Презентация Global sales strategy. Russia and CIS countrie онлайн

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Product Home Vierkirchen
Содержание слайда: Product Home Vierkirchen Global Sales Strategy Meeting 2016 Russia and CIS countries – Denis Ivanov

№2 слайд
Russia and CIS countries
Содержание слайда: Russia and CIS countries Current status Sales activities of Andritz in Russia since 1928, old traditional market Close relationship with some large holdings such as Belaruskali, Rusal, Uralkali and other ... Major products are bulk chemicals, NPK, petrochemical and salts

№3 слайд
Russia and CIS countries
Содержание слайда: Russia and CIS countries First order for NaCl in Russia and CIS countries from company Mozyr Salt (Belorussia) = 2 SZ 630/2 centrifuges 2. Increase possibility of selling Refurbished machines to the capital market. HZ - Metafrax company, SZ – Uralkhim, Voskresensk plant=> Cooperation with spare parts and service department Also, we received several requests for dewatering, liquids removal of nitrocellulose. 4. Russian customers prefer Western equipment and technology, KNOW-HOW transfer

№4 слайд
Russia and CIS countries
Содержание слайда: Russia and CIS countries Number of requests and projects is reduced, due to the sanctions. Intensify the fight against competitors, Mainly Ferrum and Siebtechnik. Due to the sanctions and severe currency devaluation, customers were more likely to consider equipment from India and China. Most large and medium-sized projects froze or were moved deadlines for later.

№5 слайд
Russia and CIS countries
Содержание слайда: Russia and CIS countries

№6 слайд
Russia and CIS countries Work
Содержание слайда: Russia and CIS countries Work long and selflessly, to look for new areas of application equipment. 2. Participation in exhibitions and conferences such as Khimia, Rudnik, Mining and etc 3. Concentration our activities on producers NPK, fertilizer (bulk materials) and Salts. To force DDP business (Rubles based); with the assistance and support of local partners (Krom, Energoservice and etc…..) 5. Cooperation with ANDRITZ FLIESSBETT SYSTEME GMBH

№7 слайд
Russia and CIS countries
Содержание слайда: Russia and CIS countries

№8 слайд
Russia and CIS countries
Содержание слайда: Russia and CIS countries THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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