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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
ECON Microeconomics Chapter
Содержание слайда: ECON 202 Microeconomics Chapter 20 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION

№2 слайд
Ch Learning Objectives Why
Содержание слайда: Ch 20 Learning Objectives Why economic costs include both explicit costs and implicit costs. How the law of diminishing returns relates to a firm’s short-run production costs. Distinctions between fixed and variable costs and among total, average, and marginal costs. The link between a firm’s size and its average costs in the long run.

№3 слайд
Economic Costs Economic costs
Содержание слайда: Economic Costs Economic costs - payments a firm must make, or incomes it must provide, to resource suppliers to attract those resources away from their best alternative production opportunities. Payments may be explicit or implicit.

№4 слайд
Explicit Costs Cash Payments
Содержание слайда: Explicit Costs Cash Payments a firm makes to those who supply labor services, materials, fuel, transportation services, etc. Money payments are for the use of resources owned by others.

№5 слайд
Implicit Costs Implicit costs
Содержание слайда: Implicit Costs Implicit costs - opportunity costs of using its self-owned, self-employed resources. Money payments that self-employed resources could have earned in their best alternative use Forgone interest, forgone rent, forgone wages, and forgone entrepreneurial income.

№6 слайд
T-shirts example Accounting
Содержание слайда: T-shirts example: Accounting profits - $57,000 T-shirts example: Accounting profits - $57,000 Ignores implicit costs Overstates economic success

№7 слайд
Normal Profits Normal profits
Содержание слайда: Normal Profits Normal profits are considered an implicit cost because they are the minimum payments required to keep the owner’s entrepreneurial abilities self‑employed. This is $5,000 in the example. Cost of doing buisiness

№8 слайд
Economic Profits Economic or
Содержание слайда: Economic Profits Economic or pure profits are total revenue less all costs (explicit and implicit including a normal profit).

№9 слайд
Short Run Time period that is
Содержание слайда: Short Run Time period that is too brief for a firm to alter its plant capacity. The plant size is fixed in the short run. Short‑run costs, then, are the wages, raw materials, etc., used for production in a fixed plant.

№10 слайд
Long-run The long run is a
Содержание слайда: Long-run The long run is a period of time long enough for a firm to change the quantities of all resources employed, including the plant size. Long‑run costs are all costs, including the cost of varying the size of the production plant.

№11 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№12 слайд
Short-Run Production
Содержание слайда: Short-Run Production Relationships Total Product (TP) Marginal Product (MP) Average Product (AP)

№13 слайд
Law of Diminishing returns
Содержание слайда: Law of Diminishing returns Assumes technology is fixed & techniques for production do not change. As successive units of a variable resource are added to a fixed resource, beyond some point the extra or marginal product that can be attributed to each additional unit of the variable resource will decline.

№14 слайд
Law of Diminishing Returns
Содержание слайда: Law of Diminishing Returns

№15 слайд
Law of Diminishing Returns
Содержание слайда: Law of Diminishing Returns Graphical Portrayal

№16 слайд
Law of Diminishing Returns
Содержание слайда: Law of Diminishing Returns Example For example, a farmer will find that a certain number of farm laborers will yield the maximum output per worker. If that number is exceeded, the output per worker will fall. Table 20.1 - Example of output per labor unit.

№17 слайд
The law of diminishing
Содержание слайда: The law of diminishing returns assumes all units of variable inputs—workers in this case—are of equal quality. Marginal product diminishes not because successive workers are inferior but because more workers are being used relative to the amount of plant and equipment available. The law of diminishing returns assumes all units of variable inputs—workers in this case—are of equal quality. Marginal product diminishes not because successive workers are inferior but because more workers are being used relative to the amount of plant and equipment available.

№18 слайд
Short-Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Short-Run Production Costs Fixed Costs Variable Costs Total Cost TC = TFC + TVC

№19 слайд
Short-Run Production
Содержание слайда: Short-Run Production Relationships Short‑run production reflects the law of diminishing returns that states that as successive units of a variable resource are added to a fixed resource, beyond some point the product attributable to each additional resource unit will decline.

№20 слайд
Short Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Short Run Production Costs Fixed, variable and total costs 1. Total fixed costs are those costs whose total does not vary with changes in short‑run output. 2. Total variable costs are those costs that change with the level of output. They include payment for materials, fuel, power, transportation services, most labor, and similar costs. 3. Total cost is the sum of total fixed and total variable costs at each level of output (see Figure 20.3).

№21 слайд
Short Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Short Run Production Costs Per unit or average 1. Average fixed cost is the total fixed cost divided by the level of output (TFC/Q). It will decline as output rises. 2. Average variable cost is the total variable cost divided by the level of output (AVC = TVC/Q). 3. Average total cost is the total cost divided by the level of output (ATC = TC/Q), sometimes called unit cost or per unit cost. Note that ATC also equals AFC + AVC (see Figure 20.4).

№22 слайд
Short Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Short Run Production Costs Marginal cost - additional cost of producing one more unit of output (MC = change in TC/change in Q). 1. Marginal cost can also be calculated as MC = change in TVC/change in Q. 2. Marginal decisions are very important in determining profit levels. Marginal revenue and marginal cost are compared. 3. Marginal cost is a reflection of marginal product and diminishing returns. When diminishing returns begin, the marginal cost will begin its rise. 4. The marginal cost is related to AVC and ATC. These average costs will fall as long as the marginal cost is less than either average cost. As soon as the marginal cost rises above the average, the average will begin to rise. Students can think of their grade‑point averages with the total GPA reflecting their performance over their years in school, and their marginal grade points as their performance this semester. If their overall GPA is a 3.0, and this semester they earn a 4.0, their overall average will rise, but not as high as the marginal rate from this semester.

№23 слайд
Short Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Short Run Production Costs Cost curves will shift if the resource prices change or if technology or efficiency change.

№24 слайд
Short-Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Short-Run Production Costs Per-Unit or Average Costs Average Fixed Cost (AFC) Average Variable Cost (AVC) Average Total Cost (ATC) Marginal Cost (MC)

№25 слайд
Short-Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Short-Run Production Costs

№26 слайд
Short-Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Short-Run Production Costs

№27 слайд
Short-Run Production Costs MC
Содержание слайда: Short-Run Production Costs MC and Marginal Product Marginal Decisions Relation of MC to AVC and ATC Relationship Between Productivity Curves and Cost Curves Shifts in Cost Curves Graphically…

№28 слайд
Short-Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Short-Run Production Costs

№29 слайд
Long-run In the long run, all
Содержание слайда: Long-run In the long‑run, all production costs are variable, i.e., long-run costs reflect changes in plant size and industry size can be changed (expand or contract). Can change inputs and plant size.

№30 слайд
Economies of Scale a.k.a.
Содержание слайда: Economies of Scale a.k.a. Economies of mass production As plant size increases, a number of factors will for a time lead to lower average costs of production. Labor Specialization Managerial Specialization Efficient Capital Other Factors

№31 слайд
Diseconomies of Scale Over
Содержание слайда: Diseconomies of Scale Over time, thee expansion of a firm may lead to diseconomies of scale and therefore higher average total costs. Cause – difficulty of efficiency controlling & coordinating a firm’s operations as it becomes large.

№32 слайд
Economies or diseconomies of
Содержание слайда: Economies or diseconomies of scale exist in the long run. Economies or diseconomies of scale exist in the long run. 1. Economies of scale or economies of mass production explain the downward sloping part of the long‑run ATC curve, i.e. as plant size increases, long-run ATC decrease. a. Labor and managerial specialization is one reason for this. b. Ability to purchase and use more efficient capital goods also may explain economies of scale. C. Other factors may also be involved, such as design, development, or other “start up” costs such as advertising and “learning by doing

№33 слайд
Long-Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Long-Run Production Costs Firm Size and Costs Long-Run Cost Curve Economies of Scale Labor Specialization Managerial Specialization Efficient Capital Diseconomies of Scale Constant Returns to Scale

№34 слайд
Long-Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Long-Run Production Costs

№35 слайд
Long-Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Long-Run Production Costs

№36 слайд
Long-Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Long-Run Production Costs

№37 слайд
Long-Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Long-Run Production Costs

№38 слайд
Long-Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Long-Run Production Costs

№39 слайд
Minimum Efficient Scale and
Содержание слайда: Minimum Efficient Scale and Industry Structure Minimum Efficient Scale (MES) Natural Monopoly Applications and Illustrations Rising Cost of Insurance and Security Successful Start-Up Firms The Verson Stamping Machine The Daily Newspaper Aircraft and Concrete Plants

№40 слайд
Don t Cry Over Sunk Costs
Содержание слайда: Don’t Cry Over Sunk Costs Sunk Costs Irrelevant in Decision Making Once Incurred, They Cannot Be Recovered Compare Marginal Analysis to Find MC and MB Previously Incurred Costs Do Not Impact the MB=MC Decision Sunk Costs Are Irrelevant!

№41 слайд
End Chapter
Содержание слайда: End Chapter 20

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