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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№2 слайд
Outline Introduction Why
Содержание слайда: Outline Introduction: Why ARCH? ARCH Models Extensions: GARCH, T-GARCH, Q-GARCH, GARCH-M, Box-Cox GARCH Estimation Multivariate GARCH Models: Diagonal Vech, BEKK and CCC Application: Value-at-Risk (VaR) Appendix

№3 слайд
. Introduction Why ARCH?
Содержание слайда: 1. Introduction: Why ARCH?

№4 слайд
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№5 слайд
Some example series UST Y
Содержание слайда: Some example series: UST10Y

№6 слайд
Dow Jones
Содержание слайда: Dow Jones

№7 слайд
U.S. Unemployment rate vs.
Содержание слайда: U.S. Unemployment rate vs. stock market volatility, 1929-2010

№8 слайд
U.S. Realized Volatility
Содержание слайда: U.S. Realized Volatility (kernel based) 1997-2009

№9 слайд
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№10 слайд
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№11 слайд
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№12 слайд
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№13 слайд
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№14 слайд
Содержание слайда: Skewness

№15 слайд
Содержание слайда: Kurtosis

№16 слайд
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№17 слайд
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№18 слайд
EViews Example Daily S amp P
Содержание слайда: EViews Example – Daily S&P 500 Returns

№19 слайд
When we learn about GARCH ,
Содержание слайда: When we learn about GARCH(1,1)…

№20 слайд
We ll be able to make squared
Содержание слайда: We’ll be able to make squared residuals white noise

№21 слайд
Quality of TGARCH predictions
Содержание слайда: Quality of TGARCH predictions: 1% quantiles, VaR(0.01), from August 1, 2007

№22 слайд
. ARCH Models
Содержание слайда: 2. ARCH Models

№23 слайд
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№24 слайд
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№25 слайд
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№27 слайд
. Extensions
Содержание слайда: 3. Extensions

№28 слайд
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№29 слайд
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№30 слайд
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№31 слайд
I-GARCH If the coefficients
Содержание слайда: I-GARCH If the coefficients of the GARCH model sum to 1, then the model has “integrated” volatility. This is similar to having a random walk, but in volatility instead of the variable itself. Model itself remains stationary (if constant variance model is stationary) Likelihood-based inference remains valid (Lumsdaine, 1996 Econometrica)

№32 слайд
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№40 слайд
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№41 слайд
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№42 слайд
Summing up see Appendix for
Содержание слайда: Summing up (see Appendix for an expanded list)

№43 слайд
. Estimation
Содержание слайда: 3. Estimation

№44 слайд
Maximum Likelihood
Содержание слайда: Maximum Likelihood

№45 слайд
Maximum Likelihood continued
Содержание слайда: Maximum Likelihood (continued)

№46 слайд
Содержание слайда: Optimization

№47 слайд
Multiple Solutions
Содержание слайда: Multiple Solutions

№48 слайд
. Multivariate models
Содержание слайда: 4. Multivariate models

№49 слайд
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№50 слайд
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№51 слайд
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№52 слайд
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№53 слайд
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№54 слайд
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№55 слайд
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№56 слайд
An example of volatility
Содержание слайда: An example of volatility “contagion’’

№57 слайд
. Application Value-at-Risk
Содержание слайда: 5. Application: Value-at-Risk (VaR)

№58 слайд
VaR What is the most I can
Содержание слайда: VaR What is the most I can lose on an investment? VaR tries to provide an answer. It is used most often by commercial and investment banks to capture the potential loss in value of their traded portfolios from adverse market movements over a specified period. This potential loss can then be compared to their available capital and cash reserves to ensure that the losses can be covered without putting the firms at risk. VaR is applied widely in capital regulation (Basel)

№59 слайд
Value-at-Risk VaR VaR
Содержание слайда: Value-at-Risk (VaR) VaR summarizes the expected maximum loss over a time horizon within a given confidence interval The VaR approach tries to estimate the level of losses that will be exceeded over a given time period only with a certain (small) probability For example, the 95% VaR loss is the amount of loss that will be exceeded only 5% of the time

№60 слайд
Value-at-Risk VaR - Continued
Содержание слайда: Value-at-Risk (VaR) - Continued The simplest assumption: daily gains/losses are normally distributed and independent. Calculate VaR from the standard deviation of the portfolio change, σ, assuming the mean change in the portfolio value is 0: 1-day VaR= N-1(X)σ, with X the confidence level. The N-day VaR equals sqrt(N) times the 1-day VaR.

№61 слайд
Measuring VaR with historical
Содержание слайда: Measuring VaR with historical data

№62 слайд
Assuming a Normal distribution
Содержание слайда: Assuming a Normal distribution

№63 слайд
VaR with Normally Distributed
Содержание слайда: VaR with Normally Distributed Returns

№64 слайд
Portfolio VaR When we have
Содержание слайда: Portfolio VaR When we have more than one asset in our portfolio we can exploit the gains from diversification. There are gains from diversification whenever the VaR for the portfolio does not exceed the sum of the stand-alone VaRs (i.e., the VaRs on the single assets). The VaR for the portfolio equals the sum of the stand-alone VaRs if and only if the securities’ returns are uncorrelated.

№65 слайд
An Example Let us consider
Содержание слайда: An Example Let us consider the following investment US$200 million invested in 5-year zero coupon US Treasury Examine VaR using a daily horizon Assume that the mean daily return is 0.01% Based on past several years of actual returns, the standard deviation is s = 0.295%.

№66 слайд
An Example cont.
Содержание слайда: An Example (cont.)

№67 слайд
An Example of Portfolio VaR
Содержание слайда: An Example of Portfolio VaR Two securities 30-year zero-coupon U.S. Treasury bond 5-year zero-coupon U.S. Treasury bond For simplicity assume that the expected return is zero Invest US$100 million in the 30-year bond Daily return volatility (std dev) s1 = 1.409% Invest US$200 million in the 5-year bond Daily return volatility (std dev) s2 = 0.295%

№68 слайд
An Example of Portfolio VaR
Содержание слайда: An Example of Portfolio VaR 95% confidence level 30 year zero VaR 1.65 * 0.01409 * 100m = $2,325,000 5 year zero VaR 1.65 * 0.00295 * 200m = $974,000 Sum of individual VaRs = US$ 3.299m But US$3.299 million is not the VaR for the portfolio...why?

№69 слайд
VaR of the Portfolio Suppose
Содержание слайда: VaR of the Portfolio Suppose the correlation between the two bonds is r12=0.88 Remember that Portfolio variance: (100*0.01409)2 + (200*0.00295)2 +2(100*0.01409)(200*0.00295) * 0.88 = 3.797 Portfolio standard deviation: sp = $1.948m Portfolio VaR = 1.65 * 1.948m = $3.214m This is different from the sum of VaRs

№70 слайд
The problem with Normality
Содержание слайда: The problem with Normality: Kurtosis Extreme asset price changes occur more often than the normal distribution predicts. Excess kurtosis (fat tails)

№71 слайд
Fat Tails and underestimation
Содержание слайда: Fat Tails and underestimation of VaR If we assume that returns are normally distributed when they are not, we underestimate the VaR

№72 слайд
Backtesting Model backtesting
Содержание слайда: Backtesting Model backtesting involves systematic comparisons of the calculated VaRs with the subsequent realized profits and losses. With a 95% VaR bound, expect 5% of losses greater than the bound Example: Approximately 12 days out of 250 trading days If the actual number of exceptions is “significantly” higher than the desired confidence level, the model may be inaccurate. Therefore, in additional to the risk predicted by the VaR, there is also “model risk”

№73 слайд
Relevance Basel VaR
Содержание слайда: Relevance: Basel VaR Guidelines VaR computed daily, holding period is 10 days. The confidence interval is 99 percent Banks are required to hold capital in proportion to the losses that can be expected to occur more often than once every 100 periods At least 1 year of data to calculate parameters Parameter estimates updated at least quarterly Capital provision is the greater of Previous day’s VAR 3 times the average of the daily VAR for the preceding 60 business days plus a factor based on backtesting results

№74 слайд
Summing up A host of research
Содержание слайда: Summing up A host of research has examined a. how best to compute VaR with assumptions other than the standardized normal b. How to obtain more reliable variance and covariance values to use in the VaR calculations. Here Multivariate GARCH models play an important role in assessing both portfolio risk and diversification benefits. We will see this in the forthcoming workshop

№75 слайд
Thank you!
Содержание слайда: Thank you!

№76 слайд
Appendix GARCH univariate
Содержание слайда: Appendix – GARCH univariate families

№77 слайд
Source Bollerslev , Engle
Содержание слайда: Source: Bollerslev 2010, Engle Festschrift

№78 слайд
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№79 слайд
Содержание слайда: APPENDIX II – Software

№80 слайд
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