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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Lecture The World Economy
Содержание слайда: Lecture 4 The World Economy

№2 слайд
Lecture Overview of the World
Содержание слайда: Lecture 4 Overview of the World Economy “Globalization” Elements of the World Economy Ways that Countries Interact Trade Capital Flows Migration Policies that Affect Others

№3 слайд
The World Economy
Содержание слайда: The World Economy “Globalization” Means different things to different people My definitions (see my online Glossary): 1. The increasing world-wide integration of markets for goods, services and capital. 2. Also the role of MNCs, IMF, WTO, World Bank. 3. Elsewhere: domination by United States. Some see good, others bad Bad: reading by powell Good: reading by Bhagwati

№4 слайд
The World Economy
Содержание слайда: The World Economy “Globalization” Some aspects of globalization declined with the world recession of 2008 The Economist, on Nov 15, 2014, reported “Signs of Life”: Globalization is back Various measures of globalization (though not all) have risen past their previous peaks The “depth” of trade (its volume) has increased The “breadth” of trade (number of borders crossed) has not fully recovered

№5 слайд
The World Economy
Содержание слайда: The World Economy International Economics Is NOT about countries It IS about interactions among countries

№6 слайд
Lecture Overview of the World
Содержание слайда: Lecture 4 Overview of the World Economy “Globalization” Elements of the World Economy Ways that Countries Interact Trade Capital Flows Migration Policies that Affect Others

№7 слайд
The World Economy World
Содержание слайда: The World Economy World Economy consists of Countries: a few hundred (CIA lists about 240) (WTO has 160 members) People: over 7 billion (7.216 b. 1/5/15, compare 320 m. US) Land: about 15 times the US

№8 слайд
Aside, on getting information
Содержание слайда: (Aside, on getting information) An excellent source of information about countries is the CIA World Fact Book (Just Google “fact book”)

№9 слайд
The World Economy World
Содержание слайда: The World Economy World Economy consists of GDP (2013 est., per CIA, in US$) World: Total = $87.25 trillion per capita = $13,100 US: Total = $16.72 trillion per capita = $52,800

№10 слайд
The World Economy Implication
Содержание слайда: The World Economy Implication US is very unusual Very rich US has less than 5% of world population but almost 20% of world income

№11 слайд
Lecture Overview of the World
Содержание слайда: Lecture 4 Overview of the World Economy “Globalization” Elements of the World Economy Ways that Countries Interact Trade Capital Flows Migration Policies that Affect Others

№12 слайд
The World Economy Ways that
Содержание слайда: The World Economy Ways that countries interact economically Trade (per CIA, 2013 est.) World exports: $18.71 trillion (compare world GDP of $87 trillion) World trade has grown faster than world GDP most years But not during 2008-9, due to world recession

№13 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№14 слайд
The World Economy See tables
Содержание слайда: The World Economy See tables below for Who trades most? Who trades with whom? Share of trade in GDP US: What do we export/import? To/from whom?

№15 слайд
Who Trades the Most? b. amp
Содержание слайда: Who Trades the Most? ($ b. & % share, 2013)

№16 слайд
Who Trades the Most?
Содержание слайда: Who Trades the Most? Developed countries are the biggest traders China is catching up, in trade volume It was the #3 exporter six years ago when I taught the course; now it’s #2 and closing in on EU. Others are gaining as well: Four years ago Canada was #5 exporter. Three years ago that was S Korea

№17 слайд
Who Trades the Most? See
Содержание слайда: Who Trades the Most? See Economist from about a year ago: “Trading Up: Picking the world champion of trade” China claimed to have surpassed US. True only for goods, not goods + services But with time China will pass US in both China’s trade per GDP is much larger than the US, but below world average Much of the value in China’s exports is imported inputs, thus low “value added.”

№18 слайд
Who Trades the Most? Emerging
Содержание слайда: Who Trades the Most? “Emerging Markets” in general are catching up to, or surpassing, the developed countries In GDP, trade, and more See Economics Focus from The Economist, “Why the Tail Wags the Dog”

№19 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№20 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№21 слайд
Who Trades with Whom? b., ,
Содержание слайда: Who Trades with Whom? ($ b., 2013, Intra- and inter-regional merchandise trade)

№22 слайд
North America, Europe, and
Содержание слайда: North America, Europe, and Asia trade mostly within their group North America, Europe, and Asia trade mostly within their group Poorer regions – Latin America, Africa – trade mostly with the richer regions This reflects what is not so clear in the table: Rich countries trade most with each other Poor countries trade most with rich countries But their trade with each other is growing

№23 слайд
What Does the World Trade? b.
Содержание слайда: What Does the World Trade? ($ b. 2013 & annual % growth rates, merchandise exports)

№24 слайд
What Does the World Trade?
Содержание слайда: What Does the World Trade? Biggest traded category: manufactures Fastest growing, then shrinking, then growing: “fuels & mining” Why? Because this is the value of trade, and prices of oil and other raw materials were rising, and then falling. But within Manufactures, Iron & Steel is even more volatile:

№25 слайд
What Does the World Trade? b.
Содержание слайда: What Does the World Trade? ($ b. 2013 & annual % growth rates, merchandise exports)

№26 слайд
What Does the World Trade? b.
Содержание слайда: What Does the World Trade? ($ b. 2013 & annual % growth rates, merchandise exports)

№27 слайд
What Does the US Trade? b.
Содержание слайда: What Does the US Trade? ($ b. 2011)

№28 слайд
What Does the US Trade? US
Содержание слайда: What Does the US Trade? US imports are much larger than US exports (We’ll see what that means later in the course.) US is a big… Exporter of agricultural products Importer of oil Exporter and importer of capital goods (i.e., machines for making things)

№29 слайд
Importance of Trade for
Содержание слайда: Importance of Trade for Countries? (GDP in US$ b., Exports % of GDP, Selected countries, 2012)

№30 слайд
Importance of Trade for
Содержание слайда: Importance of Trade for Countries? Even though we trade more than most, US trade is a smaller part of US GDP than for many other countries Others that are low: Japan, Nepal (even lower than US) Note Singapore: Exports can be more than GDP. Reason: Exports are made using imported inputs, so value of exports includes imports.

№31 слайд
Importance of Trade for
Содержание слайда: Importance of Trade for Countries? A Few More of Interest

№32 слайд
Lecture Overview of the World
Содержание слайда: Lecture 4 Overview of the World Economy “Globalization” Elements of the World Economy Ways that Countries Interact Trade Capital Flows Migration Policies that Affect Others

№33 слайд
The World Economy Ways that
Содержание слайда: The World Economy Ways that countries interact economically Capital Flows Financial (holdings of financial assets abroad) Real (international ownership of real assets)

№34 слайд
The World Economy Ways that
Содержание слайда: The World Economy Ways that countries interact economically Capital Flows Financial (holdings of financial assets abroad) Currency Bank deposits Bonds – private and government Stocks Bank loans Real (international ownership of real assets)

№35 слайд
The World Economy Ways that
Содержание слайда: The World Economy Ways that countries interact economically Capital Flows Financial (holdings of financial assets abroad) Real (international ownership of real assets) Real estate Capital assets (plant and equipment) Stocks (equities) if ownership share is large Other Data, below, are stocks (i.e, amounts at a point in time)

№36 слайд
US Investment Position
Содержание слайда: US Investment Position ($ trillion at market value, year-end 2011)

№37 слайд
US Investment Position
Содержание слайда: US Investment Position (Qualification: “Owe” isn’t quite right. This includes all assets in the US owned by foreigners, including land, buildings, etc. Not just what we’ve borrowed.) Lessons: US is a large net “debtor” (result of our spending more than we earn) Most of this today is government, but some is private

№38 слайд
Lecture Overview of the World
Содержание слайда: Lecture 4 Overview of the World Economy “Globalization” Elements of the World Economy Ways that Countries Interact Trade Capital Flows Migration Policies that Affect Others

№39 слайд
The World Economy Other ways
Содержание слайда: The World Economy Other ways that countries interact economically Migration Temporary Guest workers Day workers Permanent In practice, most (all?) countries limit migration severely

№40 слайд
Lecture Overview of the World
Содержание слайда: Lecture 4 Overview of the World Economy “Globalization” Elements of the World Economy Ways that Countries Interact Trade Capital Flows Migration Policies that Affect Others

№41 слайд
The World Economy Other ways
Содержание слайда: The World Economy Other ways that countries interact economically Policies that affect other countries Direct Indirect

№42 слайд
The World Economy Other ways
Содержание слайда: The World Economy Other ways that countries interact economically Policies that affect other countries Direct Trade policies (tariffs, quotas) Foreign aid Capital controls Exchange rate management Immigration restrictions Indirect

№43 слайд
The World Economy Aside on
Содержание слайда: The World Economy Aside on Tariffs We will be dealing a lot with these See reading by Hufbauer and Grieco: US tariffs are much lower than they used to be (average 4% now, vs. 40% in 1946) US has gained a great deal from lowering tariffs US still has much to gain from further lowering But there are also severe costs for some people and firms who compete with imports

№44 слайд
The World Economy Aside on
Содержание слайда: The World Economy Aside on Tariffs Tariffs could go up: WTO enforces only upper limits on tariffs Actual tariffs in many countries are below these limits, and could legally rise There was danger that the recent world recession would push countries to do that. They didn’t – at least not much.

№45 слайд
The World Economy Aside on
Содержание слайда: The World Economy Aside on Tariffs 45% of US exports go to developing countries US tariffs are much higher against developing countries than against developed countries

№46 слайд
The World Economy Other ways
Содержание слайда: The World Economy Other ways that countries interact economically Policies that affect other countries Indirect Subsidies (esp. agriculture) US farm subsidies > foreign aid (see CGD reading) Macro policies (monetary, fiscal) Exchange-rate policies Environmental policies Standards Labor Health & safety Norms

№47 слайд
Next Time Institutions of the
Содержание слайда: Next Time Institutions of the International Economy What are they? The WTO The IMF The World Bank The OECD What’s happening (or not happening) now?

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