Презентация Russian mathematician. Sofia Kovalevskaya онлайн

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Презентации » Математика » Russian mathematician. Sofia Kovalevskaya

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Russian Mathematician He
Содержание слайда: Russian Mathematician He complied with : Kleynos Maxim Student 2nd courses ASU

№2 слайд
Sofia Kovalevskaya, Russian
Содержание слайда: Sofia Kovalevskaya, Russian mathematician and engineer, and the first woman in the world - a professor of mathematics

№3 слайд
Sofia Kovalevskaya was born
Содержание слайда: Sofia Kovalevskaya was born 3 (15) January 1850 in Moscow. The daughter of Lieutenant-General of artillery V. Korvin-Krukovsky and Elizabeth Feodorovna.

№4 слайд
Receipt of women in the
Содержание слайда: Receipt of women in the Russian higher education institutions was prohibited. Studying abroad was possible only with the permission of her father or husband. Therefore, Sophia organized a sham marriage with a young scientist Vladimir Kovalevsky.

№5 слайд
In Kovalevskaya studied at
Содержание слайда: In 1869 Kovalevskaya studied at the University of Heidelberg in Koenigsberger, and from 1870 to 1874 year at the University of Berlin K. T. Weierstrass. Under the rules of the university women could not attend lectures. But Weierstrass interested in discovering the mathematical talents of Sophia, led her classes.

№6 слайд
In - the winner of the Paris
Содержание слайда: In 1888 - the winner of the Paris Academy of Sciences Borden Prize for the discovery of a third case of classical solvability of the problem of the rotation of a rigid body around a fixed point. The second work on the same subject in 1889 celebrated the prize of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, and Kovalevskaya elected a corresponding member of the Physics and Mathematics Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

№7 слайд
In , on the way from Berlin
Содержание слайда: In 1891, on the way from Berlin to Stockholm Sophia learned that an outbreak of smallpox in Denmark. Frightened, she decided to change the route. But in addition to the open crew to continue the journey it was nothing, and she had to change seats with him. On the road Sofia cold. Colds are passed into the pheumonia. January 29, 1891 Kovalevskaya 41 years of age died in Stockholm. She was buried in the North Cemetery Stockholm.

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