Презентация Health and fitness. A sound mind is in a sound body. онлайн

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Health and fitness. A sound
Содержание слайда: Health and fitness. A sound mind is in a sound body.

№2 слайд
Answer the questions. Health
Содержание слайда: Answer the questions. Health is considered one of the most precious things in people’s life. How can you explain that? What should people do to keep healthy? What do you personally do to keep healthy? What makes people happy and healthy? What makes people aggressive? Are aggressive people dangerous for our society? Whom can we call an optimist? Do optimists have a cheerful character? Are positive emotions good for our health? How do bad emotions influence our health? Is healthy food important for our health? What else is good for our health? Do you like friendly people? Are you always friendly to each other? Why is it important to be friendly and respect other people? Is sport important for our health?

№3 слайд
Prioritize the ideas about
Содержание слайда: Prioritize the ideas about reasons of healthy life by your views. Which idea seems the most important to you and why? Eat healthy food! Eat vitamins! Do some sport or regular physical exercises! Avoid stresses! Avoid drugs, drinking and smoking! Be close to nature! Take care of your teeth! Sleep enough! Don’t work on a computer too long! Don’t watch TV too long! Avoid synthetic materials! Be friendly! Live with pleasure! Enjoy your healthy way of life!

№4 слайд
Healthy food. How many meals
Содержание слайда: Healthy food. How many meals a day do you have? What are you preferences in food? Do you eat fast food? Is the question: to be or not to be a veggie actual for you?

№5 слайд
What is your diet? Diets
Содержание слайда: What is your diet? Diets Proper diet forms the basis of man's vitality, vivacity, and longevity. Healthy eating does not mean giving up all your favorite foods; it's all about choosing foods wisely, preparing meals in a healthier way. Well-balanced diet is the key to good health. Aim to eat food from each following food groups each day: -   Starchy foods-bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, cereals, etc. -  Dairy products- cheese, milk, yogurt, etc. -  Meat, Poultry- fish, and alternatives including lentils beans, nut products, and eggs. -   Vegetables & Fruits- broccoli, carrots, apples, strawberries, etc. Eating a variety of foods from each of these groups should ensure that your body gets all the necessary vitamins and minerals you need and will help you maintain a healthy well balanced diet. 

№6 слайд
Look at the diagram below and
Содержание слайда: Look at the diagram below and say: -Which form of exercise shown in the chart would you prefer? Why? -Why are some sports (ex. football, cycling) so popular and other sports (ex. yoga) unpopular among young people? -What other forms of exercise do you know? Do you practice any of them?

№7 слайд
Look at the diagrams below
Содержание слайда: Look at the diagrams below and make your comments about healthy way of life in Russia. Look at the population poll and give your answers. DO YOU HAVE A DESIRE TO PRACTICE SPORTS, OR NOT?

№8 слайд

№9 слайд
Содержание слайда: DO YOU PRACTICE SPORTS, OR NOT? IF YOU DO, HOW OFTEN? (Responses of those saying they have the opportunity to practice sports)

№10 слайд

№11 слайд

№12 слайд
Jumbled proverbs. Match the
Содержание слайда: Jumbled proverbs. Match the beginnings and the endings of proverbs. Health is better one man is bitter poison to others Early to bed and early to rise makes a is the best rest. . Healthy mind in , drink with measure. An apple a day eat but eat to live. Live not to a healthy body He who has health has hope, keeps a doctor away.. Eat with pleasure and he who has hope has everything A change of activity man healthy, wealthy and wise What is food for than wealth.

№13 слайд
Label these parts of the body.
Содержание слайда: Label these parts of the body.

№14 слайд
Sports and Exercises. Sports
Содержание слайда: Sports and Exercises.                                                                                  Sports develop force, endurance, accuracy, and dexterity. It also prevents organisms from various diseases. Physical culture accustoms the man to discipline. It brings up such qualities as will power, boldness, resoluteness, and valiance of the bourses. Listed below are some exercise that contribute to a healthier way of life: -Yogi                    - basketball -gymnastics           - baseball -walking                - rugby -running                 - hockey -skiing                   - R. skating -ice skating            - weightlifting -swimming             - wrestling -tennis                    - aerobic -soccer                   - American football In conclusion, all kinds of sports can be useful and healthy for your body regardless of the sport you choose. The important thing is to exercise regularly.

№15 слайд
Visiting a doctor . Are
Содержание слайда: “Visiting a doctor”. Are Russians generally healthy? Justify your opinion. Alternative therapies (acupuncture, aromatherapy, homeopathy) are becoming extremely popular. Explain why. Being a doctor is the best profession one can have. Discuss. Medical care should be free in all countries. Discuss. Are there enough facilities for the handicapped in your school and town? Describe the situation. Could drug taking among children and teenagers be prevented in your opinion? Do you consider yourself to be a healthy person? Why? How often do you fall ill? What illnesses and conditions have you experienced? What problems can result from an unhealthy lifestyle? Can they be prevented in your opinion? Do you consider yourself to be a healthy person? Why? How often do you fall ill? What illnesses and conditions have you experienced? What problems can result from an unhealthy lifestyle?

№16 слайд
Describe the first photo and
Содержание слайда: Describe the first photo and answer the questions. What diseases can only be treated in hospital? Is being a surgeon an attractive profession? Why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of being treated in hospital? Have you ever been treated or visited anyone in hospital? Describe your experience. Describe the second photo and answer the questions: Are old people in Russia generally fit and healthy? What are typical health problems of old people? What should we do to remain fit when we are old?

№17 слайд
Put the words into the
Содержание слайда: Put the words into the logical order: from the least dangerous diseases to the most dangerous ones. Flu AIDS Stroke Cancer Alcoholism Asthma Depression Pneumonia heart attack Cold hay fever rheumatism

№18 слайд
Match the symptoms with the
Содержание слайда: Match the symptoms with the illnesses. One symptom can be matched with several illnesses. symptoms have a headache I feel anxious I’ve got chest pains I’m losing weight I’ve got a cough I’ve got painful joints I feel dizzy I’ve got hallucinations I have very high blood pressure I’ve got difficulties in breathing I’m sneezing I’ve lost consciousness I’ve got fever I’ve got a sore throat I feel breathless I’ve lost my appetite

№19 слайд
Fill the table in using the
Содержание слайда: Fill the table in using the words below: Antibiotics, aspirin, bandage, surgery, vitamin C, mint tea, plaster, rest massage, acupuncture, ointment, pain killer, cold water Problem Symptoms Treatment allergy broken arm sunburn migraine food poisoning a cut appendicitis a burn/a scald

№20 слайд
Match the adjectives with the
Содержание слайда: Match the adjectives with the nouns to complete a word combination. Make up a sentence of your own with every word combination. Adjective Poor Infectious Sore Blood Lung Unhealthy Mental Nervous Fatal health

№21 слайд
Match the verbs with word
Содержание слайда: Match the verbs with word combinations to make up set expressions Verbs take listen to examine operate prescribe vaccinate put x-ray take out fill

№22 слайд
Match the doctor s
Содержание слайда: Match the doctor’s prescriptions with the remedies. Remedies ointment plaster vaccination injection sleeping pills antibiotics physiotherapy nose drops

№23 слайд
Make a dialogue . Patient Is
Содержание слайда: Make a dialogue . Patient: Is the dentist seeing patients now? Nurse: Yes. What's the trouble? Patient: I have a toothache. Problems with teeth: I lost a filling. I have bad tooth here. I have a swollen gum. Please, fill this tooth. Extract this tooth. Treat this tooth. Smooth the pain. I need the tooth stopped. I need a crown (bridge) fitted on a tooth. I want a tooth removed.

№24 слайд
Complete the dialogue with
Содержание слайда: Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Lesser, knee, make, matter, over, suffering, two, imaginable, promise, indigestion, three, things, this, caught, little, sore, rest, sneezing, nervous, other, care, long, clear, feel, anything, examine, deeply, mouth, lungs A visit to the doctor. Well, what's the__________ with you, Mr. Walker? - You'd "better ask me what is not the matter with me, doctor. I seem to be _______________ from all the illnesses _________: insomnia; headaches, ____________ constipation and pains in the stomach.. To make ______ still worse, I've ______a cold, I’ve got a ____throat, and I am constantly _______and coughing. To crown it all, I had the accident the ______ day, , hurt my right shoulder, leg and ______, and nearly broke my neck. If I take a _____ walk, I get short of breath. In fact, I _____ more dead than alive. - I am sorry to hear that. Anyhow, I hope things aren't as had as you, imagine. Let me ______ you. Your heart, chest and _______seem to be all right. How open your _____ and show me your tongue. Now breath in ________through the nose... There doesn’t seem to be _______ radically wrong with you, but it’s quite _____ that you're run down, and if you don't take _______ of yourself, you may have a n______ break down and have to go to hospital, I advise you, first of all, to stop worrying. Take a long ______, have- regular meals, keep to a diet of sa­lads and fruit, and very _____ meat. Keep off alcohol. If possible give up smoking, at least for a time. Have ____ tonic made up and take two table spoonfuls ______ times a day before meals. If you do this I can ________ you full recovery within ____ or three months. And if don't doctor? Then you'd better _____your will, if you haven't yet done sol I see. Well, thank you, doctor. I shall have to think it _______ and decide which is the ______evil - to follow your advice or prepare for a better world!

№25 слайд
Right answers. A visit to the
Содержание слайда: Right answers. A visit to the doctor. Well, what's the____matter______ with you, Mr. Walker? - You'd "better ask me what is not the matter with me, doctor. I seem to be __suffering_____________ from all the illnesses ___imaginable______: insomnia; headaches, ___indigestion_________ constipation and pains in the stomach.. To make _things_____ still worse, I've caught______a cold, I’ve got a sore____throat, and I am constantly __sneezing_____and coughing. To crown it all, I had the accident the __other____ day, , hurt my right shoulder, leg and _knee_____, and nearly broke my neck. If I take a _long____ walk, I get short of breath. In fact, I __feel___ more dead than alive. - I am sorry to hear that. Anyhow, I hope things aren't as had as you, imagine. Let me _examine_____ you. Your heart, chest and _lungs______seem to be all right. How open your mouth_____ and show me your tongue. Now breath in deeply________through the nose... There doesn’t seem to be ___anything____ ra­dically wrong with you, but it’s quite _clear____ that you're run down, and if you don't take care_______ of yourself, you may have a nervous______ break down and have to go to hospital, I advise you, first of all, to stop worrying. Take a long _rest_____, have- regular meals; keep to a diet of salads and fruit, and very _little____ meat. Keep off alcohol. If possible give up smoking, at least for a time. Have _this___ tonic made up and take two table spoonfuls _three_____ times a day before meals. If you do this I can _promise_______ you full recovery within _two___ or three months. And if don't doctor? Then you'd better _make____your will, if you haven't yet done sol I see. Well, thank you, doctor. I shall have to think it __over_____ and decide which is the _lesser_____evil - to follow your advice or prepare for a better world!

№26 слайд
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