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№1 слайд
Nelson Mandela amp South
Содержание слайда: Nelson Mandela & South African Apartheid

№2 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№3 слайд
Growing Up During Apartheid
Содержание слайда: Growing Up During Apartheid Mandela grew up on cattle herding farm until the death of his father. Mandela then lived with a powerful relative, the acting regent of the Thembu people. Years of daily exposure to the inhumanities of apartheid, where being black reduced one to the status of a non-person, kindled in him a kind of absurd courage to change the world.

№4 слайд
His Start
Содержание слайда: His Start

№5 слайд
Passive Resistance to
Содержание слайда: Passive Resistance to Apartheid At first, Mandela opted for nonviolence as a strategy to defeat apartheid. He became involved in programs that fought against the laws that forced blacks to carry passes.

№6 слайд
Persecution Despite the
Содержание слайда: Persecution Despite the peaceful protests, the government decided to charge protestors at one event of “treason,” including Mandela. The trial dragged on for five years, until 1961, ending in the acquittal of all 156 accused. Mandela was a free man, sort of.

№7 слайд
Persecution But by the time
Содержание слайда: Persecution But by the time Mandela was acquitted, South Africa had been convulsed by the massacre of 69 peaceful black demonstrators at Sharpeville in March 1960. They were killed by the South African government who wanted to stop the resistant movement. All of them were innocent, peaceful protestors.

№8 слайд
After the Sharpesville
Содержание слайда: After the Sharpesville Massacre After the massacre, black South Africans were outraged. Many South Africans realized that peaceful protests and civil disobedience would not overturn apartheid. As a result, many turned to violence as a means to end apartheid. What’s your opinion? Do you think that violence is ever okay? Is there ever a time when something is so bad, that violence is necessary? Or is violence never the answer?

№9 слайд
Persecution The government
Содержание слайда: Persecution The government didn’t stop with the Sharpesville Massacre. Most liberation movements, including the A.N.C., were banned. Predict: What do you think Mandela did after the government banned his organization, the A.N.C.?

№10 слайд
Resistance So what did
Содержание слайда: Resistance So what did Mandela do when his organization, the A.N.C. was banned by the government? Well, he traveled to other countries to recruit people to join the A.N.C. (African National Congress) a liberation organization and he continued to organize resistance against Apartheid. Predict: How do you think the government felt about Mandela recruiting people to this “outlawed” organization?

№11 слайд
Jailed at Robben Island When
Содержание слайда: Jailed at Robben Island When Mandela returned to the country, he was arrested again and awaited trial in a prison on Robben Island. Mandela was sure he would be sentenced to death…

№12 слайд
Resistance Mandela was
Содержание слайда: Resistance Mandela was prepared to die for his beliefs: "During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to the struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But, if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.“ – Nelson Mandela What words from Mandela’s statement show that he was prepared to do ANYTHING, even die, for the cause?

№13 слайд
Life in Prison But Mandela
Содержание слайда: Life in Prison But Mandela was not executed. Instead he was convicted of sabotage and sentenced to life in prison. He would serve 27 years in prison before being released. Most of his sentence was served in one tiny cell. The only time Mandela was let out of his cell was to perform backbreaking labor.

№14 слайд
Freedom in Our Lifetime!
Содержание слайда: “Freedom in Our Lifetime!” After more than two decades in prison, Mandela decided on a new approach. He was escorted to the State President's office to start negotiating not only his own release but also the nation's transition from apartheid to democracy. On Feb. 2, 1990, President F.W. de Klerk lifted the ban on the A.N.C. and announced Mandela's imminent release. Mandela was free at last!

№15 слайд
Years in Jail! Could you do
Содержание слайда: 27 Years in Jail! Could you do that?

№16 слайд
Victories! Mandela is
Содержание слайда: Victories! 1990 – Mandela is released from prison 1993 – Mandela earns the Nobel Peace Prize 1993, 1994 – South Africa begins writing a draft for the new constitution 1994 - First multiracial election

№17 слайд
After Apartheid After
Содержание слайда: After Apartheid After Apartheid, Mandela had to calm white fears and unite the people. Why do you think many whites were afraid? The patience, the wisdom, the visionary quality Mandela brought to his struggle, and above all the moral integrity with which he set about to unify a divided people, resulted in the country's first democratic elections… And Mandela was elected President!

№18 слайд
Mandela proves through his
Содержание слайда: “Mandela proves through his own example that faith, hope and charity are qualities attainable by humanity as a whole. Through his willingness to walk the road of sacrifice, he has reaffirmed our common potential to move toward a new age of equality.” - TIME “Mandela proves through his own example that faith, hope and charity are qualities attainable by humanity as a whole. Through his willingness to walk the road of sacrifice, he has reaffirmed our common potential to move toward a new age of equality.” - TIME

№19 слайд
Now Today Nelson Mandela has
Содержание слайда: Now Today Nelson Mandela has retired from political life, but continues to speak out against injustice anywhere in the world! In South Africa, his effect can be felt everywhere… in non-segregated classrooms, in non-discriminating work environments, in equal living conditions, and beyond!

№20 слайд
Mandela s legacy is one of
Содержание слайда: Mandela’s legacy is one of strength and sacrifice! Mandela’s legacy is one of strength and sacrifice! And it will live long into the future!

№21 слайд
The End
Содержание слайда: The End

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