Презентация Short, succinct and descriptive title of technology including application (approx 5-7 words total) Conference name Date and City Speakers name Telephone E-mail Name of institute or company City онлайн

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Презентации » Английский язык » Short, succinct and descriptive title of technology including application (approx 5-7 words total) Conference name Date and City Speakers name Telephone E-mail Name of institute or company City

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    ppt / pptx (powerpoint)
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    13 слайдов
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    50.50 kB
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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Short, succinct and
Содержание слайда: Short, succinct and descriptive title of technology including application (approx 5-7 words total) Conference name Date and City   Speaker’s name Telephone E-mail Name of institute or company City

№2 слайд
Talk outline What is needed
Содержание слайда: Talk outline    What is needed in the market? Brief technology description. Stage of development. Who needs it & how many will they need? What is my unique technology advantage? Competitive matrix. How will I beat the competition? Opportunity for joint work.

№3 слайд
Proprietary information
Содержание слайда: Proprietary information statement The technology material presented in this talk is available for licensing or joint product development. None of the slides contain any confidential or proprietary information which would prevent patenting the technology.

№4 слайд
Problem Description amp
Содержание слайда: Problem Description & Market Need (What is the problem? Or, What is needed in the market? And, How big is the potential market? What is the disease (if it’s a medical talk)? )

№5 слайд
Brief technology description
Содержание слайда: Brief technology description

№6 слайд
Advantages What is my unique
Содержание слайда: Advantages (What is my unique and overwhelming technology advantage?)

№7 слайд
Experimental results
Содержание слайда: Experimental results

№8 слайд
Stage of development clinical
Содержание слайда: Stage of development (clinical tests if medical) and international patents

№9 слайд
Targeted Market Segment Who
Содержание слайда: Targeted Market Segment (Who needs it? How many will they need? What price are they willing to pay, what do they pay now?)

№10 слайд
Competition Who is my
Содержание слайда: Competition (Who is my competition? How will I beat the competition?)

№11 слайд
Competitive Matrix
Содержание слайда: Competitive Matrix

№12 слайд
Opportunities What I am
Содержание слайда: Opportunities (What I am seeking. Opportunity for joint work. Seeking potential partners and licensees. And, How much will it cost?)

№13 слайд
Contact information Speaker s
Содержание слайда: Contact information Speaker’s name Telephone E-mail Name of institute or company City

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