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Презентации » Экономика и Финансы » Modeling of corruption in hierarchical control systems

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Modeling of corruption in
Содержание слайда: «Modeling of corruption in hierarchical control systems»

№2 слайд
Introduction Corruption as a
Содержание слайда: Introduction Corruption as a social and economic problem has been the subject of scientific research for more than 30 year The first research work on modeling of corruptions Rose-Ackerman «The Economic of Corruption», 1975

№3 слайд
The main methodological basis
Содержание слайда: The main methodological basis is the General economic rule on crime proposed by Becker (1968): The main methodological basis is the General economic rule on crime proposed by Becker (1968): «it is necessary to measure the damage from its negative consequences with the costs of fighting it»

№4 слайд
Game-theoretic model of
Содержание слайда: Game-theoretic model of permitting (Cadot, 1987) Examples of application areas: issuance of driving permits and medical certificates, preparation of conclusions on the quality of products, etc.

№5 слайд
Game-theoretic model of
Содержание слайда: Game-theoretic model of permitting (Cadot, 1987) Strategies of an honest official: A good candidate gets permission; A bad candidate does not receive a permit. The strategy of a corrupt official: A bad candidate can get permission in exchange for a bribe; Сan demand a bribe even from a good candidate, threatening him with refusal to issue a permit.

№6 слайд
On the basis of this
Содержание слайда: On the basis of this scientific work (Cadot, 1987) the following conclusions were made: On the basis of this scientific work (Cadot, 1987) the following conclusions were made: increasing the discount rate for an official leads to an increase in corruption less risk-prone officials demand a smaller bribe the growth of wages to officials reduces corruption it Cannot be argued that increased competition leads to lower corruption.

№7 слайд
To date, many scientific
Содержание слайда: To date, many scientific papers have been published on the modeling of corruption in various fields, for example: To date, many scientific papers have been published on the modeling of corruption in various fields, for example: lending to agriculture with regard to corruption ( Gupta, Chaudhuri, 1996; Chaudhuri, Gupta, 1997; Dastidar, 2011); state intervention in the economy in the presence of corruption (Acemoglu, Verdier, 2000); the link between corruption and the shadow economy (Choi, Thum, 2005); corruption at the top level of government aimed at changing the legislation (Wilson, Damania, 2005) and others.

№8 слайд
CPI perception of corruption
Содержание слайда: CPI (perception of corruption) in Russia

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