Презентация Terrorism. Types of Terrorism онлайн

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Тероризм Виконала учениця -А
Содержание слайда: Тероризм Виконала учениця 7-А класу Куньо Надія

№2 слайд
Тероризм Тероризм в д лат.
Содержание слайда: Тероризм Тероризм (від лат. terror жах) — суспільно небезпечна діяльність, яка полягає у свідомому, цілеспрямованому застосуванні насильства шляхом захоплення заручників, підпалів, убивств, тортур, залякування населення та органів влади або вчинення інших посягань на життя чи здоров'я ні в чому невинних людей або погрози вчинення злочинних дій з метою досягнення злочинних цілей.

№3 слайд
Terrorism Terrorism is a
Содержание слайда: Terrorism Terrorism is a socially dangerous activity that lies in conscious, purposeful application of violence by hostage-taking, arson, murder, torture, intimidation of the population and authorities or committing other attacks on the lives or health of innocent people or threat to commit criminal acts with the purpose to achieve criminal goals.

№4 слайд
Types of Terrorism
Содержание слайда: Types of Terrorism Classification F. Forsyth define four types of terrorism: 1) the national (regional); 2) one-dimensional (the English animal liberation Front); 3) political; 4) religious

№5 слайд
Содержание слайда: TERRORISM IN UKRAINE In our country the development of terrorism, have contributed to deep socio-economic crisis, the confrontation of political forces, the increasing manifestations of separatism, poverty and lumpenization of a substantial part of the population, processes of social stratification, the development of criminal business and state structures, corruption of the state apparatus, the development of powerful illegal arms market, devaluation of moral and spiritual values. Analysis of the contributions of specialized government agencies indicates that the most common in Ukraine motivation of terrorist acts: a) criminal activity, especially its transnational forms; b) trying to prevent social, political or economic activities; C) create complications or tension in the interstate relations. According to the SBU 1996-1997 year in Ukraine were more than 560 offences of a terrorist nature, resulting in 90 people (including 15 representatives of power structures) was lost. The operational environment is characterized by increasing activity of international terrorist organizations, primarily from countries in the Middle East (“Hezbollah”, “Abu Ngal”, “Hamas”, “Muslim brotherhood”) who seek to use the territory of Ukraine for transit of its fighters in Western Europe, as well as to prepare actions against ambassadors and representatives of foreign States in Ukraine, mainly from the U.S. and Israel.

№6 слайд
Содержание слайда: ВАШІ ДІЇ, ЯКЩО ВИ СТАЛИ ЗАРУЧНИКОМ ТЕРОРИСТА? попри всі страхи необхідно зрозуміти, чого хочуть терористи, визначити для себе, хто з них найнебезпечніший (нервовий, рішучий, агресивний); виконуйте всі вказівки ватажка та не надумайте зухвало дивитися йому у вічі - це завжди сигнал до агресії; не вдавайтесь до дій, що можуть привернути увагу терористів; не реагуйте на провокаційну чи зухвалу поведінку терористів, продовжуйте спокійно сидіти, не задаючи питань; перш ніж пересунутися чи відкрити сумочку, запитуйте дозволу; віддайте особисті речі, яких вимагають терористи; сховайте, по можливості, документи та матеріали, що можуть вас скомпрометувати; не впадайте в паніку, краще подумайте, як знайти вихід з цього становища; не апелюйте до совісті терористів. Це майже завжди марно.

№7 слайд
Содержание слайда: YOUR ACTIONS, IF YOU BECOME A HOSTAGE OF THE TERRORIST? despite all the fears you need to understand what the terrorists want, to determine who are the most threat (nervous, strong, aggressive); follow all instructions of the leader and don't blatantly look him in the eye - it is always a signal of aggression; do not resort to actions that can attract the attention of terrorists.do not react to provocative or provocative behavior of the terrorists, continue to sit quietly, without asking questions; before you move or open your purse, ask permission; give personal belongings, which require terrorists; hide the documents and materials that you may be compromised; do not panic, it is better to think how to find a way out of this situation; do not appeal to the conscience of the terrorists. It is almost always useless

№8 слайд
Содержание слайда: IF YOU BECOME A HOSTAGE: RULES OF CONDUCT In case you capture the terrorists as a hostage: possible as quickly as possible, keep yourself in hand; follow all instructions of terrorists; do not react to provocative or provocative behavior of bandits, continue to sit quietly, without questions; do not provoke their actions of terrorists in violent actions (to avoid sudden movements, noise, etc.); do not draw attention to himself with statements about political or religious events; be prepared for terrorist use ofget ready for the "Spartan" living conditions: poor food and unacceptable living conditions;give personal belongings, which require terrorists;do not react to provocative actions of terrorists, don't look them in the eye;to maintain strength, eat everything you are given, do available exercise;if you get hurt try not to move, so you will reduce blood loss;assist and psychological support to children, the elderly, the injured and the wounded;ask permission for any action (sit down, stand up, drink, go to the toilet);possible follow the requirements of personal hygiene;do not let loose your mind;if you were given the opportunity to talk to relatives on the phone, keep yourself in hand, do not cry, do not shout, speak briefly and to the point;if you are forced to leave the premises, not pracitise;during the assault by special forces law enforcement facilities which contain, immediately lie on the floor face down or take cover behind the seat, as far away from Windows and doors. In any case, do not run toward law enforcement officers or from them, because they can take you for a criminal; it may happen that the demands of a terrorist and a government official or policeman will be diametrically opposite – do as required by the bandit. blindfolds, gags, handcuffs or ropes;

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