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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Data Modeling and Databases
Содержание слайда: Data Modeling and Databases Lab 6: Recitation Bulat Gabbasov, Albina Khusainova Innopolis University 2016

№2 слайд
Q points Design an E R
Содержание слайда: Q1 (10 points) Design an E/R diagram describing the following domain: · A Person has attributes pid (key) and name. · A Skier is a type of Person with attribute ski_size. · A Snowboarder is a type of Person with attribute board_size. · A PairOfSkis has attribute sid (key) and model. · A Snowboard has attribute sid (key) and model. · A Skier owns zero or more PairOfSkis. The ownership relation has a purchase price. A PairOfSkis is owned by at most one Skier. · A Snowboarder owns zero or more Snowboards. The ownership relation has a purchase price. A Snowboard is owned by at most one Snowboarder. · A Person can rent a PairOfSkis or a Snowboard. A person cannot rent more than one PairOfSkis or one Snowboard at the same time. A person cannot rent a PairOfSkis and a Snowboard at the same time either. A piece of equipment can be rented by at most one person at a time. The rental comes with a start date and an end date.

№3 слайд
Q Solution
Содержание слайда: Q1: Solution

№4 слайд
Q Solution
Содержание слайда: Q1: Solution

№5 слайд
Q . Common mistakes Owns
Содержание слайда: Q1. Common mistakes: Owns relationship A Skier owns zero or more PairOfSkis. The ownership relation has a purchase price. A PairOfSkis is owned by at most one Skier. Messing up the notation

№6 слайд
Q . Common mistakes Owns
Содержание слайда: Q1. Common mistakes: Owns relationship A Skier owns zero or more PairOfSkis. The ownership relation has a purchase price. A PairOfSkis is owned by at most one Skier. Only one pair of skies for a Skier?!

№7 слайд
Q . Common mistakes Owns
Содержание слайда: Q1. Common mistakes: Owns relationship A Skier owns zero or more PairOfSkis. The ownership relation has a purchase price. A PairOfSkis is owned by at most one Skier. Should each and every pair of skies be owned by someone?!

№8 слайд
Q . Common mistakes Rents
Содержание слайда: Q1. Common mistakes: Rents relationship A Person can rent a PairOfSkis or a Snowboard. A person cannot rent more than one PairOfSkis or one Snowboard at the same time. A person cannot rent a PairOfSkis and a Snowboard at the same time either. A piece of equipment can be rented by at most one person at a time. The rental comes with a start date and an end date. Why is this not right?

№9 слайд
Q . Common mistakes Rents
Содержание слайда: Q1. Common mistakes: Rents relationship A Person can rent a PairOfSkis or a Snowboard. A person cannot rent more than one PairOfSkis or one Snowboard at the same time. A person cannot rent a PairOfSkis and a Snowboard at the same time either. A piece of equipment can be rented by at most one person at a time. The rental comes with a start date and an end date. Why is this not right?

№10 слайд
Q . Common mistakes Rents
Содержание слайда: Q1. Common mistakes: Rents relationship A Person can rent a PairOfSkis or a Snowboard. A person cannot rent more than one PairOfSkis or one Snowboard at the same time. A person cannot rent a PairOfSkis and a Snowboard at the same time either. A piece of equipment can be rented by at most one person at a time. The rental comes with a start date and an end date. Why is this not right?

№11 слайд
Q . Common mistakes Rents
Содержание слайда: Q1. Common mistakes: Rents relationship A Person can rent a PairOfSkis or a Snowboard. A person cannot rent more than one PairOfSkis or one Snowboard at the same time. A person cannot rent a PairOfSkis and a Snowboard at the same time either. A piece of equipment can be rented by at most one person at a time. The rental comes with a start date and an end date. Duplicate sid fields

№12 слайд
Q . Common mistakes Rents
Содержание слайда: Q1. Common mistakes: Rents relationship A Person can rent a PairOfSkis or a Snowboard. A person cannot rent more than one PairOfSkis or one Snowboard at the same time. A person cannot rent a PairOfSkis and a Snowboard at the same time either. A piece of equipment can be rented by at most one person at a time. The rental comes with a start date and an end date. Possible, but why have two ids?

№13 слайд
Q . Common mistakes Rents
Содержание слайда: Q1. Common mistakes: Rents relationship A Person can rent a PairOfSkis or a Snowboard. A person cannot rent more than one PairOfSkis or one Snowboard at the same time. A person cannot rent a PairOfSkis and a Snowboard at the same time either. A piece of equipment can be rented by at most one person at a time. The rental comes with a start date and an end date. A better option

№14 слайд
Q points Write the SQL CREATE
Содержание слайда: Q2 (6 points) Write the SQL CREATE TABLE statement for the owns relation between Skier and PairOfSkis. Make sure that your statement specifies the PRIMARY KEY and any FOREIGN KEYS. Additionally, we would like to enforce the constraint that purchase price be greater than zero.

№15 слайд
Q Solution CREATE TABLE owns
Содержание слайда: Q2: Solution CREATE TABLE owns ( sid INT PairOfSkis, pid INT Skier, purchase_price INT, PRIMARY KEY (sid), FOREIGN KEY (sid) REFERENCES PairOfSkis, FOREIGN KEY (pid) REFERENCES Skier, CHECK ( purchase_price > 0) )

№16 слайд
Q . Common mistakes PK choice
Содержание слайда: Q2. Common mistakes: PK choice CREATE TABLE owns ( sid INT PairOfSkis, pid INT Skier, purchase_price INT, PRIMARY KEY (sid,pid) (sid), FOREIGN KEY (sid) REFERENCES PairOfSkis, FOREIGN KEY (pid) REFERENCES Skier, CHECK ( purchase_price > 0) )

№17 слайд
Q . Common mistakes PK choice
Содержание слайда: Q2. Common mistakes: PK choice CREATE TABLE owns ( sid INT PairOfSkis, pid INT Skier, purchase_price INT, PRIMARY KEY (sid,pid) (sid), FOREIGN KEY (sid) REFERENCES PairOfSkis, FOREIGN KEY (pid) REFERENCES Skier, CHECK ( purchase_price > 0) ) “A PairOfSkis is owned by at most one Skier.”

№18 слайд
Q . Common mistakes PK choice
Содержание слайда: Q2. Common mistakes: PK choice CREATE TABLE owns ( sid INT PairOfSkis, pid INT Skier, purchase_price INT, PRIMARY KEY (pid) (sid), FOREIGN KEY (sid) REFERENCES PairOfSkis, FOREIGN KEY (pid) REFERENCES Skier, CHECK ( purchase_price > 0) )

№19 слайд
Q . Common mistakes PK choice
Содержание слайда: Q2. Common mistakes: PK choice CREATE TABLE owns ( sid INT PairOfSkis, pid INT Skier, purchase_price INT, PRIMARY KEY (pid) (sid), FOREIGN KEY (sid) REFERENCES PairOfSkis, FOREIGN KEY (pid) REFERENCES Skier, CHECK ( purchase_price > 0) ) Only one pair of skis for one skier?! “A Skier owns zero or more PairOfSkis.”

№20 слайд
Q . Common mistakes Excessive
Содержание слайда: Q2. Common mistakes: Excessive attributes CREATE TABLE owns ( sid INT PairOfSkis, pid INT Skier, purchase_price INT, model varchar, ski_size INT PRIMARY KEY (sid), FOREIGN KEY (sid) REFERENCES PairOfSkis, FOREIGN KEY (pid) REFERENCES Skier, FOREIGN KEY (model) REFERENCES PairOfSkis, FOREIGN KEY (ski_size) REFERENCES Skier, CHECK ( purchase_price > 0) ) What for?!

№21 слайд
Q . Second option - combining
Содержание слайда: Q2. Second option - combining Owns and PairOfSkis CREATE TABLE pairOfSkisOwns ( sid INT PairOfSkis, model VARCHAR, pid INT Skier, purchase_price INT, PRIMARY KEY (sid), FOREIGN KEY (pid) REFERENCES Skier, CHECK ( purchase_price > 0) )

№22 слайд
Q Consider the two tables Q
Содержание слайда: Q3: Consider the two tables: Q3: Consider the two tables: Table Driver (licenseNum, firstName, lastName, age) – part of a simple driver registration database. Every row of Driver has a unique licenceNum. Also consider table Voter (voterID, firstName, lastName, district) – where every row of Voter has a unique voterID. 3.1 Write a query in SQL to give the first and last names of all drivers that share a last name with another driver. SELECT firstName, lastName from Driver d1 WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM Driver d2 WHERE d1.lastname = d2.lastname AND d1.firstName != d2.firstname)

№23 слайд
Q Consider the two tables Q
Содержание слайда: Q3: Consider the two tables: Q3: Consider the two tables: Table Driver (licenseNum, firstName, lastName, age) – part of a simple driver registration database. Every row of Driver has a unique licenceNum. Also consider table Voter (voterID, firstName, lastName, district) – where every row of Voter has a unique voterID. 3.1 Write a query in SQL to give the first and last names of all drivers that share a last name with another driver. Forgetting to remove self references SELECT firstName, lastName from Driver d1 WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM Driver d2 WHERE d1.lastname = d2.lastname)

№24 слайд
Q Consider the two tables Q
Содержание слайда: Q3: Consider the two tables: Q3: Consider the two tables: Table Driver (licenseNum, firstName, lastName, age) – part of a simple driver registration database. Every row of Driver has a unique licenceNum. Also consider table Voter (voterID, firstName, lastName, district) – where every row of Voter has a unique voterID. 3.1 Write a query in SQL to give the first and last names of all drivers that share a last name with another driver. Comparing lastName with a set that possibly has multiple elements SELECT firstName, lastName from Driver d1 WHERE lastName = (SELECT lastName FROM Driver d2 WHERE d1.lastName = d2.lastName AND d1.fistName != d2.firstName)

№25 слайд
Q Consider the two tables Q
Содержание слайда: Q3: Consider the two tables: Q3: Consider the two tables: Table Driver (licenseNum, firstName, lastName, age) – part of a simple driver registration database. Every row of Driver has a unique licenceNum. Also consider table Voter (voterID, firstName, lastName, district) – where every row of Voter has a unique voterID. 3.1 Write a query in SQL to give the first and last names of all drivers that share a last name with another driver. Use IN instead SELECT firstName, lastName from Driver d1 WHERE lastName IN (SELECT lastName FROM Driver d2 WHERE d1.lastName = d2.lastName AND d1.fistName != d2.firstName)

№26 слайд
Q Consider the two tables Q
Содержание слайда: Q3: Consider the two tables: Q3: Consider the two tables: Table Driver (licenseNum, firstName, lastName, age) – part of a simple driver registration database. Every row of Driver has a unique licenceNum. Also consider table Voter (voterID, firstName, lastName, district) – where every row of Voter has a unique voterID. 3.1 Write a query in SQL to give the first and last names of all drivers that share a last name with another driver. SELECT DISTINCT d1.firstName, d1.lastName from Driver d1, Driver d2 WHERE d1.lastName = d2.lastName AND d1.firstName != d2.firstName

№27 слайд
Q Consider the two tables Q
Содержание слайда: Q3: Consider the two tables: Q3: Consider the two tables: Table Driver (licenseNum, firstName, lastName, age) – part of a simple driver registration database. Every row of Driver has a unique licenceNum. Also consider table Voter (voterID, firstName, lastName, district) – where every row of Voter has a unique voterID. 3.1 Write a query in SQL to give the first and last names of all drivers that share a last name with another driver. Forgetting to put distinct SELECT DISTINCT d1.firstName, d1.lastName from Driver d1, Driver d2 WHERE d1.lastName = d2.lastName AND d1.firstName != d2.firstName

№28 слайд
Q Consider the two tables Q
Содержание слайда: Q3: Consider the two tables: Q3: Consider the two tables: Table Driver (licenseNum, firstName, lastName, age) – part of a simple driver registration database. Every row of Driver has a unique licenceNum. Also consider table Voter (voterID, firstName, lastName, district) – where every row of Voter has a unique voterID. 3.1 Write a query in SQL to give the first and last names of all drivers that share a last name with another driver. Using < instead of != SELECT DISTINCT d1.firstName, d1.lastName from Driver d1, Driver d2 WHERE d1.lastName = d2.lastName AND d1.firstName < d2.firstName

№29 слайд
Q Consider the two tables Q
Содержание слайда: Q3: Consider the two tables: Q3: Consider the two tables: Table Driver (licenseNum, firstName, lastName, age) – part of a simple driver registration database. Every row of Driver has a unique licenceNum. Also consider table Voter (voterID, firstName, lastName, district) – where every row of Voter has a unique voterID. 3.1 Write a query in SQL to give the first and last names of all drivers that share a last name with another driver. SELECT d1.firstName, d1.lastName from Driver d1 WHERE d1.lastName IN (SELECT d2.lastName FROM Driver d2 GROUP BY d2.lastName HAVING COUNT(firstName) > 1)

№30 слайд
Q Consider the two tables Q
Содержание слайда: Q3: Consider the two tables: Q3: Consider the two tables: Table Driver (licenseNum, firstName, lastName, age) – part of a simple driver registration database. Every row of Driver has a unique licenceNum. Also consider table Voter (voterID, firstName, lastName, district) – where every row of Voter has a unique voterID. 3.2 (5 points) Write a query in SQL to find all people (first name, last name) who are both voters from district ‘32’ and drivers under the age 25. Almost no issues with this question. SELECT firstName, lastName FROM Driver WHERE age < 25 INTERSECT SELECT firstName, lastName FROM Voter WHERE district = ‘32’

№31 слайд
Q Consider the two tables Q
Содержание слайда: Q3: Consider the two tables: Q3: Consider the two tables: Table Driver (licenseNum, firstName, lastName, age) – part of a simple driver registration database. Every row of Driver has a unique licenceNum. Also consider table Voter (voterID, firstName, lastName, district) – where every row of Voter has a unique voterID. 3.2 (5 points) Write a query in SQL to find all people (first name, last name) who are both voters from district ‘32’ and drivers under the age 25. Almost no issues with this question. SELECT firstName, lastName FROM Driver NATURAL JOIN Voter WHERE age < 25 AND district = ‘32’

№32 слайд
Q Consider the following
Содержание слайда: Q4: Consider the following schema: Q4: Consider the following schema: Suppliers(sid: integer, sname: string, address: string) Parts(pid: integer, pname: string, color: string) Catalog(sid: integer, pid: integer, cost: real) Find the names of suppliers who supply some red part. SELECT DISTINCT S.name FROM Parts P, Catalog C, Supplier S WHERE P.color = ‘red’ AND P.pid = C.pid AND C.sid = S.sid

№33 слайд
Q Consider the following
Содержание слайда: Q4: Consider the following schema: Q4: Consider the following schema: Suppliers(sid: integer, sname: string, address: string) Parts(pid: integer, pname: string, color: string) Catalog(sid: integer, pid: integer, cost: real) Find the names of suppliers who supply some red part. SELECT DISTINCT S.name FROM Parts P, Catalog C, Supplier S WHERE P.color = ‘red’ AND P.pid = C.pid AND C.sid = S.sid

№34 слайд
Q Consider the following
Содержание слайда: Q4: Consider the following schema: Q4: Consider the following schema: Suppliers(sid: integer, sname: string, address: string) Parts(pid: integer, pname: string, color: string) Catalog(sid: integer, pid: integer, cost: real) Find the names of suppliers who supply some red part. SELECT S.name FROM Supplier s WHERE s.sid IN (SELECT c.sid FROM Catalog c WHERE c.pid IN (SELECT p.pid FROM Parts p WHERE p.color = ‘red’)

№35 слайд
Q Consider the following
Содержание слайда: Q4: Consider the following schema: Q4: Consider the following schema: Suppliers(sid: integer, sname: string, address: string) Parts(pid: integer, pname: string, color: string) Catalog(sid: integer, pid: integer, cost: real) Find the sids of suppliers who supply some red or green part. SELECT C.sid FROM Parts P, Catalog C WHERE (P.color = ‘red’ OR P.color = ‘green’) AND P.pid = C.pid

№36 слайд
Q Consider the following
Содержание слайда: Q4: Consider the following schema: Q4: Consider the following schema: Suppliers(sid: integer, sname: string, address: string) Parts(pid: integer, pname: string, color: string) Catalog(sid: integer, pid: integer, cost: real) Find the sids of suppliers who supply some red or green part. SELECT C.sid FROM (SELECT p.pid FROM Parts P WHERE P.color = ‘red’ UNION SELECT p.pid FROM Parts P WHERE P.color = ‘green’) PS, Catalog C WHERE PS.pid = C.pid

№37 слайд
Q . Which of the following
Содержание слайда: Q5 5.1 Which of the following relational algebra operations do not require the participating tables to be union-compatible? (A) Union (B) Intersection (C) Difference (D) Join 5.2 Relational Algebra does not have (A) Selection operator. (B) Projection operator. (C) Aggregation operators. (D) Division operator. 5.3 In an E-R diagram a thick line indicate (A) Total participation. (B) Multiple participation. (C) Cardinality N. (D) None of the above.

№38 слайд
Q . The operation which is
Содержание слайда: Q5 5.4 The operation which is not considered a basic operation of relational algebra is (A) Join. (B) Selection. (C) Union. (D) Cross product. 5.5 In SQL the statement select * from R, S is equivalent to (A) Select * from R natural join S. (B) Select * from R cross join S. (cross product) (C) (Select * from R) union (Select * from S). (D) (Select * from R) intersect (Select * from S). 5.6 In SQL, testing whether a subquery is empty is done using (A) DISTINCT (B) UNIQUE (C) NULL (D) EXISTS

№39 слайд
Q . A trigger is? A A
Содержание слайда: Q5 5.7 A trigger is? (A) A statement that is executed automatically by the system as a side effect of modification to the (B) A statement that enables to start any DBMS (C) A statement that is executed by the user when debugging an application program (D) A condition the system tests for the validity of the database user 5.8 Entity set that does not have enough _________ to form a _______ is a weak entity set. (A) attribute, primary key (B) records, foreign key (C) records, primary key (D) attribute, foreign key

№40 слайд
Содержание слайда: QA

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