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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Traditions of Russian,
Содержание слайда: Traditions of Russian, American and English cuisine

№2 слайд
Key words and phrases I like
Содержание слайда: Key words and phrases I like/prefer cuisine cooking associate with dishes a spoon, a folk, a knife, polite

№3 слайд
Russian cuisine
Содержание слайда: Russian cuisine

№4 слайд
At the cafe
Содержание слайда: At the cafe

№5 слайд
American cuisine
Содержание слайда: American cuisine

№6 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№7 слайд
Содержание слайда: Exercises

№8 слайд
When invited to an American
Содержание слайда: When invited to an American house Table manners

№9 слайд
Quiz When eating use your . a
Содержание слайда: Quiz 1) When eating use your… . a) fingers b) folks and knives c) friends 2) Your napkin should be … during a meal. on the plate b) on your lap c) on your neck 3) A folk should be … . on the left of the plate on the rigth of the plate in front of the plate

№10 слайд
You should keep your knife .
Содержание слайда: 4) You should keep your knife … . 4) You should keep your knife … . a) in your left hand b) in your right hand c) under the table 5) It is always polite … . To compliment the cook To be late c) to come early 6) You should not put your elbows … . on your neighbours on the plates on the table

№11 слайд
You shouldn t talk . You
Содержание слайда: 7) You shouldn’t talk … . 7) You shouldn’t talk … . a) with your neighbours b) with your mouth full c) about nice things 8) You should be … . polite aggressive rude

№12 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№13 слайд
It is easier to imagine
Содержание слайда: It is easier to imagine Britain without a Queen than without tea.

№14 слайд
Some facts about tea. cups of
Содержание слайда: Some facts about tea. 74 802 cups of tea are drunk by one British person in his or her whole life. The custom of afternoon tea was originated in the early 1800s. Tea breaks are a tradition which have been with us for approximately 200 years.

№15 слайд
Thank you for your attention.
Содержание слайда: Thank you for your attention.

№16 слайд
Let s have a cup of tea
Содержание слайда: Let’s have a cup of tea

№17 слайд
What extra information would
Содержание слайда: What extra information would you like to know of traditional dishes in English-speaking countries? (history, prefers)

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