Презентация Software economics. General information онлайн

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Презентации » Экономика и Финансы » Software economics. General information

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Lecture Software economics.
Содержание слайда: Lecture 1: Software economics. General information.

№2 слайд
Studying process Lectures
Содержание слайда: Studying process Lectures –22 Laboratory Classes – 22 Self-study – 64 Total (hours/ECTS credits) – 108/3 Homework (1) – 8th semester Graded Test – 8th semester

№3 слайд
Studying process
Содержание слайда: Studying process

№4 слайд
Содержание слайда: Deadlines

№5 слайд
Содержание слайда: Deadlines

№6 слайд
General information Economics
Содержание слайда: General information Economics is a social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

№7 слайд
General information Economics
Содержание слайда: General information Economics is the study of how people make decisions in resource-limited situations.

№8 слайд
Software price It depends on
Содержание слайда: Software price It depends on: 1. Size of the final product (for components written by hand). For example, number of lines of code. 2. Features of domain. For example, special documents. 3. Skills of developers.

№9 слайд
Software price . Programming
Содержание слайда: Software price 4. Programming environment. Methods, tools, techniques, possibilities, else. 5. Quality of the final product, which includes functionality of software, reliability and adaptability.

№10 слайд
Economics amp Life cycle
Содержание слайда: Economics & Life cycle Feasibility Phase. Plans and Requirements Phase. Product Design Phase. Programming Phase. Integration and Test Phase. Maintenance Phase. Phaseout.

№11 слайд
Economics amp Life cycle
Содержание слайда: Economics & Life cycle Feasibility Phase. How much should we invest in information system analyses (user questionnaires and interviews, current-system analysis, workload characterizations, simulations, scenarios, prototypes) in order to converge on an appropriate definition and concept of operation for the system we plan to implement?

№12 слайд
Economics amp Life cycle
Содержание слайда: Economics & Life cycle Plans and Requirements Phase. How rigorously should we specify requirements? How much should we invest in requirements validation activities (automated completeness, consistency, and traceability checks, analytic models, simulations, prototypes) before proceeding to design and develop a software system?

№13 слайд
Economics amp Life cycle
Содержание слайда: Economics & Life cycle Product Design Phase. Should we organize the software to make it possible to use a complex piece of existing software that generally but not completely meets our requirements?

№14 слайд
Economics amp Life cycle
Содержание слайда: Economics & Life cycle Programming Phase. Given a choice between three data storage and retrieval schemes that are primarily execution-time efficient, storage efficient, and easy to modify, respectively, which of these should we choose to implement?

№15 слайд
Economics amp Life cycle
Содержание слайда: Economics & Life cycle Integration and Test Phase. How much testing and formal verification should we perform on a product before releasing it to users?

№16 слайд
Economics amp Life cycle
Содержание слайда: Economics & Life cycle Maintenance Phase. Given an extensive list of suggested product improvements, which ones should we implement first?

№17 слайд
Economics amp Life cycle
Содержание слайда: Economics & Life cycle Phaseout. Given an aging, hard-to-modify software product, should we replace it with a new product, restructure it, or leave it alone?

№18 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№19 слайд
Practice task . Description
Содержание слайда: Practice task № 1.1 Description of software (requirement specification), what necessarily includes budget, labor costs, organizational structure and economic effect from implementation. Real geographically distributed organization, what buys services / products and manufacturing services / products.

№20 слайд
Requirement specification.
Содержание слайда: Requirement specification. Example of structure 1. Goal of development 2. Application field 3. Technical & economical block 4. Main requirements 5. Schedule 6. Special rules from client 7. Quality assessment

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