Презентация Higher School of Economics. Oral Academic Presentation онлайн

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Higher School of Economics
Содержание слайда: Higher School of Economics Oral Academic Presentation Svetlana Kucherenko Group XXL

№2 слайд
Although the organization of
Содержание слайда: Although the organization of your research paper and your oral presentation are similar, the presentation style should be very different. The slides for a presentation should convey ideas, not details. Your goal in a presentation is to present the ideas of your research paper in a visually appealing way.

№3 слайд
Outline Practicalities
Содержание слайда: Outline Practicalities Preparing an Oral Presentation Delivering an Oral Presentation Useful Techniques

№4 слайд
Practicalities - min long min
Содержание слайда: Practicalities 5-7 min long (~2 min per a double-spaced page if reading) 10-15 slides 20-24 point font size Overall organization Balance between text and images Simple tables and graphs Sentence fragments Capitalized Headlines Meticulous Referencing (both in-text citations and references)

№5 слайд
Overall Structure Title
Содержание слайда: Overall Structure Title/author/affiliation - 1 slide Outline – 1 slide Background Information/Research Q/Thesis Statement – 2-3 slides Literature Review - 4-5 slides Methods and Data - 1-2 slides Results – 1-2 slides Summary – 1 slide References – 1-2 slides

№6 слайд
Research Paper vs. Oral
Содержание слайда: Research Paper vs. Oral Presentation

№7 слайд
Strategies to Highlight Key
Содержание слайда: Strategies to Highlight Key Points Bullet points Parallel structures in lists (n+n+n; Ving+Ving; V+V) Rhetorical signposts to help the listener follow you and remember the content (repeating key words, rephrasing your thesis statement) Eye contact Assertion-evidence pattern

№8 слайд
Visuals Simple images to
Содержание слайда: Visuals (1) Simple images to enhance the text Verbal assertion-visual evidence (Andion 2010)

№9 слайд
Visual Minimum text sentence
Содержание слайда: Visual (2) Minimum text (sentence fragments are OK) Simple and clear graphs, tables and charts No disturbing effects No bright colours

№10 слайд
References Rebecca McGill,
Содержание слайда: References Rebecca McGill, Emily Viggiano, Ranjani Murali: Sample oral presentations Candy Fowler: Parallelism lesson, Composition 101 oral presentation lesson notes Lisa Andion: “How to Avoid Death by PowerPoint” Susan Lawrence: sample rubrics (Georgia Tech Research Corp., Pam Lewis & Heinz School of Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University) Sharon Zuber & The College of William and Mary’s Writing Resource Center: Rubric, Delivery DOs and DON’Ts, oral presentation handouts Penn State University: “Rethinking the Design of Presentation Slides: The Assertion-Evidence Structure” (http://www.writing.engr.psu.edu/slides.html)

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