Презентация HEALTH Good Health is Above Wealth. онлайн

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
HEALTH Good Health is Above
Содержание слайда: HEALTH Good Health is Above Wealth.

№2 слайд
Good afternoon, boys and
Содержание слайда: Good afternoon, boys and girls! At this lesson we are going to continue working at our topic “Health”. The main thing we are going to discuss today is “How to Keep fit”.

№3 слайд
I am not well today. Can you
Содержание слайда: I am not well today. Can you give me any advice?

№4 слайд
You may say You should take
Содержание слайда: You may say: You should take some medicine. You should stay in bed You should go to the doctor. You should have a rest. You should take your blood pressure. You should feel your pulse, you may have a heart trouble Еtc.

№5 слайд
Let revise the words ! Chest
Содержание слайда: Let’ revise the words ! Chest Lung Cough Pressure Break (broke, broken) Pulse Health Healthy Touch pain

№6 слайд
Содержание слайда: MATCH THE WORDS: Listen to Take Feel Prescribe Fall Show Keep to ride

№7 слайд
Give it a name the upper
Содержание слайда: Give it a name: the upper front part of the body; one of the two organs of breathing in the chest of a man or animals; to force air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound; to put a hand or other part of the body on or against something; the physical state of a person; the front of the neck; to move food or drink down the throat from the mouth into the stomach; to advise what medicine to take; A feeling of being hurt;

№8 слайд
Check yourself the upper
Содержание слайда: Check yourself the upper front part of the body. (chest) one of the two organs of breathing in the chest of a man or animals. (lung) to force air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound. (cough) to put a hand or other part of the body on or against something (touch) the physical state of a person (health) the front of the neck. (throat) to move food or drink down the throat from the mouth into the stomach. (swallow) to advise what medicine to take. (to prescribe) A feeling of being hurt (pain)

№9 слайд
Remember the word
Содержание слайда: Remember the word combinations and use them in the following task: To go to the dentist To call a doctor To go to bed To take some medicine To have a walk outdoors To drink warm milk (with honey and butter)

№10 слайд
Nelly was very ill last week
Содержание слайда: Nelly was very ill last week She suffered from all the illnesses imaginable. Look at the picture and say what she suffered from.

№11 слайд
What do people do if They
Содержание слайда: What do people do if They have a headache; They can’t sleep; They have a toothache; They have a pain in the heart; They have a cold; They have a stomachache.

№12 слайд
Содержание слайда: FILL IN THE MISSING WORDS: Yesterday Nick fell ill. He had a bad (1)____. It (2)___ when he moved. The doctor came. He felt Nick’s (3)____ and listened to his (4)____ and (5)_____. He also took Nick’s (6)____ and his (7)_____. The doctor told Nick to take some (8)___ for his cold.

№13 слайд
Содержание слайда: CHECK YOUR ANSWERS: Yesterday Nick fell ill. He had a bad (1)pain. It (2)hurt when he moved. The doctor came. He felt Nick’s (3)pulse and listened to his (4)lungs and (5)chest. He also took Nick’s (6)temperature and his (7)blood presure. The doctor told Nick to take some (8)medicine for his cold.

№14 слайд
Match the questions and the
Содержание слайда: Match the questions and the answers. 1. Why are you sneezing? 2. Why are you crying? 4. Why are you coughing? 7. Why are you shivering? 8. Why are you having a stomachache?

№15 слайд
BAD HABBITS. The three main
Содержание слайда: BAD HABBITS. The three main problems - alcoholism, drug-taking and smoking threaten our life, ruin careers, happy family life and cause early death.

№16 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№17 слайд
Smoking Smoking is one of the
Содержание слайда: Smoking Smoking is one of the most common addictions. Smokers usually deceive themselves saying that smoking is not dangerous. But statistics of diseases and death speak otherwise. The smoke they breath have harmful substances, nicotine and ammonia. Young people think they look more attracting when holding a cigarette. How to stop smoking? Governments and authorities do little to diminish the number of smokers. They receive much money from the tax on cigarettes and tobacco. How can we stop smoking? The best way is never to start. But if there is such a habit already, we must be strong to stop it.

№18 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№19 слайд
Questions for discussion. Why
Содержание слайда: Questions for discussion. Why is smoking dangerous? In some countries tobacco advertising is banned (to ban - запрещать). Do you think it's a good idea? Can it help? Is smoking a disease or just a habit? Your opinion. What should we do to overcome this problem? (to overcome - преодолеть)

№20 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№21 слайд
DRUG-ADDICTION Drug-addiction
Содержание слайда: DRUG-ADDICTION Drug-addiction is another problem of the twentieth century. Young people are particularly exposed to this threat. They try once or twice a cigarette with narcotic inside, then they change to injections, and day by day they become totally dependent on this deathly habit. There certainly should be more educational films, books distributed among people to show the real threat brought on by smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs.

№22 слайд
Questions for discussion. .Is
Содержание слайда: Questions for discussion. 1.Is there a problem of drug-taking in our country? 2. Why do young people begin to take drugs? 3. Is it a disease or just a habit? 4. How can we help such people?

№23 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№24 слайд
Содержание слайда: ALCOHOLISM IS BAD FOR HEALTH. Alcoholism is another social problem. It causes atrophy of cells, weakness of sight, illnesses of kidneys, liver, stomach, heart and other organs. It is easy and fast to become dependent on alcohol, but very difficult to overcome this habit. Why do people drink? The reasons are similar to that of why people smoke. Once started it is difficult to stop.

№25 слайд
Questions for discussion. .
Содержание слайда: Questions for discussion. 1. Can the mankind (человечество) overcome this problem? 2. Should the advertising banned (запрещено) on TV? 3. Is alcoholism a disease or just a habit?

№26 слайд
Содержание слайда: GOOD RULES TO REMEMBER: Get up early and go to bed early to keep fit. Take regular exercises to keep fit. Take a cool/cold shower to keep fit. Eat healthy food to keep fit. Never smoke to keep fit. Clean your teeth every morning and every evening to keep fit Wash your hands before you eat to keep fit.

№27 слайд
Содержание слайда: SAY WHAT YOU SHOULDN’T DO

№28 слайд
Содержание слайда: LISTEN TO THE STORY AND FILL IN THE WORDS: Once an old gentleman went to see __1_______. The doctor ____2_______ him, listened to his __3______ and heart, felt his ____4_______ and blood ___5_______, took his temperature and said that______6________ wouldn't help the old gentleman. The doctor asked him to go to a quite ____7______ place for a month and to have __8__________ "Your illness is not serious, so don't worry!" continued the doctor. "____9________ early, drink milk, walk a lot, ______10________ just one cigar a day and you will __11_____ pretty soon." The old gentleman nodded and said: "Thank you very much, Doctor. I shall do _____12________ you say." A month later the same gentleman came to see the doctor again. "How do you do?" said the doctor. "I am very glad __13_____ you. You look much ___14______. How do you feel?" "Oh, Doctor," said the gentleman, "I feel quite all right. I had a good rest. I went to bed early, I _____15________ a lot of milk, I walked a lot. Your ____16_________ certainly helped me. But you told me to smoke one cigar a day, and that one cigar almost ____17______ me at first. It's not a joke to start smoking at my age."

№29 слайд
.the doctor. .the doctor.
Содержание слайда: 1.the doctor. 1.the doctor. 2.examined 3. lungs 4.pulse 5.Pressure 6.medicine 7.country 8.a rest. 9.Get up 10.smoke 11.feel 12.everything 13.to see 14. better. 15. drank 16. advice 17. killed

№30 слайд
Содержание слайда: Questions:

№31 слайд
Содержание слайда: WHAT DOES THESE PROVERBS MEAN? Good health is above wealth. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Early to bed, early to rise keeps the healthy,wealthy and wise.

№32 слайд
Содержание слайда: PROJECT. AN AVERAGE STUDENT OF OUR CLASS. sleeps 7 or 8 hours a day and goes to school in time. sleeps for 10 or 11 hours at his days off. likes to watch TV in the evening or read till late at night. has his breakfast regularly. snacks between meals (some rolls and tea). It is not good for our health has dinner at home eats many sweets every day. has never kept a diet doesn't do morning exercises but he goes in for sport regularly. It takes him 2 or 3 hours to do homework. has a lot of additional lessons a day as economics, math, technology informatics. he is fond of sport games He has fun playing computer games, watching video, reading books, going for a walk.

№33 слайд
Unfortunately, in our time
Содержание слайда: Unfortunately, in our time almost everybody suffers from different diseases. Unfortunately, in our time almost everybody suffers from different diseases. And what about students in our school? There are 339 students studying in our school. Speaking about their health, 35% of them are unhealthy. They suffer from different diseases. Among them there is a great amount of eyes diseases orthopedic diseases Each student has one or two diseases. Children come to the first form being unhealthy. Last year there were 45 first — year — students. And everyone had several diseases.

№34 слайд
An apple a Day Isn t Enough!
Содержание слайда: An apple a Day Isn't Enough!

№35 слайд
What measures are taken to be
Содержание слайда: What measures are taken to be healthy in our school? First of all students are able to go in for different kinds of sport Cleanness and order are very important too. There are a lot of flowers in classes and corridors. They support fresh air. Classes are usually ventilated. In order to be out of tiredness we have long breaks. We have a medicine room at school. We have a wonderful large canteen. The relations between teachers and students are quite friendly. On the whole these facts promote children's health. But not only doctors and teachers should care about our health, we also should think about our way of life.

№36 слайд
Содержание слайда: GOOD LUCK AND BE HEALTHY!

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