Презентация George Handel A musical giant of the late baroque period By Marina Samchuk онлайн

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Презентации » Английский язык » George Handel A musical giant of the late baroque period By Marina Samchuk

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
George Handel A musical giant
Содержание слайда: George Handel A musical giant of the late baroque period By Marina Samchuk

№2 слайд
Date of birth February ,
Содержание слайда: Date of birth February 23, 1685 Place of birth Halle, Holy Roman Empire Date of death April 14, 1759 (74 years) Place of death London, United Kingdom Country United Kingdom Tools harpsichord, organ, oboe Job organist, harpsichordist EDUCATION: University of Halle

№3 слайд
Biography Baroque composer
Содержание слайда: Biography Baroque composer George Handel was born February 23, 1685, in Halle, Germany. In 1704 Handel made his debut as an opera composer with Almira. He produced several operas with the Royal Academy of Music before forming the New Royal Academy of Music in 1727. When Italian operas fell out of fashion, he started composing oratorios, including The Messiah. George Handel died April 14, 1759, in London, England.

№4 слайд
The artistic heritage During
Содержание слайда: The artistic heritage During his life, Handel wrote 50 operas, 23 oratorios, many church choir, organ concerts, as well as several works of entertainment. Below is a list of the most important works: Operas: “Almira”(1705) “Rodrigo”(1707) “Agrippina”(1709-1710) «Amadigi di Gaula» (1715) «Acis and Galatea» (1718) «Radamisto» (1720) «Muzio Scevola» (1721) «Floridante» (1721) «Alcina» (London, 1735) «Rinaldo» (London, 1711)

№5 слайд
Oratorio La Resurrezione Saul
Содержание слайда: Oratorio: «La Resurrezione»(1708) «Saul»(London,1739) «Israel in Egypt»(London,1739) «Messiah»(1741) «Jephtha» (London, 1751) «Samson» (London, 1743) Music for Orchestra: «Water Music» (1717) «Music for the Royal Fireworks» (1749) «Music for viola and orchestra» Other works: «Dixit Dominus» (1707) «Utrecht Te Deum» (1714) Serenade: «Acis and Galatea» (1721) «Dettingen Te Deum» (1743)

№6 слайд
Thank you for your attention!
Содержание слайда: Thank you for your attention!

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