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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№2 слайд
Performance as of drop in
Содержание слайда: Performance as of 2009 7 % drop in revenue and a 46 % drop in Walt Disney’s profitability for the first quarter of 2009 Stock price $17 (average for the 1st quarter or 2009)

№3 слайд
History - the start of the
Содержание слайда: History 1923 - the start of the Disney company first known as The Disney Brothers Studio 1925 - The name of the company was changed to Walt Disney Studio 1928 - Mickey Mouse emerged 1955 - Disney’s most successful series, The Mickey Mouse Club, began 1955 - the new Disneyland Park in California was opened 1971 - the Walt Disney World project in Orlando, Florida 1983 -Tokyo Disneyland opened 1990s - The Little Mermaid, The Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin 1992 - Disneyland Paris opened in France 2005 - Hong Kong Disneyland opens

№4 слайд
Objectives creative
Содержание слайда: Objectives creative achievements investing in the strength of the brands and the quality of the products leveraging technology to provide consumers with entertainment when and where they want it expanding globally to better reach consumers around the world. creating exceptionally high-quality content for families strengthening Studio Entertainment SBU entering video games industry

№5 слайд
Содержание слайда: SBU’s

№6 слайд
Corporate Governance CEO
Содержание слайда: Corporate Governance CEO Robert Iger Bachelor of Science degree in Television & Radio Joined ABC in 1974 President of Disney since 2000 Very experienced in the industry Owns approximately 1 million shares

№7 слайд
External Environment General
Содержание слайда: External Environment General Layer PESTLE

№8 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№9 слайд
External environment Industry
Содержание слайда: External environment Industry Porter’s 5 Forces

№10 слайд
Financial Analysis
Содержание слайда: Financial Analysis

№11 слайд
Financial Analysis Ratio
Содержание слайда: Financial Analysis Ratio analysis

№12 слайд
Financial Analysis by segment
Содержание слайда: Financial Analysis (by segment)

№13 слайд
Financial Analysis by segment
Содержание слайда: Financial Analysis (by segment)

№14 слайд
Financial Analysis Media
Содержание слайда: Financial Analysis Media Networks Segment

№15 слайд
Competitor Analysis By
Содержание слайда: Competitor Analysis By segment The global media industry is a $1 trillion business .

№16 слайд
Number of amusement parks in
Содержание слайда: Number of amusement parks in the US>400 Number of amusement parks in the US>400 $11.5 billion in revenues 500,000 year-round and seasonal employees

№17 слайд
Movies comprise more than
Содержание слайда: Movies comprise more than $150 billion in revenues annually. The most important regions contributing to this industry are the United States (49.8 percent), Europe (33 percent), and Movies comprise more than $150 billion in revenues annually. The most important regions contributing to this industry are the United States (49.8 percent), Europe (33 percent), and Asia and developing countries (14 percent).

№18 слайд
External and Internal
Содержание слайда: External and Internal Environment: SWOT

№19 слайд
BCG matrix
Содержание слайда: BCG matrix

№20 слайд
Recommendations Retrenchment
Содержание слайда: Recommendations Retrenchment strategy towards Studio Entertainment during times of economic difficulties Growth strategy towards Media Networks and Parks and Resort segment More focus on Cable Networking More focus on the Asian market (consider joint ventures with Six Flags, Inc. to outperform Ocean Park) Proceed with diversification strategy and consider entering gaming and social networking industry Creation of luxury product line Proceed with strategic acquisitions Change in Studio Entertainment business model to protect intellectual property: amplify Blockbuster model with Advertising model (show movies free online and collects fees for advertisement on the web-site) Target new segments – elderly people Creation of new characters that meet new social trends (for example, people are not satisfied with the old concept of “a Prince of a White Horse”) Consider entering food market (cornflakes, snacks, crisps, soft drinks). During times of economic difficulties consumers spend money on what they need rather than what they want, and Disney can use its brand name to provide their customers with such products

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