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№1 слайд
Charles Dickens interesting
Содержание слайда: Charles Dickens 23 interesting facts about Charles Dickens

№2 слайд
Charles John Huffam Dickens
Содержание слайда: Charles John Huffam Dickens was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's most memorable fictional characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period. During his life, his works enjoyed unprecedented fame, and by the twentieth century his literary genius was broadly acknowledged by critics and scholars. His novels and short stories continue to be widely popular. Charles John Huffam Dickens was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's most memorable fictional characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period. During his life, his works enjoyed unprecedented fame, and by the twentieth century his literary genius was broadly acknowledged by critics and scholars. His novels and short stories continue to be widely popular.

№3 слайд
Fact Dickens had an obsessive
Содержание слайда: Fact №1 Dickens had an obsessive compulsive disorder. He would comb his hair hundreds of times a day, constantly rearranged the furniture and was obsessed with looking in the mirror.

№4 слайд
He was obsessive about the
Содержание слайда: №2 He was obsessive about the position of his bed. It had to be aligned north to south because of his obsession with magnetic fields and the belief it improved his writing.

№5 слайд
He touched things times for
Содержание слайда: №3 He touched things 3 times for luck

№6 слайд
He was obsessed with tidiness
Содержание слайда: №4 He was obsessed with tidiness and cleaned his friends home as well as his own.

№7 слайд
His pen name was Boz.
Содержание слайда: №5 His pen name was Boz.

№8 слайд
Dickens had children and gave
Содержание слайда: №6 Dickens had 10 children and gave them all nicknames.

№9 слайд
Dickens was epileptic and
Содержание слайда: №7 Dickens was epileptic and included epileptic characters in his books. Doctors are still astonished how accurate his descriptions of epilepsy are in his books.

№10 слайд
Dickens was the first
Содержание слайда: №8 Dickens was the first superstar author, the J.K.Rowling of his day. In 1841 when the Old Curiosity Shop was serialized 6000 people descended on New York docks when the final installment arrived all shouting `does little Nell live`? to the sailors.

№11 слайд
He was a big fan of hypnotism
Содержание слайда: №9 He was a big fan of hypnotism and used it to try and cure his wife and children of any ailments.

№12 слайд
He was not very tolerant of
Содержание слайда: №10 He was not very tolerant of his friends. When Hans Christian Anderson stayed with him he gave him a BIG hint that he had outstayed his welcome by attaching a note to his mirror which said `Hans Anderson slept in this room for 5 weeks which seemed to the family, like AGES`.

№13 слайд
In his study he had a secret
Содержание слайда: №11 In his study he had a secret door which was designed like a bookcase filled with fake books.

№14 слайд
Dickens had a big ego,
Содержание слайда: №12 Dickens had a big ego, referring to himself as `The sparkler of Albion` (Albion being an archaic name for England). It was a pun on Shakespeare's reference to himself as the Bard of Avon.

№15 слайд
Dickens father was at one
Содержание слайда: №13 Dickens father was at one time imprisoned in the Marshalsea debtors prison .

№16 слайд
He seemed to have a failure
Содержание слайда: №14 He seemed to have a failure to grasp the basics of reproduction as he resented his wife for giving him 10 children and this resentment was a factor in their separation in1858.

№17 слайд
When he was as a result of
Содержание слайда: №15 When he was 11 as a result of his father being in prison and to help provide for his family he was forced to leave school and Take his first job in a blacking (shoe polish) factory applying the labels to the bottles. Throughout his life he would never discuss this experience .

№18 слайд
In Dickens started an affair
Содержание слайда: №16 In 1860 Dickens started an affair with a young actress named Ellen Ternan and this continued until his death. It was kept very secret and as a result there is little written literature on it.

№19 слайд
Dickens gave hundreds of paid
Содержание слайда: №17 Dickens gave hundreds of paid readings to audiences which meant he could indulge his love of the stage and performing .

№20 слайд
Dickens books have never been
Содержание слайда: №18 Dickens books have never been out of print.

№21 слайд
His wife s year old sister,
Содержание слайда: №19 His wife`s 17 year old sister, Mary who lived with them died in Dickens`s arms after a short illness. She would later be immortalized as Little Nell.

№22 слайд
Dickens was very interested
Содержание слайда: №20 Dickens was very interested in the paranormal and was an early member of The Ghost Club.

№23 слайд
On the th June he narrowly
Содержание слайда: №21 On the 9th June 1865 he narrowly escaped death when the train he was traveling in with Ellen and her mother crashed in Staplehurst. He spent time after the crash helping tend to the dying and injured and although physically unharmed he mentally never recovered.

№24 слайд
Exactly years to the day
Содержание слайда: №22 Exactly 5 years to the day later Dickens died at his home from a massive stroke leaving his last work The Mystery of Edwin Drood unfinished. He was 58.

№25 слайд
Although David Copperfield is
Содержание слайда: №23 Although David Copperfield is the most biographical book of his life, all of his books have characters and stories from his own past interwoven in them.

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