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№1 слайд
April fool s day Ivanov
Содержание слайда: April fool’s day Ivanov vitaly’s

№2 слайд
Ancient roots of fool s day
Содержание слайда: Ancient roots of fool’s day The ancient Greeks would have loved April Fool's Day. They so adored being clever. It’s easy to imagine the ancient Athenians concocting their plots and chanting their victories, and the ancient Spartans rigging their barracks and roaring with laughter. A special day put aside just for trickery, with everyone forewarned that others were out to fool them .... the challenge of it would have greatly appealed to the ancient Greeks. But, they did NOT create this holiday.

№3 слайд
Old new calendar The history
Содержание слайда: Old new calendar The history of April Fool's Day only goes back to the 16th century. Legend says … April Fools Day started with a change in the calendar. The “new year” celebration was moved from April 1st to Jan 1st. Some people did not hear about this change for many years. Other ignored the change, and continued to celebrate as they had always. These people were called “fools”. .

№4 слайд
The Game In the s, some
Содержание слайда: The “Game” In the 1500’s, some people began playing tricks on the “fools”. Over time, April 1st became a day of playing tricks, and a challenge – a competition of sorts - to see who could come up with the best prank. Today, almost 500 years later, April 1st is still a day when tricks are played on people in a spirit of fun. Anyone who plays a mean trick is just being mean. For the rest of us, April Fool's Day is a challenging game of trickery!

№5 слайд
French april fool s day April
Содержание слайда: French: april fool’s day April Fools is celebrated in only some countries in the world. In France, April 1st is called "Poisson d'Avril." French kids play a special game on this day. The object of the game is to tape a paper fish on someone's back without that person noticing. When the victim spots the fish taped to their back, the kids yell "Poisson d’Avril!" (April Fish!) 

№6 слайд
Usa april fool s day In the
Содержание слайда: Usa: april fool’s day In the United States, April 1st is a day set aside to play small, clever tricks on people. Placing salt in the sugar bowl when no one is looking is not a real trick. Where's the cleverness in that? (The ancient Greeks would have turned up their noses at such a pathetic attempt.)

№7 слайд
Russia april fool s day In
Содержание слайда: Russia: april fool’s day In Russia, the April Fools' prizes were established by the end of the 17th century. It is also known that in the reign of Peter I the troupe of German actors deceived on this day both the public and the sovereign, putting on the stage instead of presenting the play a banner with the inscription "First of April", when all the spectators were already going to see the play. Peter did not get angry and said only: "Liberty of the Comedians."

№8 слайд
How I spent april fool s day
Содержание слайда: How I spent april fool’s day I spent my 1st April pranking my friends and family. For example: I changed buttons on my dad’s computer mouse. I also covered a layer of clear lacquer soap. In general, the day of fools in our family went very well.

№9 слайд
Thank you for attention!
Содержание слайда: Thank you for attention!

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