Презентация Religion Christianity. Pilgrimage онлайн

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Religion Christianity
Содержание слайда: Religion Christianity pilgrimage

№2 слайд
Agenda . History of
Содержание слайда: Agenda 1. History of pilgrimage 2. Why and when you need to become pilgrims 3. Why we choose this event in religion

№3 слайд
History of pilgrimage
Содержание слайда: History of pilgrimage Pilgrimage has been known since ancient times. However, the Roman emperors had been anxious to destroy everything connected with Jesus Christ to prevent the pilgrimage - destroyed the temple, renamed the city, and on Christian shrines arranged a pagan temple. But it ended in the fourth century and Christians much more often began to pilgrimage. However, St. Gregory of Nyssa condemned excessive pilgrimage, considering that the pilgrims often make the journey out of idle curiosity, fall into gross stuff, and temptations. Pilgrimages and processions were allowed to strengthen still immature in the faith of Church members

№4 слайд
Why and when you need to
Содержание слайда: Why and when you need to become pilgrims To Become a pilgrim and to go on a pilgrimage you can any day, because there is no special day to start a pilgrimage. Pilgrims-people who have weak faith or those who are willing to give up on everything in order to visit the saints place in their country or abroad. During the pilgrimage, all people have different goals - someone to receive the grace of the Holy spirit, to become acquainted with the monastic life, and someone on a pilgrimage involve more mundane purpose: to ask for wealth, health, success in business. Because of the pilgrimage modern churches create a special form of godliness – the so-called "spiritual tourism"

№5 слайд
Why we choose this event in
Содержание слайда: Why we choose this event in religion We chose this event because it exists with religion for a very long time. this religion is very close to us. despite the fact that we are not pilgrims we believe that the pilgrimage is a great way to test the strength of your faith and see your religion from different sides

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