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№1 слайд
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№2 слайд
Содержание слайда: FORCES AFFECTING GROWTH AND CHANGE The changes that are occurring now in the business environment are tremendous Managers must understand the various forces that are driving these changes and affecting their businesses in order to be effective A few of the changes that have impacted the industry just in recent years include terrorist attacks, problems with the supply chain, recession, and disease On the whole, the hospitality industry has responded effectively but some segments, companies and destinations have suffered

№3 слайд
Forces Affecting Growth and
Содержание слайда: Forces Affecting Growth and Change — Demand Many of the changes that are occurring are affecting demand for hospitality services One of the major factors that is affecting demand is the changing population To understand these changes, it is important to understand the concept of demographics Demographics is the study of objectively measurable characteristics of the population Examples include age, income, level of education, and sex, etc.

№4 слайд
Содержание слайда: FORCES AFFECTING GROWTH AND CHANGE – AGE We often hear that “The population is aging” but what does this mean? While it certainly means that each of us is getting older, it also suggests that the oldest segments of the population, as a percentage, are increasing in size

№5 слайд
Содержание слайда: FORCES AFFECTING GROWTH AND CHANGE – AGE One way that we can better understand demographics is by segmenting the population – in this case by age Baby Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964 Boomers represent 26 % of the population and are in their “high income” years, driving much of the economy Boomers represent a large share of overall spending on foodservice, lodging travel, and recreation

№6 слайд
Содержание слайда: FORCES AFFECTING GROWTH AND CHANGE – AGE Generation X (or GenXers) were born between 1965 and 1975 Even though they have received a lot of attention of late, they only represent about 14% of the population They are different than Boomers and, perhaps, the first generation to have technological savvy – also the most educated

№7 слайд
Содержание слайда: FORCES AFFECTING GROWTH AND CHANGE – AGE Generation Y (or Echo Boomers) represents the children of the Boomers – those born between 1976–1994. The teenage segment of GenY alone represents 21% of overall spending in the US The cohort is characterized by its diversity in makeup and behavior – as a result, psychographics (preferences and beliefs) are commonly used to segment this cohort

№8 слайд
Содержание слайда: FORCES AFFECTING GROWTH AND CHANGE – AGE The hospitality industry is trying to adjust to these shifts in the population by creating niche markets for younger customers (who have greater discretionary spending than previous generations), young families, and aging customers at the other end As a result, new concepts are being offered such as “fast casual’ dining and all inclusive packages more geared to families

№9 слайд
Содержание слайда: FORCES AFFECTING GROWTH AND CHANGE – RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIVERSITY Both the African-American and Hispanic segments of the population are expected to grow into the future (2050) The Asian-American market is also expected to grow (an increase of 100% in a 20 year period) These changes will have an effect on consumer markets and labor markets

№10 слайд
Содержание слайда: FORCES AFFECTING GROWTH AND CHANGE – WORKING WOMEN This is not new any longer but it is important to note how quickly things have changed in just a short amount of time Up until about 1940, fewer than 25% of women worked outside of the home In 1980, the rate increased to 50% and is over 60% today Women represented 47.8% of food service managers and 44.1% of lodging managers This also has implications on both the consumer and labor markets

№11 слайд
Содержание слайда: FORCES AFFECTING GROWTH AND CHANGE – INCOME DISTRIBUTION The Middle Class (size and range) is often viewed as a proxy of the range of income distribution in society The Middle Class includes all families (based on household income) ranging from $25,000 to $50,000 per year Most reports indicate that the gap between rich and poor is increasing, that is that the middle class is shrinking and the number of wealthy (as a percentage) is increasing

№12 слайд
SUPPLY The notion of supply
Содержание слайда: SUPPLY The notion of supply is important because without access to supply, the hospitality industry as we know it would cease to exist There are several key factors that concern us including land, food and labor All of these factors affect how, where, and how effectively the industry can service its customers

№13 слайд
SUPPLY LAND Land is an
Содержание слайда: SUPPLY — LAND Land is an important consideration for several reasons: its availability, its cost, and what it produces (food) The availability of “good” locations is decreasing “Good” locations are considered those to be near high traffic areas, near destinations, etc.

№14 слайд
SUPPLY LAND In general, land
Содержание слайда: SUPPLY — LAND In general, land is becoming scarcer because (1) the prime spots have already been developed and (2) environmental pressures have resulted in certain zoning restrictions that prohibit restaurants in some cases All of this is subject to change as new areas develop (examples include Las Vegas and other expanding cities) and as companies look for nontraditional sites; companies have become much more astute at site development

№15 слайд
SUPPLY FOOD Food supply
Содержание слайда: SUPPLY — FOOD Food supply concerns have always been present but they are of a different sort now and, more sever in some cases. Operators must consider: Seasonality Effect of weather Overfishing Other effects such as bird flu

№16 слайд
SUPPLY LABOR The Bureau of
Содержание слайда: SUPPLY — LABOR The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) continues to predict increases in demand for labor, particularly for management positions, over the next 10 year period Lodging positions are predicted to grow at a slightly lesser rate Certain factors complicate the labor picture, however , such as increasing need for a more educated management staff and the complexity of managing businesses with high turnover

№17 слайд
SUPPLY LABOR Managers must
Содержание слайда: SUPPLY — LABOR Managers must also consider: Overall employment rate Immigration rates and restrictions Competition for workers among industry sectors Employee turnover – can exceed 100% in some sectors Part time versus full time workers In short, the outlook is good but there will be challenges filling entry-level jobs

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