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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
American media Perception of
Содержание слайда: American media Perception of the north Korean threat Danielle Preskitt, November 16, 2016

№2 слайд
Inside look at the DPRK
Содержание слайда: Inside look at the DPRK Population: 25, 115, 311 (July, 2016) 25-54 age range: 44.22% of population Ethnicity: Homogeneous, except small Chinese community and few ethnic Japanese Religion: Buddhism and Confucianism, few Christians and Chondogyo  Energy: Coal and hydropower Technology: Intranet, cellphones more prevalent Transportation: Taxi boom, Metro, & private cars Nuclear: focus on quality and delivery systems

№3 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№4 слайд
DPRK perceived threat In
Содержание слайда: DPRK perceived threat In schools, teach children about the vulnerability of the state backpacks with nuclear sign nuclear capabilities- warheads

№5 слайд
US Policy Makers and Use of
Содержание слайда: US Policy Makers and Use of media Leak information to the media to see the public’s reaction before they make an official announcement Trial Balloon, but there are many other motivations for leaks Government leaders attempt to influence public opinion Only a small minority of the US population educated about the DPRK Makes it very easy to sway public opinion

№6 слайд
US Media Interpretation of
Содержание слайда: US Media Interpretation of perceived threat Shock factor- irrational Focus on leader’s characteristics Little on human rights Not as much available as other international threats Islamic state, Al Qaeda, Etc.…

№7 слайд
DPrk s use of media Submarine
Содержание слайда: DPrk’s use of media Submarine Launch of an SLBM Prototype- May 8, 2015 Over exaggeration of capabilities- particularly nuclear Prohibit pictures of all food markets Isolation of population from social media and world Complete control of narrative intranet

№8 слайд
US media Negotiations with
Содержание слайда: US media Negotiations with DPRK during George W. Bush’s Term Indecisiveness undermines credibility 2011- vague rhetoric “demonstrate its genuine determination in denuclearization with actions”- Hillary Clinton Senior white house official suggested the US block 6 party talks

№9 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№10 слайд
North Korea says Has power to
Содержание слайда: “North Korea says ‘Has power to deter us nuclear threat” “North Korea says ‘Has power to deter us nuclear threat” “North Korea threatens US” “North Korea fires three ballistic missiles in a new show of force” “North Korea nukes US in propaganda video” “North Korea warns us about ‘pre-emptive strike’ if necessary”

№11 слайд
Does media affect foreign
Содержание слайда: Does media affect foreign policy?

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