing new. I simply assembled the discoveries of other men behind whom were centuries of work…Progress happens when all the factors that make for it are ready and then it is inevitable.’ Henry Ford

№30 слайд
Innovation and Technological
Содержание слайда: Innovation and Technological Change Do all innovations involve technological change? Is every technological change also an innovation?

№31 слайд
Lecture Introduction to the
Содержание слайда: Lecture 1: Introduction to the Economics of Innovation Summary Why should we study the economics of innovation The merit of the history of economic thought Defining innovation 3.1. The Linear Model of Innovation (I) 3.2.Innovation as the ‘’successful exploitation of new ideas’’ (III)

№32 слайд
Oh and one more thing Oh and
Содержание слайда: Oh… and one more thing Oh… and one more thing

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