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№1 слайд
Theme Social production. The
Содержание слайда: Theme: Social production. The problem of choice in the economy Production and main elements. The resources and factors of production. The system of economic relations. The problem of choice in resource-limited settings. Production possibilities curve. The need resource-saving technologies. Prospects of Kazakhstan in the development of resource-saving technologies.

№2 слайд
Social production - the
Содержание слайда: Social production - the process of creating wealth by converting natural resources to meet human needs. To expand this concept more fully, it is necessary to consider the factors of production. Social production - the process of creating wealth by converting natural resources to meet human needs. To expand this concept more fully, it is necessary to consider the factors of production. In political economy, there are 2 sets of social production: the neoclassical and the Marxist. Neoclassical believed that there are four factors of production. This capital, labor, land and entrepreneurship. Representatives of Marxist theory - that the production process is primarily a labor process which is carried out under the influence of a social formation.

№3 слайд
Social production and its
Содержание слайда: Social production and its types

№4 слайд
Содержание слайда: PRODUCTION OF GOODS - production is directly linked to the creation of material wealth that satisfy certain needs of man and society. Material production is opposed to non-productive sphere, which is not aimed at the production of material values. This division is mainly characteristic of Marxist theory. PRODUCTION OF GOODS - production is directly linked to the creation of material wealth that satisfy certain needs of man and society. Material production is opposed to non-productive sphere, which is not aimed at the production of material values. This division is mainly characteristic of Marxist theory. THE INTANGIBLE PRODUCTION - associated with the provision of non-material services (health, education) PRODUCTION OF MATERIAL WEALTH - it is a certain kind of human activity, a certain way of procuring the means of life necessary to meet the material and spiritual needs PRODUCTION OF MATERIAL SERVICES is inseparably connected with material objects: transport changes the position of objects in space, trade - they belong to anyone. PRODUCTION OF NON-MATERIAL SERVICES (knowledge, safety, health, positive emotions) much more detached from material objects. There are not subject to the impact of other things, but immediately people

№5 слайд
The composition and the
Содержание слайда: The composition and the structure of public production Public production

№6 слайд
The productive forces of
Содержание слайда: The productive forces of society - it is a set of interdependent personal and real (physical) factors of production. The productive forces of society - it is a set of interdependent personal and real (physical) factors of production. The means of production - the totality of the means of labor and objects of labor. The means of production and human labor are inextricably linked and interdependent. The means of production, and people who have certain production experience, skills to work and lead these means of production into effect, constitute the productive forces. Condition of the economy depends on the level of development of its productive forces. The level of productive forces determines the dynamics of the growth of national wealth and productivity of social labor.

№7 слайд
The structure of the
Содержание слайда: The structure of the productive forces include: The structure of the productive forces include: 1. People. People engaged in the process of material production, are the subject of labor. In the material production of the work of people is always directed at a certain person outside a natural substance that is processed and the change in the production process. This land, minerals, metals, objects of flora and fauna, minerals and so on. All that directed the work of people, it is the objects of labor. 2. The means of production. To work on the subject of work with a view to its conversion into the desired product, people must have the instruments of labor, warehouse, transport systems, communication systems, control systems and planning, production technology, scientific organization of labor, and so on. All of this constitutes a means of labor.

№8 слайд
The relations of production
Содержание слайда: The relations of production (production-economic relations) - the relationship between people, folding into a the process of social production and social movement of the product from production to consumption. The term "relations of production" has been developed by Karl Marx. The relations of production (production-economic relations) - the relationship between people, folding into a the process of social production and social movement of the product from production to consumption. The term "relations of production" has been developed by Karl Marx. The relations of production are the basis in relation to the politics, ideology, religion, morality, and others. Relations of production impact on development of the productive forces, accelerating or slowing down their development. The relations of production cause the distribution of production and distribution of funds in the structure of human social production (the class structure of society).

№9 слайд
Socio-economic and
Содержание слайда: Socio-economic and organizational-economic relations constitute the relations of production, which is closely associated with the productive forces. Socio-economic and organizational-economic relations constitute the relations of production, which is closely associated with the productive forces. Socio-economic relations by developing on the basis of feasibility, are expressed in human relations. Determining the structure of the socio-economic relations are relations over the ownership of the means of production, resources and production results. These relationships define the relationship of distribution and consumption of manufactured goods. By the organizational - economic relations are the forms and methods of management, common to all sectors of the economy. Among them, stand out today: 1) the market system, the center of which commodity-money relations, 2) Entrepreneurship, in the center of which - the effective management of the economy. General organizational and economic relations - a relationship in the field of monetary, pricing, finance and credit, marketing, management, banking, etc.

№10 слайд
The problem of choice in the
Содержание слайда: The problem of choice in the economy. Production possibilities curve Economic resources that can be used in the community to meet the needs, are always limited, are qualitative and quantitative limits. The ability to bypass the restrictions private fundamentally change nothing. Limited resources is the fundamental problem of economics: if the resources were available in unlimited quantities, then all the goods required to meet the needs of the community, would be made in sufficient quantities. Limited resources requires the definition of production capacity. Manufacturing capabilities - it is the largest production volume, which is achieved with the full use of resources. Since resources are limited, then the society is forced to make technological choices when deciding which needs should be met, and what - no. Thus, limited resources specifies alternate their use necessitates an alternative choice from among mutually exclusive options. From the set of feasible options for the use of resources selected the most appropriate for the purposes of the society.

№11 слайд
The problem of choice in the
Содержание слайда: The problem of choice in the economy. Production possibilities curve An alternative choice between resource utilization trends can be recognized at a scale of production capacity (tabular form) or in the form of a production possibility curve (graphic form). you can use the following example, which leads Paul Samuelson. Suppose two kinds of goods needed to produce - and gun oil. All resources can be directed to the production of a single good or the good of both, but in a certain ratio (Table 1).

№12 слайд
The problem of choice in the
Содержание слайда: The problem of choice in the economy. Production possibilities curve On the basis of the data can be plotted production capacity, which otherwise also called the production possibility curve (transformation). The economic meaning of the transformation is that society should implement technological choices in the economy, to determine the required volume of production of each good and ensure the appropriate allocation of resources. Production possibilities curve illustrates the need for effective use of resources.

№13 слайд
The problem of choice in the
Содержание слайда: The problem of choice in the economy. Production possibilities curve Limited resources suggests the need definitions (estimated) production capacity. Production opportunities - this is the maximum volume of production, which is achieved at the full use of the resources of the company. As resources are limited, society is forced to permanently make a choice, ie. Decide what needs are satisfied, and what are - no. Thus, the restriction RESOURCES DETERMINES THEIR USE alternatively, necessitates ALTERNATE selection among mutually exclusive possibilities (alternatives). From multiple acceptable way to utilize resources choose the most optimal in terms of society's goals.

№14 слайд
The problem of choice in the
Содержание слайда: The problem of choice in the economy. Production possibilities curve Economic sense of transformation consists that society must implement the technological choice in the economy, determine the necessary volume of production of each guards and provide the relevant resource allocation. Thus, the essence of the problem of choice is that if each economic resource used to meet diverse needs is limited, there is always the problem of its alternative use and the search for a better combination of scarce resources.

№15 слайд
Thank you for attention!
Содержание слайда: Thank you for attention!

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