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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Software Developers
Содержание слайда: Software Developers Conference New York City, New York March 31, 2004

№2 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№3 слайд
Data Strategy Update
Содержание слайда: Data Strategy Update

№4 слайд
Data Strategy Purpose
Содержание слайда: Data Strategy Purpose

№5 слайд
Data Strategy in the Press
Содержание слайда: Data Strategy in the Press

№6 слайд
Data Strategy Key Findings To
Содержание слайда: Data Strategy Key Findings To Date

№7 слайд
Data Strategy References The
Содержание слайда: Data Strategy References The following Data Strategy Deliverables may be found on the Library tab of the FEBI website under the Integration Partner heading (http://www.febi.ed.gov/library.htm): FSA As-Is Data Flows To-Be Financial Aid Life Cycle Diagram

№8 слайд
Data Strategy .
Содержание слайда: Data Strategy 2.0

№9 слайд
Data Strategy . Schedule
Содержание слайда: Data Strategy 2.0 Schedule

№10 слайд
Data Strategy . Functional
Содержание слайда: Data Strategy 2.0 Functional Gap Activities

№11 слайд
Data Strategy . XML Deployment
Содержание слайда: Data Strategy 2.0 XML Deployment

№12 слайд
Data Strategy . Data Quality
Содержание слайда: Data Strategy 2.0 Data Quality Deployment

№13 слайд
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№14 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№15 слайд
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№16 слайд
NSLDS amp Data Strategy More
Содержание слайда: NSLDS & Data Strategy More detail on NSLDS will be available when the NSLDS business functions have been clearly mapped to the FSA target vision. The following NSLDS upgrades have taken place in an effort to position the system for future re-engineering efforts: Upgraded the NSLDS mainframe system to Z900 in September 2003. Upgraded the operating system to Z/OS version 1.4 in January 2004. Upgraded to 64 bit Discovery Process.

№17 слайд
NSLDS Update NSLDS announced
Содержание слайда: NSLDS Update NSLDS announced a new operations and maintenance contractor effective as of March 8, 2004. The contractor is Applied Engineering Management (AEM), a small business located in Virginia.

№18 слайд
NSLDS Update Consolidation
Содержание слайда: NSLDS Update Consolidation Loans & the Aggregate Calculation Working with the community through NCHELP. FFEL community to provide further breakdown of Consolidation Loans NSLDS to capture Outstanding Principal Balance at time of loan closure or payoff.

№19 слайд
NSLDS Updates Other NSLDS
Содержание слайда: NSLDS Updates Other NSLDS initiatives To collect data on Total & Permanent Disability Loans To continue efforts to monitor reasonableness of data reported in summary on ED Forms to the loan level detail reported on NSLDS

№20 слайд
Thank You! Thank You! Keith
Содержание слайда: Thank You! Thank You! Keith Wilson Keith.Wilson@ed.gov 202-377-3591

№21 слайд
COD Update
Содержание слайда: COD Update

№22 слайд
In this session - Processing
Содержание слайда: In this session… 2004-2005 Processing Changes School Testing Software Developer Feedback

№23 слайд
- Processing Changes
Содержание слайда: 2004-2005 Processing Changes

№24 слайд
Summary of - Processing
Содержание слайда: Summary of 2004-2005 Processing Changes Pell Grant and Direct Loan Changes Extended Full Participant deadline to 2005-2006. Enhanced Message Class Options for Full Participants. Increased variable field length on the SAIG Transmission Header.

№25 слайд
Summary of - Processing
Содержание слайда: Summary of 2004-2005 Processing Changes Pell Grant Changes Verification Initiatives CPS Verification Indicator tag added to Common Record Response Highest CPS Transaction Number tag added to Common Record Response Pell Verification Status Report Pell POP Report (Future Release)

№26 слайд
Summary of - Processing
Содержание слайда: Summary of 2004-2005 Processing Changes Pell Grant Changes cont. Data elements no longer required for Pell Grant processing: Academic Calendar Code Payment Methodology Code Weeks of instructional time used to calculate payment Weeks of instructional time in program’s definition of award year Credit/Clock hours used to calculate payment Credit/Clock hours in this student’s program of study’s academic year

№27 слайд
Summary of - Processing
Содержание слайда: Summary of 2004-2005 Processing Changes Direct Loan Changes Anticipated disbursement information required when establishing Direct Loan awards. Automatic recalculation of anticipated disbursements when Award Amount is decreased. Automatic reduction of anticipated disbursements to allow loan inactivation. Pennies will not be processed in the Direct Loan Program.

№28 слайд
Summary of - Processing
Содержание слайда: Summary of 2004-2005 Processing Changes COD Web Site Changes Enhanced CPS applicant data search functionality. Person Information pages allow filtering by award year. Award Amount Disbursed and Award Amount Approved added to Person Information pages. Batch Search screens allow filtering by Award Type and Doc Type. Batch Detail Information page split to display information submitted to COD and information returned by COD.

№29 слайд
Summary of - Processing
Содержание слайда: Summary of 2004-2005 Processing Changes COD Web Site Changes Promissory note search by SSN, MPN ID, or First Name and Date of Birth. School Summary Financial Information screen reflects information contained in the Direct Loan School Account Statement. Enhanced disbursement functionality to allow creation of multiple anticipated disbursements when originating an award. Ability to select Award Year and Program for web navigation. GAPS Debit Date added to Cash Activity Screen.

№30 слайд
- Processing Changes Update
Содержание слайда: 2004-2005 Processing Changes Update COD will no longer be instituting the following functionality for the 2004-2005 award year: Campus-Based processing School Report Options via the COD web site Campus-Based Due to feedback on the proposed Campus-Based functionality for the 2004-2005 award year, enhancements to Campus-Based functionality are now being explored. The implementation of Campus-Based processing has been postponed pending further discussion of Campus-Based design requirements. School Report Options COD will not be providing enhanced School Report Options. Current COD processing will continue to allow for the selection of limited report delivery, sort, and format options via the web and by contacting Customer Service.

№31 слайд
- Update Current School
Содержание слайда: 2004-2005 Update Current School Report Options Pell Reports The following reports can be requested via the Pell Data Request link on the COD web site and will be delivered in fixed-length file format via the school’s SAIG mailbox: ESOA MRR Pell Reconciliation YTD The following reports can be viewed on the COD web site in PDF or comma-delimited format by clicking on the Services tab: Pending Disbursement List Report Funded Disbursement List Report

№32 слайд
- Update Current School
Содержание слайда: 2004-2005 Update Current School Report Options Direct Loan Reports The following reports can be displayed on the COD web site by clicking on the Services tab. These reports are automatically sent to the schools SAIG mailbox: 30 Day Warning Report Pending Disbursement List Report Funded Disbursement List Report Duplicate Student Borrower SSN/DOB/Name Change Report Format and delivery options for the above reports can be modified by accessing the Report Selection link on the School Summary Information Screen. Format and delivery modifications for the SSN/DOB/Name Change Report must be made by contacting Customer Service.

№33 слайд
XML Schema Processing
Содержание слайда: XML Schema Processing Original Namespace Convention For the launch of the 2004-2005 award year, COD had planned to continue to return the latest XML Schema version, 2.0d, in Common Record response documents for all award years. The XML Schema contains the validation rules of the Common Record document, and also contains specific version information in the “Namespace” attribute. XML Schema validation is normally performed throughout development and testing of a system to verify system XML output. Typically, XML Schema validation is not performed during production processing. Since Schema validation is not performed during production, the Namespace attribute should not be edited during production processing. Therefore, updates to the XML Schema Namespace should not influence production processing.

№34 слайд
XML Schema Processing
Содержание слайда: XML Schema Processing Original Namespace Convention Prior to the release of the 2004-2005 award year, COD learned that some vendors were editing the value in the Namespace attribute during production processing. As a result, some vendors would have had to update their 2003-2004 award year software in order to continue processing 2003-2004 responses returned in 2.0d. Therefore, COD has implemented a temporary workaround to enable those vendors to continue processing for the 2003-2004 award year.

№35 слайд
XML Schema Processing Current
Содержание слайда: XML Schema Processing Current Namespace Convention COD is currently returning the highest Schema version released during the award year of the data contained in the Common Record document. If the Common Record contains multiple award years, COD is returning the XML Schema version that corresponds to the highest award year. However, this temporary solution may cause problems for those vendors that were expecting to receive the latest XML Schema version for all award years.

№36 слайд
XML Schema Processing
Содержание слайда: XML Schema Processing Proposed Namespace Solution For the 2005-2006 release, COD is considering returning response documents in the XML Schema version submitted to COD. i.e. “Echo-ing” back what was submitted to COD. For system-generated responses, COD will return Common Record documents in the latest version of the XML Schema. This solution will accommodate vendors that are editing on the Namespace value regardless of the value they were expecting to receive. However, the best method is to not edit the Namespace value.

№37 слайд
School Testing
Содержание слайда: School Testing

№38 слайд
COD School Testing Purpose
Содержание слайда: COD School Testing Purpose: Provide schools, Third-party Servicers, and software vendors an opportunity to test business processes and system software in a low-volume, controlled test environment thereby enabling simpler, faster, and less costly issue identification and resolution Ease the transmission of production data Reduce the risk of production problems School Testing Documentation: School Testing Guide Test Cases for both Full and Phase-In Participants COD 2004-2005 Technical Reference available on IFAP and FSA Download

№39 слайд
Communicating about School
Содержание слайда: Communicating about School Testing… COD has increased communication about School Testing to the community using the following forums: IFAP COD Processing Updates Web Messages Conference Presentations The School Testing Bulletin Board has been discontinued due to lack of community interest.

№40 слайд
- Lessons Learned Based on
Содержание слайда: 2003-2004 Lessons Learned Based on school and vendor feedback, the following enhancements were made to the 2004-2005 School Testing Guide in the COD Technical Reference: Detailed Routing ID explanation Detailed explanation of ISIR files Further clarification of the fields contained in the Sign-up Document

№41 слайд
- Lessons Learned COD is
Содержание слайда: 2003-2004 Lessons Learned COD is currently investigating whether or not it is possible to provide sample Pell origination files and acknowledgement files, and Direct Loan origination and acknowledgement files. COD is unable to provide a year round testing environment with testing scenarios. COD will allow for additional unstructured testing after the COD testing window has closed.

№42 слайд
COD Unstructured Testing COD
Содержание слайда: COD Unstructured Testing COD is offering unstructured testing to a limited number of 2004-2005 COD School Testing participants. Participants interested in unstructured testing must participate in, and complete Phase II test cases prior to participating in unstructured testing.

№43 слайд
COD Unstructured Testing What
Содержание слайда: COD Unstructured Testing What can be done in Unstructured Testing? Update person data, Updates to awards and award amounts, Send batches and receive acknowledgements and responses in proper format (Common Record or Fixed-length flat files). What are the limitations of Unstructured Testing? Unknown result expected by school, Unable to provide system-generated responses, Cannot provide COD “testing” web site access, Cannot provide COD reports.

№44 слайд
- COD School Testing Timeline
Содержание слайда: 2004-2005 COD School Testing Timeline

№45 слайд
COD Full Participants As of
Содержание слайда: COD Full Participants As of March 1, 2004

№46 слайд
Software Developer Feedback
Содержание слайда: Software Developer Feedback

№47 слайд
Contact Us!! Email CODSupport
Содержание слайда: Contact Us!! Email: CODSupport@acs-inc.com Call the COD School Relations Center 1-800-4-PGRANT for Pell Grants 1-800-848-0978 for Direct Loans COD Web Site (www.cod.ed.gov)

№48 слайд
Overview of FEBI- Front End
Содержание слайда: Overview of FEBI- Front End Business Integration March 31, 2004

№49 слайд
Agenda FEBI Objectives
Содержание слайда: Agenda FEBI Objectives Approach to FEBI FEBI Accomplishments Market Research FEBI Procurement Timeline Next Steps

№50 слайд
FEBI Objectives Create a
Содержание слайда: FEBI Objectives Create a student-centric business model that supports the needs of the end-to-end business process Align products and services across the Front End and assure that they effectively and efficiently serve customer needs Integrate student/applicant customer service capability, including the capturing of customer service data such that we can improve our products and services Share services across the enterprise such as imaging and fulfillment Operationalize ways to use technology to simplify the application process and customer experience (e.g., warm transfer capability between customer interaction centers, web services, and identity management) Streamline and simplify of the application and origination and disbursement delivery systems including reusable components that support FSA data strategy Effectively provide technical help desk services Simplify processes for business partners (improve interfaces with institutions and other FSA systems such that schools can provide aid on our behalf) Establish performance measures that ensure demonstrable outcomes

№51 слайд
Approach to FEBI Identify
Содержание слайда: Approach to FEBI Identify front end business processes Understand interdependencies between this initiative and other integration activities in FSA Conduct market research Develop Vision and Target State Develop acquisition strategy Release Statement of Objectives

№52 слайд
FEBI sits within the broader
Содержание слайда: FEBI sits within the broader FSA and ASEDS goals

№53 слайд
FEBI Accomplishments Defined
Содержание слайда: FEBI Accomplishments Defined FE business processes Identified activities associated with the FE Focused on shared services and shared data Synced up with Data Strategy efforts Validated common data between Awareness/Application and Origination/Disbursement Refined FEBI objectives Developed FEBI market research strategy Conducted market research sessions and developed learnings/best practices matrix Released draft Statement of Objectives to vendor community as ongoing market research

№54 слайд
Market Research Defined MR
Содержание слайда: Market Research Defined MR Objectives in the areas of Business Process, Performance, and Technology for: Application, Origination, and Disbursement Customer Service Shared Services Developed profiles for 51 organizations: 33 providers, 18 users, 41 commercial sector companies and 27 organizations that operate in commercial and/or government Developed a prioritization formula and refined weights until a usable dispersion of company scores was achieved Of the 21 organizations we contacted, we are able to conduct interviews with 13 Conducted MR Sessions Documented MR Learnings

№55 слайд
FEBI Procurement Timeline
Содержание слайда: FEBI Procurement Timeline

№56 слайд
Next Steps Solicitation
Содержание слайда: Next Steps Solicitation 1 – Release 3/31/04 Solicitation 2 – Release on or about 6/1/04 Award – 9/30/04

№57 слайд
Thank You! Michele Brown
Содержание слайда: Thank You! Michele Brown michele.brown@ed.gov 202-377-3703

№58 слайд
- CSB - Common Services for
Содержание слайда: - CSB - Common Services for Borrowers Dwight Vigna Acting Director, Direct Loan Servicing System

№59 слайд
Common Services for Borrowers
Содержание слайда: Common Services for Borrowers (CSB) Agenda CSB Overview CSB – An innovative contract method Implementation Approach Benefits to Schools Summary

№60 слайд
CSB Overview - Goals
Содержание слайда: CSB Overview - Goals

№61 слайд
CSB Overview - Goals
Содержание слайда: CSB Overview - Goals Integration will achieve the following: Reduce Delinquency and Default Performance based pricing Incentive based and Improve Customer Service and Increase Self-Servicing Additional Web access Improved IVR functionality Reengineered communications Integrate Systems and Data Less data redundancy and associated errors Improved auditability Create Adaptability and Flexibility in the CSB System Reduce Cost Achieve Contracting Goals

№62 слайд
CSB Contract Approach A
Содержание слайда: CSB Contract Approach A “performance-based” contract Focus on expected results/outcomes Comply with statute and regulations More flexibility for contractor Reduction in Reconciliation and System Balancing Point Reduce Staffing at Call Centers, Other Locations Reduce Infrastructure Consolidates 6 call centers into 1 Virtual Service Center Consolidates 6 inbound mailrooms into 1 Consolidates 7 fulfillment (print and mail) centers into 4 Consolidates 3 lockboxes into 1 Independent Government Cost Estimate: - $1 Billion in savings to taxpayers -

№63 слайд
Approach to Integrate Systems
Содержание слайда: Approach to Integrate Systems and Data Leverage legacy assets and FSA investments Migrate some Reengineer some Rewrite some Minimize (prevent) impact on Trading Partners Support FSA IT Standards Hosted at the VDC Compliant with FSA technology standards Complements FSA data strategy initiatives Eliminate data redundancy and reconciliation issues Provide a single system of record Use a phased integration approach

№64 слайд
CSB Transition Plan
Содержание слайда: CSB Transition Plan

№65 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№66 слайд
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№67 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№68 слайд
CSB End-State Topology
Содержание слайда: CSB End-State Topology

№69 слайд
Data Strategy Use incremental
Содержание слайда: Data Strategy Use incremental approach to conversion Phase 1 DLSS/LC Demographics and Data Mart Phase 2 CSB/DCS Demographics, Financial and Contact Data Phase 3 Move to VDC and additional Web enhancements Build on existing DLSS schema Identify and correct issues or limitations Augment schema to accommodate CSB data Work with FSA Data Strategy Team Clean and reconcile data Identify redundant data and “error” data Develop business rule and resolve conflicts Validate data integrity using independent teams (IV&V and QA/QC) Implement Data Archiving Use separate partition for archived data to increase performance

№70 слайд
Impact on Independent
Содержание слайда: Impact on Independent Software Developers CSB will maintain all interfaces while the legacy systems are operational CSB will follow FSA Data Standards XML Common Record School ID Borrower ID External interfaces will not be changed without consultation will all trading partners

№71 слайд
Summary CSB integrates
Содержание слайда: Summary CSB integrates processes, data and systems for Servicing, Consolidation, Collections, and Disability Discharge CSB Contract Team comprised of familiar faces that have been supporting FSA for a combined total of over 30 years CSB Solution supports FSA’s Performance Objectives and IT Standards CSB is a Performance-based contract which helps ensure optimum results CSB saves taxpayers money

№72 слайд
Содержание слайда: Questions???

№73 слайд
Questions and Answers
Содержание слайда: Questions and Answers

№74 слайд
Thank You! Jerry Schubert
Содержание слайда: Thank You! Jerry Schubert Jerry.Schubert@ed.gov 202-377-3009

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