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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Sports in a life of the
Содержание слайда: Sports in a life of the teenager

№2 слайд
All of us are children of the
Содержание слайда: All of us are children of the nature. Today it is already clear, that our health in many respects depends on its health. The nature always arrived as the friend and the defender of the person, it gave it the blessings, created conditions for a life. To the nature we are in many respects obliged by the health and well-being.

№3 слайд
Sports-it a life
Содержание слайда: Sports-it a life

№4 слайд
The person possesses the huge
Содержание слайда: The person possesses the huge possibilities given to it by the nature. It is difficult even to list all positive phenomena arising in an organism during physical exercises. Truly - movement is a life.

№5 слайд
If the person is strong,
Содержание слайда: If the person is strong, tempered, its organism can actively resist to illnesses. At the weakened people resistibility is lowered, and they often are ill.

№6 слайд
The morning gymnastics,
Содержание слайда: The morning gymnastics, lessons of physical culture, employment in sports sections, outdoor games and sports entertainments - all it strengthens health and protects an organism from diseases.

№7 слайд
To be healthy - natural
Содержание слайда: To be healthy - natural desire of each person. Good health is a joyful perception of a life, high work capacity.

№8 слайд
To go in for sports is means
Содержание слайда: To go in for sports is means by persistent trainings and gradually increasing loadings to achieve high results.

№9 слайд
The word quot sports quot has
Содержание слайда: The word "sports" has come to Russian from English (sport) - free reduction of an initial word disport - game, entertainment

№10 слайд
Sports differ from physical
Содержание слайда: Sports differ from physical training that in it there is an obligatory competitive part. Both the athlete, and the sportsman can use in the employment and trainings the same physical exercises (for example, run), but thus the sportsman ' always compares the achievements to successes of other sportsmen in competitions. Employment of the athlete are directed only on personal perfection. That is why we cannot name the sportsman of the vigorous old man moving on avenues of square - a mix of fast walking and slow run. This dear person not the sportsman, it the athlete using walking and run for maintenance of the health and working capacity

№11 слайд
Sports along with painting,
Содержание слайда: Sports along with painting, sculpturing, music and ballet gradually convince people, that human perfection - one of the finest values of a life. Many say, that sense of sports in disclosing of abilities of the person. And not only physical. Sports do the person more naturally, more close to an ideal.

№12 слайд
The sportsman improves the
Содержание слайда: The sportsman improves the force, endurance, flexibility, the ability to do movement quickly, precisely, strongly. The sportsman works over itself, he should learn about itself(himself) as much as possible. It is completely not simple, not always interestingly, sometimes - страшновато. It is work difficult, laborious.

№13 слайд
The sculptor knows features
Содержание слайда: The sculptor knows features of marble, clay, bronze, a tree; the artist - properties of a water colour, oil, a pastel, gouache, a paper, a canvas; the tailor - difference of a pure wool from a fabric with nylon. And so - everywhere. The master is the one who knows the business.

№14 слайд
Too often and much we face
Содержание слайда: Too often and much we face the present displays of will on arenas and a home straight. Sports not only develop muscles, but also temper spirit

№15 слайд
Purposefulness But among
Содержание слайда: Purposefulness But among strong-willed qualities one occupies special position: without development of this quality use of all of the others is impossible. This quality - purposefulness

№16 слайд
The person purposeful ability
Содержание слайда: The person purposeful ability to direct the activity, proceeding from the main thing distinguishes, the most important.

№17 слайд
Classification In sports is
Содержание слайда: Classification In sports is more exact, than in any other kind of activity, it is possible to tell, who is who. It is promoted by system sports классификации:3, 2 and 1 youthful categories; 3, 2, 1 - adults, candidates for the master of sports, the master of sports, the master of sports of the international class and, at last, the deserved masters of sports.

№18 слайд
Sports activity allows to put
Содержание слайда: Sports activity allows to put specific goals, to supervise movement, to estimate the activity in connection with terms of achievement of the purposes. This feature of sports makes certain impact on formation of character of the person, development of a self-trust and the forces, development of possibilities of achievement of the planned purpose.

№19 слайд
Sports for the person, to it
Содержание слайда: Sports for the person, to it carried away, - business favourite, vital. Therefore the self-estimation of the sportsman very often leans against an estimation of the sports possibilities, results, abilities and prospects. Having achieved certain successes in sports, the person starts to concern itself yours faithfully

№20 слайд
Employment by physical
Содержание слайда: Employment by physical culture and sports are useful at any age, especially in our century, a century of scientific and technical revolution when the physical work share was sharply reduced. At the same time it is necessary to have in view of, that with the years the human body becomes especially sensitive to deficiency of muscular activity, that considerably affects a state of health.

№21 слайд
Sports . Strengthens muscles.
Содержание слайда: Sports: 1. Strengthens muscles. 2. Keeps mobility of joints and durability of sheaves. 3. Improves a figure. 4. Raises minute emission of blood and increases respiratory volume of lungs. 5. Stimulates a metabolism.

№22 слайд
Even at the healthy and not
Содержание слайда: Even at the healthy and not old person if it conducts a "sedentary" way of life and is not engaged in physical culture, at the smallest physical activities breath becomes frequent, there is a palpitation. On the contrary, the trained person easily consults with considerable physical activities. Each person has the big possibilities for strengthening and maintenance of the health, for preservation of work capacity, physical activity and vivacity to extreme old age. Impellent activity has positive action on an organism.

№23 слайд
Physical exercises improve a
Содержание слайда: Physical exercises improve a metabolism, allow to strengthen heart and muscles, promote preventive maintenance of some diseases, raise immunity, improve a dream, do the person vigorous and cheerful, increases intellectual, physical working capacity. All it promote appreciable increase in life expectancy

№24 слайд
Sports kinds There are many
Содержание слайда: Sports kinds There are many kinds of sports, and everyone is useful in own way.

№25 слайд
Swimming Swimming improves
Содержание слайда: Swimming Swimming improves work of internal bodies, develops cardiovascular and respiratory system. The additional factor training blood circulation, active "gymnastics" of blood vessels is: their gleams that decrease, extend, aspiring to provide to an organism an optimum temperature mode. In the conditions of long stay in water occurs закаливание an organism. That is why swimming can be useful for the people inclined to простудным to diseases.

№26 слайд
Swimming - least травматичный
Содержание слайда: Swimming - least травматичный sports kind, allows to correct a bearing, a backbone curvature. At children's age metabolism improvement, promotes more intensive growth

№27 слайд
В последние годы плавание
Содержание слайда: В последние годы плавание справедливо считают одним из самых щедрых на рекорды видов спорта. Не последнюю роль в плавании играет и Россия. Пловцы нашей страны выигрывают различные чемпионаты и являются рекордсменами Мира и Европы.

№28 слайд
Movement - a life
Содержание слайда: Movement - a life

№29 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№30 слайд
The sports purpose The
Содержание слайда: The sports purpose The purpose of sports of the higher achievements is an achievement of the greatest possible sports results or victories at the largest sports competitions

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