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Презентации » Экономика и Финансы » Strategic position at the crossroads between Europe and Asia

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    47 слайдов
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    13.19 MB
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№38 слайд
Bioterra Company Organic
Содержание слайда: «Bioterra» Company Organic Fertilizers. Manufacturing and Trading

№39 слайд
Information Bioterra actively
Содержание слайда: Information «Bioterra» – actively developing company. The strategic aim of the Company is manufacturing of high quality organic fertilizers according to the standards and demands of customers. The Company obtained the certificate on “Quality management system ISO 9000-2000” based on international standards in August 2007. The product has gone through all the essential testing procedures and is allowed to be in use in Ukraine. The Company has been selling its product in Ukraine, Italia and Slovakia since the year 2007. All the processes in our enterprise are thoroughly controlled and constantly modified according to the aims which coincide with the Company’s policy.

№40 слайд
Humified Compost for
Содержание слайда: Humified Compost for Gardeners, Truck Farmers and Floriculturists   Do you want to improve good yield? Humified compost from the “Bioterra” Company is just what you need! It is high-quality organic fertilizer produced on the basis of animals’ dung, nutritional remnants, old and digested fodders, straw, sawdust and graze utilized from the agricultural farms. This product is widely used in the agriculture, gardening, truck farming and also can be used in landscape design when growing mushrooms, seedlings and lawns. The “Bioterra” Company’s product has agreeable dark color doesn’t possess the smell and is an excellent source of nutrients for plants. It heightens the content of organics and microorganisms in soil which leads to its fertility.

№41 слайд
Some Information about the
Содержание слайда: Some Information about the Manufacturing Process The manufacturing of organic fertilizers is aerobic (oxygen access) biological process which transforms organic substance in the soil fertilizing component reach in nutrients. During the composting process temperatures above 50 ºС can be reached. Unfavourable environment created by lots of termophile and heat-resistant microorganisms also facilitates the extermination of pathogenic microbes. The manufacturing processes are provided with recourses for producing high-quality organic fertilizer. The employees’ level of proficiency has been constantly evaluating and maintaining on the level essential for implementation the quality management system in order to create competitive and satisfying the client production. In connection with the development of the new area i.e. “bioorganic agriculture” the demand for organic fertilizers has increased in Ukraine that is why the Company is enlarging the manufacturing of organic fertilizers up to 50 000 tons.

№42 слайд
What is the Humified Compost
Содержание слайда: What is the Humified Compost Used For For the enlarging of organic substance’ level in the soil; For the improvement of the soil structure (porosity); For the suppression of some diseases and insects development; For the improvement of soil fertile layer; For the retaining the moisture and nutrients of the soil; For the reduction of the soil erosion; For the increasing of the plant’s disease resistance.

№43 слайд
The Clients of the Bioterra
Содержание слайда: The Clients of the “Bioterra” Product Farmings growing agricultural planting, vegetables, fruits; Hothouse farmings; Vineyards; Gardens; Manufacturers of mixtures and soils; Manufacturers of lawns; Football and golf clubs; Seed plots; Shops of ration goods; Private cottages and farmsteads; Landscape organizations; Forestry.

№44 слайд
Содержание слайда: Cost

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№46 слайд
The Advantages of the
Содержание слайда: The Advantages of the “Bioterra” Product Doesn’t contain the seeds of the weeds and disease causing organisms; Enlarges the maintenance of organic substances in the soil; Improves the physical structure of the soil; Doesn't oxidize the soil; Increases the ability of the soil to maintain the moisture and nutritients; Helps to fight the soil erosion; Increases the ability of plants to resist and fight the diseases; Creates the microflora variety in the soil; Can be added to the soil almost during the whole year on conditions that the snow cover is absent; Allows to carry out the sowing just after the usage of the fertilizers.

№47 слайд
Chemical Composition
Содержание слайда: Chemical Composition

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