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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
John Mallord William Turner
Содержание слайда: John Mallord William Turner

№2 слайд
The words barber - парикмахер
Содержание слайда: The words: barber - парикмахер exhibiting - показ achieved - показана a topographic draftsman – топографический чертежник housekeeper - домохозяйка bequeathed – было передано (завещалось)

№3 слайд
The childhood Joseph Mallord
Содержание слайда: The childhood Joseph Mallord William Turner was born in London, England, on April 23, 1775. His father was a barber. His mother died when he was very young. The boy received little schooling. His father taught him how to read, but this was the extent of his education except for the study of art. By the age of 13 he was making drawings at home and exhibiting them in his father's shop window for sale.

№4 слайд
Although known for his oils,
Содержание слайда: Although known for his oils, Turner is regarded as one of the founders of English watercolour landscape painting. Some of his most famous works are “Calais Pier”, “Dido Building Carthage”, “Rain”, “Steam and Speed”, “Burial at Sea”, and “The Grand Canal, Although known for his oils, Turner is regarded as one of the founders of English watercolour landscape painting. Some of his most famous works are “Calais Pier”, “Dido Building Carthage”, “Rain”, “Steam and Speed”, “Burial at Sea”, and “The Grand Canal, Venice”.

№5 слайд
The most famous works
Содержание слайда: The most famous works

№6 слайд
The youth Turner was years
Содержание слайда: The youth Turner was 15 years old when he received a rare honor--one of his paintings was exhibited at the Royal Academy. By the time he was 18 he had his own studio. Before he was 20 print sellers were eagerly buying his drawings for reproduction. He quickly achieved a fine reputation and was elected an associate of the Royal Academy. In 1802, when he was only 27, Turner became a full member. He then began traveling widely in Europe.

№7 слайд
The Europe Venice was the
Содержание слайда: The Europe Venice was the inspiration of some of Turner's finest work. Wherever he visited he studied the effects of sea and sky in every kind of weather. His early training had been as a topographic draftsman. With the years, however, he developed a painting technique all his own. Instead of merely recording factually what he saw, Turner translated scenes into a light-filled expression of his own romantic feelings.

№8 слайд
Artist s last days One day
Содержание слайда: Artist’s last days One day Turner disappeared from his house. His housekeeper, after a search of many months, found him hiding in a house in Chelsea. He had been ill for a long time. He died the following day--Dec. 19, 1851. Turner left a large fortune that he hoped would be used to support what he called "decaying artists." His collection of paintings was bequeathed to his country. He left nearly 300 paintings and nearly 20,000 watercolours and drawings to the nation. He had a mistress, Sarah Danby, by whom he had two daughters. He never married.At his request he was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral.

№9 слайд
Literature and information
Содержание слайда: Literature and information sites: Literature and information sites: www.biblio.org www.nationgallery.org.uk “English language”. 10 class. Great Britain ‘s art XVII-XX centuries.

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