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№1 слайд
Definition Two samples are
Содержание слайда: Definition Two samples are independent if the sample selected from one population is not related to the sample selected from the second population. The two samples are dependent if each member of one sample corresponds to a member of the other sample. Dependent samples are also called paired samples or matched samples.

№2 слайд
Ex. a Independent and
Содержание слайда: Ex. 1a: Independent and Dependent Samples Classify each pair of samples as independent or dependent: Sample 1: Resting heart rates of 35 individuals before drinking coffee. Sample 2: Resting heart rates of the same individuals after drinking two cups of coffee.

№3 слайд
Ex. Independent and Dependent
Содержание слайда: Ex. 1: Independent and Dependent Samples Sample 1: Resting heart rates of 35 individuals before drinking coffee. Sample 2: Resting heart rates of the same individuals after drinking two cups of coffee. These samples are dependent. Because the resting heart rates of the same individuals were taken, the samples are related. The samples can be paired with respect to each individual.

№4 слайд
Ex. b Independent and
Содержание слайда: Ex. 1b: Independent and Dependent Samples Classify each pair of samples as independent or dependent: Sample 1: Test scores for 35 statistics students Sample 2: Test scores for 42 biology students who do not study statistics

№5 слайд
Ex. b Independent and
Содержание слайда: Ex. 1b: Independent and Dependent Samples Sample 1: Test scores for 35 statistics students Sample 2: Test scores for 42 biology students who do not study statistics These samples are independent. It is not possible to form a pairing between the members of samples—the sample sizes are different and the data represent test scores for different individuals.

№6 слайд
Note Dependent samples often
Содержание слайда: Note: Dependent samples often involve identical twins, before and after results for the same person or object, or results of individuals matched for specific characteristics.

№7 слайд
The t-Test for the Difference
Содержание слайда: The t-Test for the Difference Between Means To perform a two-sample hypothesis test with dependent samples, you will use a different technique. You will first find the difference for each data pair, . The test statistic is the mean of these differences,

№8 слайд
To conduct the test, the
Содержание слайда: To conduct the test, the following conditions are required: The samples must be dependent (paired) and randomly selected. Both populations must be normally distributed. If these two requirements are met, then the sampling distribution for , the mean of the differences of the paired data entries in the dependent samples,

№9 слайд
To conduct the test, the
Содержание слайда: To conduct the test, the following conditions are required: has a t-distribution with n – 1 degrees of freedom, where n is the number of data pairs.

№10 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№11 слайд
Because the sampling
Содержание слайда: Because the sampling distribution for is a t-distribution, you can use a t-test to test a claim about the mean of the differences for a population of paired data.

№12 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№13 слайд
Ex. The t-Test for the
Содержание слайда: Ex. 2: The t-Test for the Difference Between Means A golf club manufacturer claims that golfers can lower their score by using the manufacturer’s newly designed golf clubs. Eight golfers are randomly selected and each is asked to give his or her most recent score. After using the new clubs for one month, the golfers are again asked to give their most recent scores. The scores for each golfer are given in the next slide. Assuming the golf scores are normally distributed, is there enough evidence to support the manufacturer’s claim at  = 0.10?

№14 слайд
The claim is that golfers can
Содержание слайда: The claim is that “golfers can lower their scores.” In other words, the manufacturer claims that the score using the old clubs will be greater than the score using the new clubs. Each difference is given by: The claim is that “golfers can lower their scores.” In other words, the manufacturer claims that the score using the old clubs will be greater than the score using the new clubs. Each difference is given by: d = (old score) – (new score) The null and alternative hypotheses are Ho: d  0 and Ha: d > 0 (claim)

№15 слайд
Because the test is a
Содержание слайда: Because the test is a right-tailed test,  = 0.10, and d.f. = 8 – 1 = 7, the critical value for t is 1.415. The rejection region is t > 1.415. Using the table below, you can calculate and sd as follows:

№16 слайд
Using the t-test, the
Содержание слайда: Using the t-test, the standardized test statistic is: The graph below shows the location of the rejection region and the standardized test statistic, t. Because t is in the rejection region, you should decide to reject the null hypothesis. There is not enough evidence to support the golf manufacturer’s claim at the 10% level The results of this test indicate that after using the new clubs, golf scores were significantly lower.

№17 слайд
Ex. The t-Test for the
Содержание слайда: Ex. 3: The t-Test for the Difference Between Means A state legislator wants to determine whether her voter’s performance rating (0-100) has changed from last year to this year. The following table shows the legislator’s performance rating for the same 16 randomly selected voters for last year and this year. At  = 0.01, is there enough evidence to conclude that the legislator’s performance rating has changed? Assume the performance ratings are normally distributed.

№18 слайд
If there is a change in the
Содержание слайда: If there is a change in the legislator’s rating, there will be a difference between “this year’s” ratings and “last year’s) ratings. Because the legislator wants to see if there is a difference, the null and alternative hypotheses are: If there is a change in the legislator’s rating, there will be a difference between “this year’s” ratings and “last year’s) ratings. Because the legislator wants to see if there is a difference, the null and alternative hypotheses are: Ho: d = 0 and Ha: d  0 (claim)

№19 слайд
Because the test is a tw
Содержание слайда: Because the test is a tw0-tailed test,  = 0.01, and d.f. = 16 – 1 = 15, the critical values for t are 2.947. The rejection region are t < -2.947 and t > 2.947.

№20 слайд
Using the t-test, the
Содержание слайда: Using the t-test, the standardized test statistic is: The graph shows the location of the rejection region and the standardized test statistic, t. Because t is not in the rejection region, you should fail to reject the null hypothesis at the 1% level. There is not enough evidence to conclude that the legislator’s approval rating has changed.

№21 слайд
Using Technology If you
Содержание слайда: Using Technology If you prefer to use a technology tool for this type of test, enter the data in two columns and form a third column in which you calculate the difference for each pair. You can now perform a one-sample t-test on the difference column as shown in Chapter 7.

№22 слайд
Using Technology
Содержание слайда: Using Technology Stat|Edit|enter data Subtract L1 – L2 = in L3. STAT|Tests|t-test Data  = 0 List: L3 Freq: 1   0 Calculate

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