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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Introduction to Comparative
Содержание слайда: Introduction to Comparative Politics

№2 слайд
State State Sovereignty
Содержание слайда: State State Sovereignty Regime (democratic/ authoritarian) Government Legitimacy (3 types) Federalism / Unitary states Devolution Strang / Weak/ Failed states Capacity Autonomy Consensus/ Coercion

№3 слайд
Democracy Democracy Direct
Содержание слайда: Democracy Democracy (Direct/ Indirect) Power 3 foundations of democratic society Mercantilism Magna Carta Modernization theory Civil society, Civil liberties, Political Rights Rule of Law (/by law) Delegative Democracy

№4 слайд
Democratic Political
Содержание слайда: Democratic Political Institutions 3 branches (ex/ jud/ leg) Executive: head of state & head of gov Legislature: unicameral & bicameral Judiciary: constitutional court & judicial review (concrete/ abstract) Legislative - executive relations (parliamentary/ presidential/ semi-) Electoral system (PR (MMD) / SMD / Mixed)

№5 слайд
The UK Magna Carta
Содержание слайда: The UK Magna Carta Parliamentary System: Upper (House of Lords - 800 seats) & Lower (House of Commons - 650 seats) every 5 years Political parties: Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrats Electoral system: First Past The Post Hung Parliament - Coalition

№6 слайд
The US Checks and balances
Содержание слайда: The US Checks and balances: President - head of state & head of government Congress: House of Repr (435) & Senate (100) Supreme Court (9) Republicans (Conservative) and Democrats (liberals) Electoral college (270 out of 538) Federalism: separation of powers Bill of rights Electoral system:

№7 слайд
AIDs Robust market economy,
Содержание слайда: AIDs Robust market economy, democratic consolidation & quality of life Modern system of governance Varieties of Capitalism Postmodernism, integration, devolution Secular

№8 слайд
Germany Chancellor - Head of
Содержание слайда: Germany Chancellor - Head of Gov President - Head of state Lower: Bundestag (709) & Upper: Bundesrat (69 - federal council) Mixed electoral system Federal Constitutional Court Party: Christian Democratic Union & Social Democratic Party

№9 слайд
Authoritarian regime Absence
Содержание слайда: Authoritarian regime Absence of 3 pillars Small group of political actors Autocratic institutions Totalitarianism Corporatism / Clientelism

№10 слайд
Russian Federation President
Содержание слайда: Russian Federation President - head of state PM - head of gov, appointed by president State Duma (450), Federation Council (170) Constitutional Court United Russia 85 federal subjects - asymmetrical federalism Putin Power Ukraine crisis

№11 слайд
Political Violence and
Содержание слайда: Political Violence and Terrorism Actors (individuals/groups and organizations/ states) Terrorism (costly signaling) - goals Strategies of terrorism (attrition/ intimidation/ provocation/ spoiling/ outbidding) Guerrilla Warfare Insurgency Failed states

№12 слайд
Protest and Revolution
Содержание слайда: Protest and Revolution Revolutionary factors Collective action problem Explaining success and failure Factors: mass participation, regime defections, flexible tactics

№13 слайд
Iran Iranian Revolution
Содержание слайда: Iran 1979 Iranian Revolution Supreme Leader (Head of state & Head of government) Constitution Guardian Council Revolutionary Guard and Basij Majlis (Legislature) and Sharia Law (Supreme court)

№14 слайд
Soviet Union Color revolution
Содержание слайда: Soviet Union Color revolution Regime Cycle Political machines Challenges (Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Georgia) Political Transition

№15 слайд
Modernization Theory - China
Содержание слайда: Modernization Theory - China Modernization theory Communism Chinese Communist Party Rule General Secretary of the CCP, President of the PRC, Chair of CMC Civil Society

№16 слайд
Developmental State - Japan
Содержание слайда: Developmental State - Japan Developmental State Current Issues (Demographic crisis, Immigration bias, Gender issues) National Diet (SMD/PR) Prime minister (head of government) House of councilors (242), House of Representatives (475) Supreme Court

№17 слайд
Central Asia Readings
Содержание слайда: Central Asia Readings

№18 слайд
Содержание слайда: Globalization

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