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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Introduction to Database
Содержание слайда: Introduction to Database Systems Database Systems Lecture 5

№2 слайд
Textbook Recommended
Содержание слайда: Textbook Recommended textbooks: ‘Database Systems: A practical approach to design, implementation and management’ by Connolly and Begg `A first course in database systems’ by Ullman and Widom.

№3 слайд
Why Study Databases?
Содержание слайда: Why Study Databases? Databases are useful Many computing applications deal with large amounts of information Database systems give a set of tools for storing, searching and managing this information

№4 слайд
What is a Database? A set of
Содержание слайда: What is a Database? “A set of information held in a computer” Oxford English Dictionary “One or more large structured sets of persistent data, usually associated with software to update and query the data” Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing “A collection of data arranged for ease and speed of search and retrieval” Dictionary.com

№5 слайд
Databases Web indexes Library
Содержание слайда: Databases Web indexes Library catalogues Medical records Bank accounts Stock control Personnel systems Product catalogues Telephone directories

№6 слайд
Database Systems A database
Содержание слайда: Database Systems A database system consists of Data (the database) Software Hardware Users We focus mainly on the software

№7 слайд
Database Users End users Use
Содержание слайда: Database Users End users Use the database system to achieve some goal Application developers Write software to allow end users to interface with the database system

№8 слайд
Database Management Systems A
Содержание слайда: Database Management Systems A database is a collection of information A database management system (DBMS) is the software than controls that information

№9 слайд
What the DBMS does Provides
Содержание слайда: What the DBMS does Provides users with Data definition language (DDL) Data manipulation language (DML) Data control language (DCL) Often these are all the same language

№10 слайд
Data Dictionary - Metadata
Содержание слайда: Data Dictionary - Metadata The dictionary or catalog stores information about the database itself This is data about data or ‘metadata’ Almost every aspect of the DBMS uses the dictionary

№11 слайд
File Based Systems File based
Содержание слайда: File Based Systems File based systems Data is stored in files Each file has a specific format Programs that use these files depend on knowledge about that format

№12 слайд
Relational Systems Problems
Содержание слайда: Relational Systems Problems with early databases Navigating the records requires complex programs There is minimal data independence No theoretical foundations

№13 слайд
Relational Systems
Содержание слайда: Relational Systems Information is stored as tuples or records in relations or tables There is a sound mathematical theory of relations Most modern DBMS are based on the relational model

№14 слайд
ANSI SPARC Architecture ANSI
Содержание слайда: ANSI/SPARC Architecture ANSI - American National Standards Institute SPARC - Standards Planning and Requirements Committee 1975 - proposed a framework for DBs

№15 слайд
Internal Level Deals with
Содержание слайда: Internal Level Deals with physical storage of data Structure of records on disk - files, pages, blocks Indexes and ordering of records Used by database system programmers

№16 слайд
Conceptual Level Deals with
Содержание слайда: Conceptual Level Deals with the organisation of the data as a whole Abstractions are used to remove unnecessary details of the internal level Used by DBAs and application programmers

№17 слайд
External Level Provides a
Содержание слайда: External Level Provides a view of the database tailored to a user Parts of the data may be hidden Data is presented in a useful form Used by end users and application programmers

№18 слайд
Mappings Mappings translate
Содержание слайда: Mappings Mappings translate information from one level to the next External/Conceptual Conceptual/Internal These mappings provide data independence

№19 слайд
ANSI SPARC Architecture
Содержание слайда: ANSI/SPARC Architecture

№20 слайд
This Lecture in Exams
Содержание слайда: This Lecture in Exams Describe the three levels of the ANSI/SPARC model. You should include information about what each level is for, which users might be interested in which levels, and how the levels relate to one another. (2004/05, 7 marks)

№21 слайд
Next Lecture The Relational
Содержание слайда: Next Lecture The Relational Model Relational data structure Relational data integrity Relational data manipulation For more information Connolly and Begg chapters 3 and 4 Ullman and Widom (2 ed.) Chapter 3.1, 5.1 E.F. Codd’s paper (there is a link on last year’s G51DBS webpage)

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