Презентация Electricity markets. Natural monopoly model онлайн

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Electricity markets Natural
Содержание слайда: Electricity markets Natural Monopoly model

№2 слайд
Overview Special features
Содержание слайда: Overview Special features Stages of electricity production Production function and costs Natural monopoly Regulation Technological change

№3 слайд
Special features Demand
Содержание слайда: Special features Demand fluctuations within the day, across seasons Demand = load Peak vs. offpeak demand

№4 слайд
Variations in hourly load
Содержание слайда: Variations in hourly load California system, GW vs. hour

№5 слайд
Special features Not storable
Содержание слайда: Special features Not storable (electricity today is not a substitute for electricity tomorrow)

№6 слайд
Special features High costs
Содержание слайда: Special features High costs of shortages Blackouts or brownouts Capacity >= load “peak load problem”

№7 слайд
Special features Electricity
Содержание слайда: Special features Electricity is a secondary source of energy Electricity is both an output and an input with respect to other energy products E.g. output with respect to …? E.g. input with respect to …? Electricity is a substitute to some of its inputs

№8 слайд
Special features Electricity
Содержание слайда: Special features Electricity consuming capital is long lived (… years) Electricity producing capital is long lived (40 years) Technology used often is not the most optimal

№9 слайд
Special features Summary
Содержание слайда: Special features Summary Demand fluctuations (within the day, across seasons) Not storable (electricity today is not a substitute for electricity tomorrow) High costs of shortages Complex relations with respect to other energy products

№10 слайд
Production process Generation
Содержание слайда: Production process Generation Transmission Distribution

№11 слайд
Production process Generation
Содержание слайда: Production process Generation Electricity is a secondary energy source Transformation of one energy into electricity Mechanical power into electric power: Hydropower and wind Thermal (coal, gas, oil) Solar Nuclear

№12 слайд
How is electricity generated?
Содержание слайда: How is electricity generated? http://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/index.cfm?page=electricity_generating

№13 слайд
Supply chain video https
Содержание слайда: Supply chain video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20Vb6hlLQSg

№14 слайд
Electricity supply chain
Содержание слайда: Electricity supply chain Generation: transformation of other energy into electric energy Transmission: high voltage transport of energy Distribution: low voltage transport of energy

№15 слайд
Minimum efficient scale MES
Содержание слайда: Minimum efficient scale MES is the level of output that minimizes average cost relative to the demand

№16 слайд
Varian, Intermediate
Содержание слайда: Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics, Ch. 24

№17 слайд
Modelling electricity markets
Содержание слайда: Modelling electricity markets High fixed cost Low variable cost Average cost declines as Q grows

№18 слайд
Traditional Monopoly
Содержание слайда: Traditional Monopoly

№19 слайд
Natural Monopoly
Содержание слайда: Natural Monopoly

№20 слайд
Natural Monopoly profit-max
Содержание слайда: Natural Monopoly profit-max outcome

№21 слайд
Natural Monopoly profit-max
Содержание слайда: Natural Monopoly profit-max outcome

№22 слайд
Natural Monopoly socially
Содержание слайда: Natural Monopoly socially efficient outcome

№23 слайд
Natural Monopoly DWL
Содержание слайда: Natural Monopoly DWL

№24 слайд
Natural Monopoly socially
Содержание слайда: Natural Monopoly socially efficient outcome

№25 слайд
Natural Monopoly socially
Содержание слайда: Natural Monopoly socially efficient outcome

№26 слайд
Natural Monopoly Policy .
Содержание слайда: Natural Monopoly Policy 1. Public Ownership 2. Private Ownership + regulation

№27 слайд
Natural Monopoly Average cost
Содержание слайда: Natural Monopoly Average cost pricing outcome

№28 слайд
Differentiating peak amp
Содержание слайда: Differentiating peak & off-peak demand

№29 слайд
Peak amp offpeak load
Содержание слайда: Peak & offpeak load

№30 слайд
Which prices to charge? How
Содержание слайда: Which prices to charge? How to distribute costs among two consumer groups? Fixed cost? ~ “Capital cost” (Ck) Variable cost? ~ “Operating cost” (Cp – during peak hours; Co – during offpeak hours)

№31 слайд
Peak amp offpeak load Should
Содержание слайда: Peak & offpeak load Should the marginal unit be supplied during peak or offpeak? What should be its price?

№32 слайд
Peak amp offpeak load Should
Содержание слайда: Peak & offpeak load Should the marginal unit be supplied during peak or offpeak? What should be its price?

№33 слайд
Smart meters and
Содержание слайда: Smart meters and differentiating peak & off-peak demand

№34 слайд
Peak-load pricing Electricity
Содержание слайда: Peak-load pricing Electricity prices in Astana: 23:00-7:00 => 3.21 KZT/ kWh 7:00-23:00 => 14.52 KZT/ kWh

№35 слайд
Peak-load pricing Summary
Содержание слайда: Peak-load pricing Summary Peak-load pricing allows a utility to cover the fixed cost. Peak-load pricing became feasible due to advances in technology.

№36 слайд
Electricity industry in
Содержание слайда: Electricity industry in Kazakhstan

№37 слайд
Industry structure Generation
Содержание слайда: Industry structure Generation: mostly privately owned Transmission: KEGOC, state-owned Distribution: 15 regional distribution companies, state/privately owned

№38 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№39 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№40 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№41 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№42 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№43 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№44 слайд
Review Special features
Содержание слайда: Review Special features Stages of electricity production Production function and costs Natural monopoly Regulation

№45 слайд
Readings Dahl, Ch. Kazenergy
Содержание слайда: Readings Dahl, Ch. 4 Kazenergy pp. 274-275, 290-291, 303-305.

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