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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
School DONE by Melnikov Al. V
Содержание слайда: School № 48 DONE by Melnikov Al. 10 “V” Teacher Danilova G.V.

№2 слайд
The best player Football
Содержание слайда: The best player Football history Positive and negative factors Questionnaire Test Results of the world championship My Videos

№3 слайд
Question Who was the captain
Содержание слайда: Question № 1 Who was the captain of the English national team of the World Cap in 1998? Gary Neville Alan Shirrer David Beckham Ghon Terry

№4 слайд
Question Which of the
Содержание слайда: Question № 2 Which of the national football teams took the first place in the 1-st World Cup? England Uruguay Brazil Argentina

№5 слайд
Question How many times did
Содержание слайда: Question № 3 How many times did the national Italian team become the champion in the World Cup? 2 3 4 5

№6 слайд
Question Which team won the
Содержание слайда: Question № 4 Which team won the League Champions in 2003-2004? Milan Liverpool Barcelona Porto

№7 слайд
Question What was the result
Содержание слайда: Question № 5 What was the result score in the final of European Cup in 2000? 1:0 2:1 3:1 2:0

№8 слайд
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№9 слайд
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№10 слайд

№11 слайд
David Beckham BIRTHPLACE
Содержание слайда: David Beckham BIRTHPLACE : Leytonstone,England Date of birth: 1/05/75 HEIGHT: 183 Weight: 85 Debut in M.U. : 23.09.92 Status: the halfback (Right, central) Number:7,23

№12 слайд
Regales The champion of
Содержание слайда: Regales The champion of England 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, The owner of a cup of England 1996, 1999, The owner of “Charity Shield" (super cup of England )1996, 1997; The winner of league champions 1999 г., The winner of an intercontinental cup 1999 г. The participant of the world championship1998 г.(3 matches, 1 goal) The participant of the championship of Europe2000 г. (3 matches). In League of champions has played 48 matches,7 goals The best English sportsman in 2001 The best football player of England in 2000. The second player of the world under version FIFA in 2001.

№13 слайд
Thierry Henry Date of birth
Содержание слайда: Thierry Henry Date of birth: 08/17/ 1977 Birthplace: Paris, France Height: 188 Weight: 73 Club: "Arsenal" Position: the forward

№14 слайд
Personal achievements The
Содержание слайда: Personal achievements The second football player of the world (2003, 2004) under version FIFA. The best football player of the Cup of Confederations (2003), award FIFA. The best forward the championship of England (2002, 2004, 2005, 2006). The best forward in the Cup of Confederations (2003), award FIFA. The best forward in the world (2003), prize IFFHS is handed over to the player who has hammered in the greatest quantity of goals in matches of national team and the international cup tournaments.

№15 слайд
Regales The champion of
Содержание слайда: Regales The champion of France (in " Monaco ", season 96/97) The best player of the season of2002/2003-s (the version) of Association of professional football players (PFA) The winner of the Cup of the World The champion of Europe

№16 слайд
Ronaldinho Full name Ronaldo
Содержание слайда: Ronaldinho Full name: Ronaldo Gaucho De Assis Moreira Date of birth: on March, 20 1980 Birthplace: Porto Alegre, Brazil Height: 181 Weight: 80 Club: "Barcelona" Barcelona, Spain Position: the forward, the attacking halfback Number on a vest: 10

№17 слайд
Regales - the winner and the
Содержание слайда: Regales 1997 - the winner and the best forward of the world championship till 17 years. 1999 - the winner of the Cup of America. 2002 - the world champion in structure of national team of Brazil. 2002 - the winner of Intertoto cup in structure football club “PSG” France. 2004 - the best player of the world under version ФИФА. 2005 - the champion of Spain in structure FC "Barcelona" 2006 - the winner of League of Champions in structure football club "Barcelona" 2006 - the champion of Spain in structure FC " Barcelona "

№18 слайд
Zinedine Yazid Zidane Date of
Содержание слайда: Zinedine Yazid Zidane Date of birth: 06/23/1972 Birthplace: Marseilles, France Nationality: French Height: 185 Weight: 80 Zinedin Zidan- former player of "Real Madrid" and national team of France

№19 слайд
Regales The winner of the
Содержание слайда: Regales The winner of the championship of Italy. The winner of the championship of France. The winner of the championship of Spain. The winner of League of Champions in structure " Juventus ". The winner of League of Champions in structure"Real Madrid". The world champion in 1998 in national team of France. The champion of Europe in 2000 in structure national team of France. The best player under version FIFA in 1998. The silver prize-winner of the World championship of 2006.

№20 слайд
Winners and prize-winners
Содержание слайда: Winners and prize-winners

№21 слайд
Questionnaire people were
Содержание слайда: Questionnaire 200 people were asked, they were people of different ages, characters and different kinds of activities. And these were the results of this questionnaire: 1.Ronaldinho – 64 persons 2.Zinedin Zidan – 39 persons 3.David Beckham – 35 persons 4.Terry Henry – 31 persons 5.Kristiano Ronaldo – 17 persons 6. Less than 5 persons (Deco,Lampard,Drogba, Arshavin)

№22 слайд
Football history Football is
Содержание слайда: Football history Football is the most popular game in the world. It is played not only by the professional clubs, but a lot of boys in our yards enjoy it. Football was invented in England in the XlX century. Not everybody knows how it developed. Football was despised in England when people began to play it in it's early years. King Edward lll made his law about the prohibition of football in 1349. He considered this play to be a silly one and that young people couldn’t focus on arrow-shooting. Football was allowed to play only through four centuries. The first football rules were introduced in Cambridge in 1848, but these rules have changed greatly in our days. Football fields couldn’t be more than 183 meters long and 91 meters wide, gate was without a cross-beam. It was allowed to play ball with hands by goalkeepers, but only in penalty area. Corner was invented in 1973. The first championship took place in England in 1871. And the first Russian championship in was held in 1922. The first World Cup was held in 1930 not in England ,but in Uruguay. The hosts of that championship became the champions. Now football is the world wide-spread game on our planet. The best players such as Pile, Maradonna, Zidan, Beckham and the Soviet goalkeeper Leo Yashin gave their credits for that fact. Ronaldinho F.C.”Barcelona” became the best football player in the World in 2006.

№23 слайд
Professional Football
Содержание слайда: Professional Football: Positive and negative factors I believe football educates a strong will and ability to overcome difficulties. It gives a chance to acquire a lot of friends. It’s important that being a professional football player helps them to earn a lot of money. But there are some negative factors, connected with this kind of sport. It is associated with injuries and tiredness. And besides often players don’t have a profession and are forced to retire young.

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