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№1 слайд
The history of Russian cinema
Содержание слайда: “The history of Russian cinema” Mnatsakanyan Armen School №26 Form 10

№2 слайд
A little bit about myself My
Содержание слайда: A little bit about myself My name is Armen. I'm sixteen. My favourite film is «A prisoner of Caucasus». It`s a very wonderful comedy. So I like it because some episodes were shot in our place.

№3 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№4 слайд
Story of creation The idea of
Содержание слайда: Story of creation The idea of the film was born after a screenwriter Leonid Gaidai read in a newspaper story about the abduction of a girl, who one Caucasian loved in the one of the Transcaucasian Republic.

№5 слайд
Shooting Despite the film s
Содержание слайда: Shooting Despite the film's title and the images the most part of the film wasn’t filmed in the Caucasus . Main locations were in the center of Alushta valley of Ghosts at the foot of Demerdzhi. In addition in the film there are scenes shot in the city of Simferopol (the mental hospital), on the top of AI-Petri and the Caucasus, in the Adler district of Sochi in the Mzymta river (mountain river, where Nina saved Shurik)

№6 слайд
Actors Alexander Demyanenko
Содержание слайда: Actors: Alexander Demyanenko is Shurik, a folklorist. Natalya Varley is Nina, a student.  Vladimir Etush is a comrade Saahov. Frunzik Mkrtchyan is Gabriel, the Nina's uncle and a chauffeur of a comrade Saahov. Ruslan Akhmetov is Edward, the driver of "Ambulance“.. Georgiy Vitsin Is a Coward. Yuri Nikulin is a Dunce. Yevgeny Morgunov is a Seasoned.

№7 слайд
Salary Leonid Gaidai rubles
Содержание слайда: Salary Leonid Gaidai — 6140 rubles (RUB 4140 for shooting plus 2000 rubles per script); Alexander Demyanenko — 5220 RUB (74 days of shooting, 10 days dubbing); Yuri Nikulin — 4238. (43 shooting day 6 — the scoring); Georgi Vitsin — 3389 RUB (34 days of shooting, 5 — voicing); Yevgeny Morgunov — 1979,50 RUB (29 days of shooting, 5 — voicing); Vladimir Etush — 1800 RUB (24 days of shooting, 6 — voicing); Natalya Varley — 1219,24 RUB (Nadezhda Rumyantseva for the scoring role for 7 days received 237,50 RUB.); Ruslan Akhmetov — RUB 1031,78. (31 day, 6 — voicing); Frunzik Mkrtchyan — 939 RUB (24 days of shooting, 4 — voicing); Nina Grebeshkova — 279,40 RUB (5 days of shooting, 7 — voicing); Mikhail Gluzsky — 194,80 RUB (2 days shooting, 2 — voicing).

№8 слайд
Movie plot in brief Shura was
Содержание слайда: Movie plot in brief Shura was going to visit one of the republics of the mountains to collect a folklore. The hero Shura fell in love to “a sportswoman, a student, and just a beautiful girl.“Her name was Nina. But suddenly she was abducted for marry. Naive Shurik immediately found Nina everywhere for the rescue from the old Caucasian . He wanted to help “ A prisoner of the Caucasus"..

№9 слайд
On the set broke up the trio
Содержание слайда: On the set broke up the trio Vitsin — Morgunov — Nikulin. Actors weren’t friends. During the film Morgunov began to behave shamelessly . Once he brought a girl to the film ground and Gaidai asked to leave all outsiders out of the room. The girl wanted to get up but Morgunov stopped her and said, that it doesn't apply to her. Morgunov said her that she isn`t a stranger. After that were a lot of changes in the final scenes of the film. Then Gaidai took of the film without of Morgunov. Nikulin and Vitsin stayed in the film.

№10 слайд
The appearance of the
Содержание слайда: The appearance of the characters in the movies. In 1996 was born a musical film "Old songs about the main 2“. It had a big success. Aleksandr Demyanenko and Natalya Varley re-performed the role of Shurik and Nina in one of the scenes.

№11 слайд
A remake In published a
Содержание слайда: A remake In 2014 published a remake for a new film “A prisoner of the Caucasus!". The film became one of the greatest failures in the history of Russian cinema. With a budget about $ 3.5 million fees it amounted nearly 180 thousand dollars. The rankings kinopoisk.ru showed that the film scored 1.1 points out of a possible 10. It was the worst movies in history of cinema.

№12 слайд
Good Comedy I as like the old
Содержание слайда: Good Comedy I as like the old comedy film as all people of our great country. To my mind it is a national film , that was taken in our region.

№13 слайд
Thank you for your attention!
Содержание слайда: Thank you for your attention!

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