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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Презентация подготовлена
Содержание слайда: Презентация подготовлена учителем английского языка МОУ СОШ п.Харута (НАО) ПОНОМАРЕВОЙ СВЕТЛАНОЙ АЛЕКСАНДРОВНОЙ Апрель 2010

№2 слайд
Saint-Petersburg When and who
Содержание слайда: Saint-Petersburg When and who was founded St-Petersburg by? The city was founded by Peter the Great in 1703.

№3 слайд
St-Petersburg is the capital
Содержание слайда: St-Petersburg is the capital of museums. St-Petersburg is the capital of museums. Why? How many museums are there in St-Petersburg? There are about 200 big and small famous and unknown museums.

№4 слайд
The map of St.-Petersburg
Содержание слайда: The map of St.-Petersburg

№5 слайд
The most popular and
Содержание слайда: The most popular and interesting museums of St.-Petersburg Menshikov Palace Porcelain Museum State Russian Museum Kunstkamera Central Naval Museum The State Hermitage Millitary Historical Museum

№6 слайд
What is it? Name it.
Содержание слайда: What is it? Name it.

№7 слайд
The State Hermitage Museum
Содержание слайда: The State Hermitage Museum

№8 слайд
Содержание слайда: THE HERMITAGE Open the brackets choosing the right word. The Hermitage is a (museum / castle) in St Petersburg. It (was founded / were founded) as a collection of Catherine II in 1764. It (were opened / was opened) for public in 1852. Now the (museum / castle) has several buildings, one of them is (the Winter Palace / the Russian Museum)

№9 слайд
Содержание слайда: THE WINTER PALACE Open the brackets choosing the right word. The Winter Palace (was designed / were designed) by Rastrelli. It (were started / was started) in 1754 and (finish / finished) in 1768. Before 1917 it was the (residences / residence) of the Russian Tsars. The Winter Palace (was transforms / was transformed) into a museum in 1922.

№10 слайд
The Saint Isaac s Cathedral
Содержание слайда: The Saint Isaac’s Cathedral

№11 слайд
Содержание слайда: ST ISAAC’S CATHEDRAL Open the brackets choosing the right word. St Isaac’s Cathedral (was built / were built) in honor of St Isaac of Dalmatia, because Peter the Great (was born / were born) on St Isaac’s day. The Cathedral (was designs / was designed) by the architect Montferrand. It (is built / was built) in 1818-1858. It (were decorated / was decorated) by the famous Russian artists.

№12 слайд
The Aurora Cruiser Museum
Содержание слайда: The Aurora Cruiser Museum

№13 слайд
The Russian museum
Содержание слайда: The Russian museum

№14 слайд
The Russian museum If you are
Содержание слайда: The Russian museum If you (are interested; are interesting) in Russia, its history and culture, this is definitely a museum to visit. The collection of Russian art in Mihailovskiy Palace is one of (big, bigger, the biggest) in the world. Here you can admire icons (paints, painted) by Rublev, great sea and landscape paintings of Aivasovskiy, Levitan and Repin, mystical works by Vrubel and Vasnetsov. The museum (has, have, is having) also a big collection of avantgarde paintings and abstract arts.

№15 слайд
Содержание слайда: THE KAZAN CATHEDRAL "Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan"

№16 слайд
Содержание слайда: THE KAZAN CATHEDRAL Open the brackets choosing the right word. The Kazan Cathedral is in (Moscow / St Petersburg). It (was designed / is designed) by the Russian architect Voronikhin. It (is started / was started) in 1801. The Kazan Cathedral (was finished / are finished) just before the war with Napoleon in 1811.

№17 слайд
The Kunstkamera
Содержание слайда: The Kunstkamera

№18 слайд
The Kunstkamera This
Содержание слайда: The Kunstkamera This beautiful blue Baroque palace (was built; was build) by order of Peter the Great to host his anatomical collection of rarities. It (become; became) one of Russia's first museums to which people were lured by the free distribution of a glass of vodka at the entrance. The museum also (included; has included) a library and observatory. Today the building (house; houses) the Museum of Antropology and Ethnography.

№19 слайд
Savior on the Spilled Blood
Содержание слайда: Savior on the Spilled Blood

№20 слайд
Savior on the Spilled Blood
Содержание слайда: Savior on the Spilled Blood This church (was built; was build) as a memorial to Tsar Alexander II (who; which) was assassinated in 1881 on the spot where the church now stands. The church is famous for its (many; much; a lot of) colourfull mosaics and for the prescious stones, used both on the inside and outside of the church.

№21 слайд
Test yourself . The Hermitage
Содержание слайда: Test yourself: 1. The Hermitage is … a) a gallery b) a school c) a theatre 2. The Hermitage is in … a) Moscow b) St. Petersburg c) Saratov 3. What museum is in Mihailovskiy Palace? a) The Saint Isaac’s Cathedral b) the Kazan Cathedral c) The Russian museum 4. This historical building was finished before the war with Napoleon a) The Saint Isaac’s Cathedral b) the Kazan Cathedral c) The Russian museum 5. The church Savior on the Spilled Blood was built as a memorial to… a) Peter the Great b) Tsar Alexander II c) Catherine II

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