Презентация Democracy and its Forms. (Week 5) онлайн

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Lecture notes for WEEK What
Содержание слайда: Lecture notes for WEEK 5 What is democracy? What kind of democracy? Democratization and the democratic process

№2 слайд
Democracy What is the best
Содержание слайда: Democracy: What is the best political arrangement? Is it democracy? … What is democracy…? Is it only to have elections? What does it take to have a real / “good” democracy?

№3 слайд
Democracy What is democracy ?
Содержание слайда: Democracy: What is democracy ? from Greek demos (people)+ kratos (rule) … we also need to distinguish the ancient and modern meanings of the term for classical Greeks, it was a system/constitution in which demos (the poor part of the population) exercised power in their own interest as against the interest of the rich and aristocratic for them it meant what we call now “direct democracy”

№4 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№5 слайд
Democracy Various definitions
Содержание слайда: Democracy Various definitions: Power of the poor; Society of equal opportunities; Social assistance to the poor; Majority rule and minority rights; Elections. a. Lincoln: “government of people – from people – for people

№6 слайд
Democracy representative vs.
Содержание слайда: Democracy: representative vs. direct democracy modern democracy is representative democracy = a system of government based on the election of decision-makers by the people the former represent the latter

№7 слайд
Democracy representative vs.
Содержание слайда: Democracy: representative vs. direct democracy direct democracy (DD) in DD (or also "participatory democracy") all citizens may vote on every important governmental decision (as in the ancient Athens) plebiscites, referenda are elements of DD = similar to Aristotle’s “democracy” or “polity”

№8 слайд
Democracy A general
Содержание слайда: Democracy: A general definition of modern (representative) democracy: = a political system, based on political representation in which the opportunity to participate in election of political leaders is shared among all adult citizens basic elements of modern democracy: political competition of parties and individuals in elections elections should be “fair & free” political equality; universal adult suffrage majority decision

№9 слайд
Democracy Other elements of
Содержание слайда: Democracy: Other elements of modern democracy: multiparty system (=more than one effective party) the free media (= no censorship) freedom of speech and assembly (=people have the right to say their opinion and form their own organizations) protection of human rights and minorities modern democracy is representative & liberal and requires the rule of law (= constitutionalism)

№10 слайд
Democracy evolution a history
Содержание слайда: Democracy – evolution: a history of modern democracy: in the 2nd half of the 19th c., modern democratic process takes root in Europe it is only after WWI when universal suffrage spreads to major E-an countries in Germany in the 1930s, democracy turned into Nazi totalitarianism = an evidence of weakness of democracy…

№11 слайд
Democracy evolution optional
Содержание слайда: Democracy – evolution (optional): the ‘third wave of democracy’ (Huntington) started Spain and Portugal in 1970s continuing after the ‘collapse of communism’ however, some problematic or semi-democratic regimes in some Eastern European and Central Asian countries (some of them are outright non-democratic)

№12 слайд
Democracy optional other
Содержание слайда: Democracy (optional): other useful terms: deliberative democracy this concept has recently been extensively explored… democracy vs. ’polyarchy’ (=Western democratic system)

№13 слайд
Democracy checklist beyond
Содержание слайда: Democracy checklist– beyond formal democracy: Summary: a good democracy should include at least: rule of law / constitutionalism free and fair elections equality before the law protection of minorities & of human rights separation of powers (institutional checks and balances) government responsiveness / accountability… (= no misuse /abuse of power, minimum corruption) real political competition & multi-party political system freedom of the press and other political freedoms

№14 слайд
Democracy seminar question
Содержание слайда: Democracy – seminar question (optional): What about corruption & democracy?

№15 слайд
Seminar Democracies vs.
Содержание слайда: Seminar: Democracies vs. non-democracies: Typology of modern political systems / regimes (simplified): If not a democracy – so what? democratic vs. partly-democratic vs. non-democratic systems non-democratic systems: authoritarian systems, dictatorships , totalitarian systems (tyrannies) also, military regimes (Myanmar /Burma)

№16 слайд
Democracy vs. totalitarianism
Содержание слайда: Democracy vs. totalitarianism: What is a totalitarianism / totalitarian system /regime?

№17 слайд
Seminar self-study
Содержание слайда: Seminar /self-study: totalitarian regimes:

№18 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№19 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№20 слайд
A Government of Total Control
Содержание слайда: A Government of Total Control Totalitarianism, Centralized State Control Totalitarianism—government that dominates every aspect of life Totalitarian leader often dynamic, persuasive Police Terror Government uses police to spy on, intimidate people, use brutal force or even murder people Indoctrination Government shapes people’s minds through education (use schools)

№21 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№22 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№23 слайд
Stalin Builds a Totalitarian
Содержание слайда: Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State Police State Stalin’s kept tight control on the country Created a secret police police attack opponents with public force, secret actions Great Purge—terror campaign against Stalin’s perceived enemies (real and imaginary) Many were sent into exile or killed

№24 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№25 слайд
Self-study seminar Former
Содержание слайда: Self-study /seminar: Former “socialist” countries: no real democracy – elections are not free (instead: “nomenclature” appointments for key positions) *) no real market economy! - (most of) the “means of production” nationalized & run by the state; = ‘centrally-planned’ economy) no independent political parties censorship; the regime & its leaders were not alloowed to be criticized   excesses of Stalinism + totalitarianism ended in the 1950s but in some countries ‘neo-Stalinism’ occurred, with semi-totalitarian features

№26 слайд
Daily Life Under Stalin
Содержание слайда: Daily Life Under Stalin Positive Effects Gains at Great Cost People better educated, gain new skills Limited personal freedoms; few consumer goods Women Gain Rights Communists say women are equal to men Women forced to join labor force; state provides child care Many women receive advanced educations, become professionals Women suffer from demands of work, family

№27 слайд
Total Control Achieved
Содержание слайда: Total Control Achieved Powerful Ruler By mid-1930s, Stalin has transformed Soviet Union - totalitarian regime; industrial, political power *Stalin controls all aspects of Soviet life: unopposed as dictator, Communist Party leader rules by terror instead of constitutional government demands conformity, obedience

№28 слайд
Authoritarianism Less extreme
Содержание слайда: Authoritarianism: • Less extreme than totalitarianism (Linz 1970): - Limited political pluralism - Absence of a regime-guiding ideology - Absence of political mass-mobilization - Limited political leadership

№29 слайд
Authoritarianism Exercising
Содержание слайда: Authoritarianism Exercising control: • Monitoring and/or enforcing political loyalty • Typical for military rule: - Giving policing and judicial powers upon military • Typical for one party rule: - Party’s Politburo as de facto government - Extensive membership used to monitor and enforce policy

№30 слайд
Authoritarianism Policies
Содержание слайда: Authoritarianism Policies: • Authoritarian regimes tend to implement more diverse and extreme policies than democracies - Genocide by the Nazis - Great Leap Forward by Mao - Generally a higher level of intervention in economy and society

№31 слайд
Seminar Former socialist
Содержание слайда: Seminar: Former “socialist” countries:

№32 слайд
Seminar Democracy optional Is
Содержание слайда: Seminar – Democracy (optional): Is Kazakhstan a democracy? It really depends which criteria we apply… Most experts accept that KZ political system includes elements of representative democracy but the system is young, not yet fully developed some standard features of democracy are lacking… *

№33 слайд
Seminar Democracy optional
Содержание слайда: Seminar – Democracy (optional): “Corruption threatens development of our state, its economic growth, and political stability. We will conduct the most rigid and resolute struggle against it." N. Nazarbayev

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