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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
The Big Three Names of the
Содержание слайда: The Big Three Names of the Renaissance in THE pictorial art LATSKOVA LIZA 9B form

№2 слайд
Leonardo da Vinci - Trained
Содержание слайда: Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) • Trained in Florence. • Is best known as a painter, but did absolutely everything else as well. • Studied human anatomy, via dissection (completely illegal, unless one was a physician), and used the knowledge of such to glorify man. • Believed only in that which he could observe. • Had a Duke (of Milan) as his first patron. • Painted beautiful women, most of whom seemed to be enjoying delicious secrets. • Disliked Michelangelo, but was somewhat of a mentor (albeit unseen) to Raphael. • Worked in Rome from 1513 to 1516. • Was commissioned by Pope Leo X.

№3 слайд
A Bear Walking, Leonardo da
Содержание слайда: A Bear Walking,1490 Leonardo da Vinci (Italian, 1452–1519)

№4 слайд
Study of horse from Leonardo
Содержание слайда: Study of horse from Leonardo's journal

№5 слайд
Head of a Woman in Profile to
Содержание слайда: Head of a Woman in Profile to Lower Left (Italy, 1452–1519)

№6 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№7 слайд
Annunciation is thought to be
Содержание слайда: Annunciation (1475–1480) is thought to be Leonardo's earliest complete work. Annunciation (1475–1480) is thought to be Leonardo's earliest complete work.

№8 слайд
Mona Lisa or La Gioconda
Содержание слайда: Mona Lisa or La Gioconda (1503–1505)—Louvre, Paris, France

№9 слайд
Michelangelo Buonarroti -
Содержание слайда: Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) • Trained in Florence. • Is best known as a painter and sculptor, but worked in architecture and wrote poetry as well. • Studied human anatomy, via dissection (completely illegal, unless one was a physician), and used the knowledge of such to glorify God. • Believed deeply and devoutly in God. • Had a Medici (Lorenzo) as his first patron. • Painted women who looked a lot like men with breasts slapped on. • Intensely disliked Leonardo, but was somewhat of a reluctant mentor to Raphael. • Worked in Rome 1496-1501, 1505, 1508-1516 and from 1534 until his death in 1564. • Was commissioned by Popes Julius II, Leo X, Clement VII, Paul III Farnese, Clement VIII and Pius III.

№10 слайд
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№11 слайд
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№12 слайд
Raphael - Trained in Umbria,
Содержание слайда: Raphael (1483-1520): • Trained in Umbria, but studied in Florence (where he picked up his draftsmanship and compositional skills by studying Leonardo and Michelangelo's works). • Is best known as a painter, but worked in architecture as well. • Studied human anatomy only to the extent that his figures were proportionately correct. • Believed in God, but didn't alienate the Humanists or Neo-Platonists. • Had, as his first patrons, those who actually wanted either Leonardo or Michelangelo (whose time, respectively, was being monopolized by their patrons), but settled for Raphael. • Painted beautiful, gentle, calm women in a courteous manner. • Idolized Leonardo and managed to get along with Michelangelo (no mean feat, that). • Worked in Rome from 1508 until his death in 1520. • Was commissioned by Popes Julius II and Leo X.

№13 слайд
Probable self-portrait
Содержание слайда: Probable self-portrait drawing by Raphael in his teens

№14 слайд
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