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№1 слайд
KGMU The chair of foreign
Содержание слайда: KGMU The chair of foreign languages Pathology of the form and structure of the teeth Made by: Koshakaeva Dinara 2-006 STOM Checked by : Dashkina T.G.

№2 слайд
Both systemic and local
Содержание слайда: Both systemic and local conditions may affect the form and structure of the developing teeth. In some instances only the gross appearance of the tooth is affected, the structure remaining normal; in others the structure itself is changed, or both form and structure may be involved. Both systemic and local conditions may affect the form and structure of the developing teeth. In some instances only the gross appearance of the tooth is affected, the structure remaining normal; in others the structure itself is changed, or both form and structure may be involved.

№3 слайд
Abnormalities of anatomical
Содержание слайда: Abnormalities of anatomical form and histological structure include multiple teeth, hyperplasia or overdevelopment, and hypoplasia or underdevelopment of the entire tooth, and hypoplasia of part of the tooth, the crown or root. Dysplasia of the dental structures includes color changes, hypoplastic defects, and syphilitic stigmas, which result from traumatic injury or infection of the developing teeth. The deciduous teeth which develop in utero are not as frequently affected as are the permanent ones. However, hereditary defects, congenitally transmitted diseases, malnutrition, and diseases affecting the mother during gestation may have their effects on the deciduous teeth. Abnormalities of anatomical form and histological structure include multiple teeth, hyperplasia or overdevelopment, and hypoplasia or underdevelopment of the entire tooth, and hypoplasia of part of the tooth, the crown or root. Dysplasia of the dental structures includes color changes, hypoplastic defects, and syphilitic stigmas, which result from traumatic injury or infection of the developing teeth. The deciduous teeth which develop in utero are not as frequently affected as are the permanent ones. However, hereditary defects, congenitally transmitted diseases, malnutrition, and diseases affecting the mother during gestation may have their effects on the deciduous teeth.

№4 слайд
Multiple teeth. Multiple
Содержание слайда: Multiple teeth. Multiple teeth form in a variety of ways. We may distinguish gemination, fusion, concrescence, and dens in dente. Gemination produces two teeth from one enamel organ; fusion implies that two teeth forming from separate enamel organs have been made into one; while in concrescence separately formed teeth are united later by abnormal development of cementum. Dens in dente are teeth that form within teeth. Multiple teeth. Multiple teeth form in a variety of ways. We may distinguish gemination, fusion, concrescence, and dens in dente. Gemination produces two teeth from one enamel organ; fusion implies that two teeth forming from separate enamel organs have been made into one; while in concrescence separately formed teeth are united later by abnormal development of cementum. Dens in dente are teeth that form within teeth.

№5 слайд
Hyperplasia of the teeth.
Содержание слайда: Hyperplasia of the teeth. Overdevelopment, or gigantism, of the teeth is called “megadontism”. It affects all the teeth in the arch equally and is usually proportional to the development of the skeleton. However, in the case of very large teeth in a small person we have what is spoken of as disproportional dental gigantism or megadontism. A third type of hyperplasia is that which affects only individual teeth, leaving the rest of normal size. Hyperplasia of the teeth. Overdevelopment, or gigantism, of the teeth is called “megadontism”. It affects all the teeth in the arch equally and is usually proportional to the development of the skeleton. However, in the case of very large teeth in a small person we have what is spoken of as disproportional dental gigantism or megadontism. A third type of hyperplasia is that which affects only individual teeth, leaving the rest of normal size.

№6 слайд
Hypoplasia of the teeth.
Содержание слайда: Hypoplasia of the teeth. Hypoplasia is the reverse of hyperplasia and results in small dwarfed teeth. When the entire dentition is affected, we speak of microdontism. Aplasia of the crown of a tooth is due largely to hypoplasia of the enamel. Hypoplasia or underformation of the dentine may occur in spite of perfectly formed enamel and crowns of normal dimensions. Hypoplasia of the teeth. Hypoplasia is the reverse of hyperplasia and results in small dwarfed teeth. When the entire dentition is affected, we speak of microdontism. Aplasia of the crown of a tooth is due largely to hypoplasia of the enamel. Hypoplasia or underformation of the dentine may occur in spite of perfectly formed enamel and crowns of normal dimensions.

№7 слайд
Direct speech Direct speech -
Содержание слайда: Direct speech Direct speech - a speech of any person transferred without changes directly as it was uttered. The letter is in direct speech quotes that in English are placed at the top of the line. The first word of a direct speech begins with a capital (big) letters. Point or any other punctuation mark is placed inside quotation marks for direct speech the end (in the Russian language, period or comma placed after the quotes). The words of the author, introducing direct speech may precede or follow it. In both cases, they are separated from it by a comma. In contrast to Russian, where words after introducing direct speech, followed by a colon, and if it is straight in front of the words of the author, then after it is put a comma and hyphen. Note: If the direct speech is a long text, in English, after introductory words, as well as in Russian, a colon. Direct speech can be: declarative, interrogative and imperative sentences. Reported speech conveys the words of the speaker are not word for word, but only in content, in the form of additional subordinate clause.

№8 слайд
To convert direct speech into
Содержание слайда: To convert direct speech into indirect speech, in English use the words: say, tell, ask.   Say - used both in direct and indirect speech in English, if, after the word is not the person to whom the statement is directed: Direct speech: "I can not arrive to Kiev", she said - «I can not come to Kiev," she said Reported speech: She said she could not arrive to Kiev - she said she would not be able to come to Kiev

№9 слайд
Tell- use indirect speech in
Содержание слайда: Tell- use indirect speech in the English language when it is after the person to whom we address: Tell- use indirect speech in the English language when it is after the person to whom we address: Direct speech: "I like reading books in English", he said to me - «I like to read books in English," he said to me, Reported speech: He told me he liked reading books in English - he told me that he likes to read books in English Ask - is used as an indirect, as well as in direct speech in the English language (in interrogative sentences): He asked: "? Are you Ok" - He asked, "Are you all right?" He asked me if I was OK - he asked if everything was in my order

№10 слайд
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