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Презентации » Технология » Engetronics. Internet datacenter

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№2 слайд
Содержание слайда: Address: ENGETRONICS INTERNET DATACENTER Address: ENGETRONICS INTERNET DATACENTER Setor Hoteleiro Norte Qd 2 BL H , lojas nº 110 a 114 70702905 Brasilia DF, Brazil

№3 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№4 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№5 слайд
Physical Security Data Center
Содержание слайда: Physical Security Data Center monitored by closed circuit TV; Access to the data center and adjacent areas controlled and restricted; Access with biometrics authentication system; Physical security against unauthorized access and interference from the external environment; Alarm system for detecting open ports; Physical Security Data Center monitored by closed circuit TV; Access to the data center and adjacent areas controlled and restricted; Access with biometrics authentication system; Physical security against unauthorized access and interference from the external environment; Alarm system for detecting open ports; Logic Safety Monitoring network traffic in real time; Response to unauthorized activity in real time; Centralized management of remote sensors

№6 слайд
We intend to improve the
Содержание слайда: «We intend to improve the integration between our units, we did not expect is that in addition to increased safety and efficiency in processes, we would not need more to worry about infrastructure, since we are in a consolidated Datacenter.» Fernando Batista «We intend to improve the integration between our units, we did not expect is that in addition to increased safety and efficiency in processes, we would not need more to worry about infrastructure, since we are in a consolidated Datacenter.» Fernando Batista «We are quite pleased with infrastructure, and technical skills of support staff who help us to have more flexibility and security» Gisele Diniz

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